
Turn 6 to End of Game Statements

Turn 6

Governor Christopher selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Library (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 3 doubloon discount from Quarries, 4 doubloons spent).  Kevin builds a Small Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount for Quarry, 1 doubloon spent).  Chris builds a Tobacco Storage (5 doubloons spent).  Dave passes.  Andy builds a Coffee Roaster (6 doubloons spent).
Kevin selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places colonists on the Small Market and sugar plantation.  Chris places a colonist on the corn plantation.  Dave places a colonist on the Office.  Andy places a colonist on the Small Indigo Plant and moves a colonist from the Aqueduct to the Coffee Roaster.  Christopher places a colonist on the Library.  10 colonists are placed on the colonist ship.
Chris selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.
Dave selects the Settler and takes a Quarry.  Andy takes a coffee plantation.  Christopher takes a tobacco plantation, with a colonist from the Hospice.  Kevin takes a sugar plantation.  Chris takes a tobacco plantation.  New plantations are: corn, sugar, sugar, coffee, coffee, coffee.
Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 1 doubloon.

Turn 7

Governor Kevin selects the Mayor and places colonists on the Small Sugar Mill, sugar plantation, and indigo plantation.  Chris places colonists on the Tobacco Storage and a tobacco plantation.  Dave places colonists on the Quarry and Sugar Mill and moves a colonist from a corn plantation to a sugar plantation.  Andy places colonists on the Coffee Roaster and a coffee plantation.  Christopher places 2 colonists in San Juan.  Six colonists are placed on the colonist ship.
Chris selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP.  No other shipping is possible.
Dave selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and crafts 1 corn and 3 sugar.  Andy crafts 1 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 coffee.  Christopher crafts 1 indigo and 1 sugar.  Kevin crafts 2 indigo and 1 sugar.  Chris crafts 2 corn, 1 tobacco, and 1 coffee.  Dave crafts a bonus corn.
Andy selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base, +1 for Trader).  Christopher trades indigo for 1 doubloon.  Kevin trades sugar for 3 doubloons (2 base, +1 for Small Market).  Chris trades tobacco for 3 doubloons.
Christopher selects the Builder and builds a Church (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 1 doubloon discount for Library, 2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 1 doubloon spent).  Kevin builds a Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount for Quarry, 3 doubloons spent).  Chris builds a Wharf (7 doubloons, 1 corn, and 1VP spent using the Black Market).  Dave builds a Forest House (1 doubloon discount from Quarry, 1 doubloon spent).  Andy builds a Factory (7 doubloons spent).

Turn 8

Governor Chris selects the Trader and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader).  Dave trades sugar for 2 doubloons.  Andy trades indigo for 1 doubloon.
Dave selects the Captain and ships 2 sugar on Ship 2 for 3VP.  Andy ships 1 sugar on Ship 2 for 1 VP (Ship 2 sails).  Christopher ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Kevin ships 2 indigo on Ship 1 for 2VP.  Chris ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Dave ships 2 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP.  Andy ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP.
Andy selects the Mayor and places colonists on the Aqueduct, Factory, and indigo plantation.  Christopher places a colonist on the Church.  Kevin places a colonist on the Sugar Mill.  Chris places a colonist on the Wharf.  Dave places a colonist on the Forest House.  Seven colonists placed on the colonist ship.
Christopher selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon, and takes a Quarry with a colonist from the Hospice.  Kevin takes a sugar plantation.  Chris takes a corn plantation.  Dave takes a forest, eliminating a coffee plantation.  Andy takes a sugar plantation.  The Library allows Christopher to take a coffee plantation.  New plantations:  corn, corn, corn, indigo, sugar, tobacco.
Kevin selects a Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Turn 9

