Shaggy Dog

Epoch VI Empire Selection and Ming Dynasty

Epoch VI Timurid Emirates, Incas & Aztecs, Ottoman Turks due 4/19, Tuesday

Epoch VI Empire Selection

The Human Race (Scharf) keeps

The Gardeners (Hunt) passes to Great Giant

FAC-51 (Bishop) keeps

Stooges for All Time (Anderson) keeps

Royal Manticoran Historical Society (Wilson) gives to GEGS

Great Giant (Burgdorf) gives to Royal Manticoran Historical Society

GEGS (Geggus) gives to The Gardeners

Epoch VI

FAC-51 (Bishop) plays Disaster (Ships at Sea) in the Sea of Japan (RMHS ship eliminated). MING DYNASTY: Army and Capital Chekiang (Mongol army retreats to Great Plain of China), fleet Sea of Japan, army Honshu, Wei River (vs. Mongols; Mi: 4, 1; Mo: 3; wins), Tarim Basin (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 3, 2; S: 6; loses), Tarim Basin (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 6, 4; S: 2; wins), Turanian Plain (vs. Seljuk Turks; 5, 1; S: 1; wins), Yangtse Kian (vs. Mongols; Mi: 5, 2; Mo: 5; Mi: 6, 4; Mo: 2; wins), Si-Kyang (vs. Cholas; M: 4, 1; C: 4; M: 6, 3; C: 4; wins). Builds Monument Si-Kyang. Points: Dominance in China (6), Southern Europe (4), Presence in Middle East (2), India (3), Northern Europe (2), Eurasia (1), Nippon (1), 1 Capital (2), 4 cities (4), 1 Sea (1), and 8 Monuments (8) for 34 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Bill Scharf The Human Race (blue) 37 91
Christopher Hunt The Gardeners (green) 43 89
Dave Anderson Stooges for All Time (orange) 47 87
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 50 80
Martin Burgdorf Great Giant (red) 53 104
Chris Geggus Galactic Expeditionary Guard Ship (yellow) 55 121
Howard Bishop FAC-51 (black) 56 120


SfAT: Fleet Western Mediterranean. NORTH AMERICAN MIGRANTS: Armies Great Lakes, West Indies. CARTHAGINIA: Army, Capital, Fortress Shatts Plateau. GOTHS: Army and Monument Albion, two armies Western Gaul, army Caucuses. FUJIWARA: Army and Capital Hokkaido. FRANKS: Army Lower Rhein.

GEGS: Fleet Red Sea. EGYPT: Armies Nubia, Libya. NILE KINGDOM: Army, city, and fort Upper Nile. ROMANS: Army and city Pindus, Crete, army Morea. KHMERS: Army Irrawaddy. SELJUK TURKS: Army, city, and Monument Central Europe, army and Monument Levant, Upper Tigris, Zagros, armies Western Steppe, Dnieper, Hindu Kush, Persian Plateau.

FAC-51: Fleet Sea of Japan. SASSANIDS: Army and city Lower Tigris. HUNS: Army Lower Indus. SCOTS: Army, city, and fort Highlands. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE: Army, city, and Monument Southern Appenines, army and city Northern Gaul, armies Dalmatia, Northern Appenines, Central Massif. MING DYNASTY: Army, Capital, and Monument Chekiang, army and Monument Great Plain of China, Yangtse Kian, Si-Kyang, Wei River, Tarim Basin, Turanian Plain, army Honshu.

Great Giant: Fleet North Sea. PERSIA: Three armies Western Anatolia. ARABS: Army, Capital, and Monument Arabian Peninsula, army Palestine. VIKINGS: Armies Scandinavia, Baltic Seaboard, North European Plain, Eastern Steppe.

The Gardeners: Fleets Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean. VEDIC CITY STATES: Three armies and a Fortress Ceylon. MAYANS: Army, Fort, and Capital Central America, army Guiana Highlands. HAN DYNASTY: Army East Indies. GOLD COAST KINGDOM: Army, city, and Fort Gold Coast. BYZANTINES: Army, Fort, and Capital Balkans, two armies Danubia, army Eastern Anatolia. SUNG DYNASTY: Three armies, Capital, and Fortress Szechuan.

The Human Race: Two fleets Bay of Bengal. SUB-SAHARAN MIGRANTS: Armies Central Africa, East Africa. MAURYA: Army and Fort Sumatra. GUPTAS: Armies Persian Salt Desert, Western Deccan, Western Ghats.

RMHS: Fleet South China Sea. CHOU DYNASTY: Army and city Yellow River. CELTS: Armies Pyrenees, Southern Iberia, Western Iberia. MONGOLS: Army and Monument Malayan Peninsula, Ganges Delta, Upper Indus, armies Mongolia, Manchurian Plain, Ganges Valley, Eastern Deccan, Eastern Ghats, Mekong.

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