Sled Dog

Turn 2, Cure through Health

Turn 2, Funeral Commission through Parade due 6/10, Tuesday

Cure Phase

100% Stalinists declare 1IP on Igor Doberman. BAMBI declares 2 IP on Igor Doberman and sends him to the Sanatorium. Iwan Manjak ages to 63, Atonj Talksalott ages to 72, and Oleg Satin ages to 63.

Purge Phase

SPY and TI get into a bidding war over Mikail Strychnin, with each declaring 5 more IP on him. Mikail then goes on to purge V (dr = 8), U (dr = 16), Q (dr = 14), F (dr = 9), and B (dr = 1). Ages to 64.

Spy Investigation Phase

BAMBI declares 2 IP on Boris Badenuff. TI declares 2 more IP on Boris. Boris condemns B and ages to 55.

Health Phase

Iwan Manjak (dr = 11) remains healthy

Mikail Strychnin (dr = 18) remains healthy

Antonj Talksalott (dr = 15) remains healthy

Boris Badenuff (dr = 18) remains healthy

Igor Doberman (dr = 8) remains ill.

Alexi Goferbrok (dr = 8) gets sick.

Oleg Satin (dr = 17) remains healthy

Leonid Bungaloff (dr = 11) remains healthy.






Party Chief Iwan Manjak (P) 63  1 (TI)
KGB Head Mikail Strychnin (T) 64  2 (TCC), 9 (SPY), 10 (TI)
Foreign Minister Antonj Talksalott (J) 72, ?  1 (TCC)
Defense Minister Boris Badenuff (X) 55  3 (TI), 2 (BAMBI)
Ideology Minister Igor Doberman (L) 65, ++  
Industry Minister Alexi Goferbrok (C) 74, +  
Economy Minister Oleg Satin (O) 63, ?  1 (TCC), 2 (SPY)
Sport Minister Leonid Bungaloff (W) 54, strong  

Politicians listed in bold are in the sanatorium. Influence in bold indicates controlling faction.

People: D, E, G, H, I, K, M, N, R, S, X, Z
Siberia: B, F, Q, U, V
Kremlin Wall: A


Chris Geggus

Soviet Precocious Youths

Bill Scharf

Tryotskyite Internationalists

Dennis Cain

Russian Olympic Drinking Team
Bob Robles Byelorussians Against Much Byzantine Interference (BAMBI)

Mike Scott

The California Connection

Michael Longdin


Sled Dog, Issue 126
Dog Chow S.O.B. 127 Home Sirius
Sled Dog, Issue 128