Governor Dave selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Hacienda (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 1 doubloon discount for a Quarry, 0 doubloons spent).  Andy passes. Christopher builds a Coffee Roaster (3 doubloon discount for Quarries, 3 doubloons spent).  Kevin builds a Trading Post (1 doubloon discount from Quarry, 4 doubloons spent).  Chris builds a Small Sugar Mill (2 doubloons spent).
Andy selects the Mayor and places a colonist on a sugar plantation and 2 colonists in San Juan.  Christopher places a colonist on the coffee plantation, a colonist on the Coffee Roaster and moves a colonist from San Juan to the Coffee Roaster.  Kevin places a colonist on the Trading Post.  Chris places a colonist on a corn plantation.  Dave places a colonist on the Hacienda.  Eight colonists are placed on the colonist ship.
Christopher selects the Prospector, gaining 3 doubloons, plus 1 more from the Library.
Kevin selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 indigo and 2 sugar.  Chris produces 3 corn, 1 tobacco, and 1 coffee.  Dave produces 1 corn and 3 sugar.  Andy produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 coffee, and gains 3 doubloons from the Factory.  Christopher produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 coffee.  Kevin produces a bonus sugar.
Chris selects the Trader and trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Trader).  Kevin trades sugar via the Trading Post for 2 doubloons.

Turn 10

Governor Andy selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 3 coffee on Ship 3 for 4VP.  Christopher ships 1 indigo on Ship 1 for 1VP (Ship 1 sails).  Kevin ships 2 sugar on Ship 2 for 2VP.  Chris ships 1 coffee on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Dave ships 3 sugar on Ship 2 for 3VP.  Andy ships 1 sugar on Ship 2 for 1VP.  Christopher ships 1 coffee on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Chris ships 3 corn via the Wharf for 3VP.  Andy discards 1 corn.
Christopher selects Builder and builds a Lighthouse (1 doubloon discount from the Builder, 1 doubloon discount from the Library, 3 doubloon discount from Quarries, 2 doubloons spent.) and gains 1VP from the Church.  Kevin builds a Storehouse (1 doubloon discount from a Quarry, 2 doubloons spent).  Chris builds an Indigo Plant (3 doubloons spent).  Dave builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon discount for Quarry, 0 doubloons spent).  Andy builds a Large Market (5 doubloons spent).
Kevin selects the Mayor and places colonists on the sugar plantation, Sugar Mill, and Storehouse.  Chris places colonists on the tobacco plantation and Tobacco Storage.  Dave places colonists on the Small Indigo Plant and the corn plantation.  Andy places a colonist on the Large Market.  Christopher places a colonist on the Lighthouse.  Nine colonists are placed on the colonist ship.
Chris selects the craftsman, and produces 3 corn, 2 tobacco, and 1 coffee.  Dave produces 2 corn and 3 sugar.  Andy produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 coffee, and gains 3 doubloons from the Factory.  Christopher produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 coffee.  Kevin produces 2 indigo and 1 sugar.  Chris produces a bonus corn.
Dave selects the Prospector and gains 2 doubloons.

Turn 11

Governor Christopher selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades Coffee for 6 doubloons (4 doubloons +1 for Trader, +1 for Library).  Kevin trades sugar for 3 doubloons (2 base +1 for Small market).  Chris trades tobacco for 3 doubloons.  Dave uses the Office to trade sugar for 2 doubloons.
Kevin selects the Settler, gains 2 doubloons, and takes a Quarry.  Chris takes a corn plantation.  Dave takes a forest, eliminating a tobacco plantation.  Andy takes a corn plantation.  Christopher takes a corn plantation with a colonist from the Hospice.  New plantations:  indigo, indigo, sugar, tobacco, tobacco, tobacco.
Chris selects the Captain and ships 1 tobacco on Ship 1 for 2VP.  Dave ships 1 sugar on Ship 2 for 1VP (Ship 2 sails).  Andy ships 2 coffee on Ship 3 for 2VP.  Christopher and Kevin can't ship.  Chris ships 1 coffee on Ship 3 for 1VP (Ship 3 sails).  Chris ships 4 corn via the Wharf for 4VP.  Dave discards 3 corn.  Andy discards 1 corn and 1 indigo.  Christopher discards 2 corn.
Dave selects the Builder and builds a Residence (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 1 doubloon discount for a Quarry, 1 doubloon discount for forests, 7 doubloons spent).  Andy builds an Indigo Plant (3 doubloons spent).  Christopher builds a Fortress (4 doubloon discount for Quarries, 6 doubloons spent).  Kevin passes.  Chris passes.
Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Turn 12

