Sly Dog

Turn 2, Cure through Health

Turn 2, Funeral Commission through Parade due 6/23, Tuesday

Cure Phase

Anatol Mischif goes to the Sanatorium. Aparatchik ages to 82, Nicotin to 60, Strychnin to 59, and Schukrutoff to 77.

Purge Phase

Nicotin attempts to purge Bungaloff (dr = 4, fails). Ages to 63.

Spy Investigation Phase


Health Phase

Nestor Aparatschik (dr = 12) gets sick.

Juri Nicotin (dr = 9) remains sick.

Mikail Strychnin (dr = 5) dies.

Igor Doberman (dr = 8) gets sick.

Leonid Bungaloff (dr = 9) remains healthy.

Antonj Talksalott (dr = 13) remains healthy.

Anatol Mischif (dr = 13) recovers.

Lech Schukrutoff (dr = 2) dies.






Party Chief

Nestor Aparatschik (A)

82, +

 FIST (6)

KGB Head

Juri Nicotin (R)

63, +

 GEGS (1)

Foreign Minister

Defense Minister

Igor Doberman (L)

65, +

 FIST (10+)

Ideology Minister

Leonid Bungaloff (W)


 BOINK (10)

Industry Minister

Antonj Talksalott (J)



Economy Minister

Anatol Mischif (I)


 UF (1)

Sport Minister


Politicians listed in bold are in the sanatorium. Influence in bold indicates controlling faction.

Candidates: G, H, K, O, U
People: C, D, E, F, M, N, P, Q, S, V, X, Y, Z
Siberia: None (yet)
Kremlin Wall: T, B


Bob Robles

Bolsheviks Organized IN Kremlin (BOINK)

Chris Geggus

Georgian Extremism Goads Soviets (GEGS)

Howard Bishop

Unnamed Faction (UF)

Bill Scharf

Freedom Idealism Strength Teamwork (FIST)

FIST has one wave.

Sly Dog, Issue 203
Shaggy Dog S.O.B. 204 Home Boxer
Sly Dog, Issue 205