Governor Kevin selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places colonists on the Indigo Plant, Sugar Mill, and Quarry.  Chris places colonists on a corn plantation and the Small Indigo Plant.  Dave places colonists on the Residence and San Juan.  Andy places colonists on a corn plantation and the Indigo Plant, and moves 2 colonists from San Juan to the Indigo Plant.  Christopher places a colonist on the Fortress.  Six colonists are placed on the colonist ship.
Chris selects the Builder and builds a Guild Hall (1 doubloon discount from the Builder, 2 doubloons by discarding 1 colonist and 1VP via the Black Market, 7 doubloons spent).  Dave builds a Small Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount for a Quarry, 1 doubloon discount for forests, 0 doubloons spent).  Andy passes.  Christopher builds a Guesthouse (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 2 doubloons spent).  Kevin builds a Specialty Factory (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 6 doubloons spent).
Dave selects the Settler, gains an indigo plantation from the Hacienda, then removes a sugar plantation to gain a forest.  Andy takes an indigo plantation.  Christopher takes a tobacco plantation along with a colonist from the Hospice.  Kevin takes a tobacco plantation.  Chris takes an indigo plantation.  New plantations:  indigo, indigo, sugar, sugar, tobacco, coffee.
Andy selects the Trader and trades sugar for 5 doubloons (2 base +1 for Trader +2 for Large Market).  Christopher trades indigo for 1 doubloon.  Kevin uses the Trading Post to trade indigo for 1 doubloon.  Dave uses the Office to trade sugar for 2 doubloons.
Christopher selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons, plus 1 more from the Library.

Turn 13

Governor Chris selects the Craftsman, gains 2 doubloons, and produces 4 corn, 2 tobacco, and 1 coffee.  Dave produces 2 corn and 3 sugar.  Andy produces 2 corn, 3 indigo (1 extra from the Aqueduct), 1 sugar, and 2 coffee and gains 3 doubloons from the Factory.  Christopher produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 coffee.  Kevin produces 3 indigo and 3 sugar.  Chris produces a bonus tobacco.
Dave selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 3 sugar on Ship 2 for 4VP.  Andy ships 3 indigo on Ship 3 for 3VP.  Christopher ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Kevin ships 4 indigo on Ship 3 for 4VP (Ship 3 sails).  Chris ships 3 tobacco on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Andy ships 1 sugar on Ship 2 for 1VP.  Kevin ships 3 sugar on Ship 2 for 3VP (Ship 2 sails).  Chris ships 4 corn via the Wharf for 4VP.  Dave discards 1 corn.  Andy discards 2 corn and 1 coffee.  Christopher discards 2 corn.
Andy selects the Trader and trades coffee for 7 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader +2 for Large Market).  Kevin uses the Trading Post to trade indigo for 1 doubloon.
Christopher selects the Mayor and places 2 colonists on the Guesthouse and 2 in San Juan.  Kevin places a colonist on the tobacco plantation.  Chris places a colonist on the Guild Hall.  Dave places a colonist on the indigo plantation.  Andy places a colonist on the indigo plantation.  Four colonists are placed on the colonist ship.  Since the colonist pool is now exhausted, this will be the last turn.
Kevin selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

The Players

Player Name




San Juan


Stored Production


Christopher Hunt

Indigo, Corn, Quarry, Quarry, Quarry, Tobacco, Quarry, Coffee, Corn, Tobacco

Hospice, Small Indigo Plant, Library, Church, Coffee Roaster (x2), Lighthouse, Fortress, Guesthouse (x2)

1 coffee
Kevin Wilson

Indigo, Quarry, Indigo, Indigo, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Quarry, Tobacco

Small Market, Indigo Plant (x3), Small Warehouse, Small Sugar Mill, Sugar Mill (x3), Trading Post, Storehouse, Specialty Factory

1 indigo
Chris Geggus

Indigo, Coffee, Tobacco, Corn, Corn, Tobacco, Corn, Corn, Indigo

Black Market, Coffee Roaster (x1), Small Indigo Plant, Tobacco Storage (x2), Wharf, Small Sugar Mill, Indigo Plant, Guild Hall

1 coffee
Dave Hooton

Corn, Sugar, SugarCorn, Sugar, Quarry, Forest, Forest, Indigo, Forest

Sugar Mill (x3), Office, Forest House, Hacienda, Small Indigo Plant, Residence, Small Sugar Mill

1 corn
Andy York
Corn, Coffee, Sugar, Indigo, Indigo, Coffee, Sugar, Corn, Indigo
Aqueduct, Small Sugar Mill, Small Indigo Plant, Coffee Roaster (x2), Factory, Large Market, Indigo Plant (x3)



Player in bold is the Governor. Plantations and buildings in bold are manned. Buildings that can be manned by more than one colonist will have the number manning them in parentheses after the building name.

Available Items

Colonists: Supply: 0 Colonist Ship: 4

Trading House:  Empty

Cargo Ships: Ship 1 (capacity 6): 4 tobacco        Ship 2 (capacity 7): Empty         Ship 3 (capacity 8): Empty

Victory Points: 50


Corn: 9

Indigo: 10

Sugar: 11

Tobacco: 5

Coffee: 6


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Tobacco Storage (x2, 5d, 3vp)

Sugar Mill (4d, 2vp)

Customs House (10d, 4vp)

University (8d, 3vp)

City Hall (10d, 4vp)

Cloister (10d, 4vp)

Construction Hut (2d, 1vp)

Harbour (8d, 3vp)

Statue (10d, 8vp)

Large Warehouse (6d, 2vp)
Union Hall (9d, 3vp)

Small Wharf (6d, 2vp)


Builder, Captain, Craftsman, Mayor, Prospector, Settler, Trader, Prospector


Forest (x), Quarry, Indigo, Indigo, Sugar, Sugar, Tobacco, Coffee
Discard Pile: Tobacco

Victory Points






VP Chips
























Congratulations to Chris on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Chris Geggus: Thanks guys, enjoyed it as ever. And a big thanks to Chris H. for doing such a thankless task just to keep a few old men happy for a few weeks. We'll all have a lot more time now unfortunately!

Had to work at this and I thought it had got away from me at one time. However a very timely shipping option clawed me back into the game. I've always enjoyed PR as it seems to suit my style of play (noisy, whiney, aggressive etc.) and I enjoy the opportunity when playing by mail/email of actually being able to sit back and look properly at the board - no rushing to take a move to keep the game flowing. I only like a couple of the extra buildings, but still fun to try them out. A definite variety in the strengths of some of those buildings. I'll let you guys decide which ones and how.

Kevin - you should have shipped last turn. You would get 2 VPs with 1 only to Christopher and myself. Still last, but closer.

And everone - be careful and look after yourselves!

And just to prove that I don't spend enough time looking at the game position, Kevin couldn't Captain. Sorry Kev. What do I know? I'll shut up and go polish my trophy.

Dave Hooton: Congratulations on your well-deserved win, Chris. You didn't even have to roll dice to do so ::-)

Christopher Hunt: Congratulations to Chris, well played. Many thanks to Chris H for running the game. I love the Librariy but still not able to get to win.

Kevin Wilson: Wouldn’t have mattered, I failed to realize we were about finished. I kept thinking one more turn so needed some income. I must pay more attention to the game end conditions.

Congrats to Chris on another(?) nice win, well played.

Thanks again to Chris for running the game. The same to the rest of you for playing and putting up with me still learning the game. I learn a bit each time we play so lets keep my education going and sign me up for the next.

Andy York: I expected another turn as I wasn't paying that much attention to the end-game conditions (so what's new, I like playing not ending the games!). Was planning on buying a "10" building as next major action, I don't recall ever buying one before. So, still trying to learn the game and a path of playing that'll lead to a win. Congrats to Chris G for a solid win and thanks to the GM as always for providing a wonderful environment in which to play (and which is sorely needed at this time!)

Saluki, Issue 250


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