
The Players




Kevin Wilson
Alexandria A
Chris Geggus
Petra B
Bill Scharf
Rhodes A 5
Martin Burgdorf
Giza A
Dave Hooton
Rome A 3
Christopher Hunt
Olympia A 14

Clockwise passing will go down this list, while counterlockwise passing will go up.

Age I

Phase 1

Alexandria plays and East Trading Post.

Petra spends 1 gold for a Forest Cave.

Rhodes plays a Tavern, gaining 5 gold.

Giza spends 1 stone to play Baths.

Rome spends 1 gold to play a Clay Pit.

Olympia discards a card for 3 gold.

Phase 2

Alexandria plays a Gambling Den, gaining 6 gold. Petra and Olympia each gain 1 gold.

Petra plays a Tavern, gaining 5 gold plus one more for Berenice.

Rhodes plays a Theater.

Giza spends 1 gold to play a Mine.

Rome plays a Loom

Olympia spends 1 gold for a Timber Yard.

Phase 3

Alexandria plays an Ore Vein.

Petra plays a West Trading Post.

Rhodes plays a Clay Pool

Giza plays a Pawnshop.

Rome plays an Apothacary.

Olympia plays a Stone Pit.

Phase 4

Alexandria plays a Guard Tower.

Petra plays a Marketplace.

Rhodes plays a Glassworks.

Giza spends 2 gold to play a Secret Warehouse.

Rome plays a Scriptorum.

Olympia plays an Ore Vein.

Phase 5

Alexandria plays an Altar.

Petra pays 2 gold to Rhodes for 1 brick and 1 ore, then spends 2 brick and 2 ore to build the first stage of his wonder. All other players lose 2 gold.

Rhodes plays a Lumberyard.

Giza spends 2 stone to build the first stage of his wonder.

Rome plays a Press.

Olympia spends 2 lumber to build the first stage of his wonder.

Phase 6

Alexandria spends 1 gold for an Excavation.

Petra spends 1 brick for a Residence, gaining a Diplomacy token.

Rhodes plays a Lumberyard.

Giza spends 1 ore to build a Barracks.

Rome plays a Stone Pit.

Olympia spends 2 stone to build the second stage of his wonder.

Phase 7

Alexandria pays 1 gold to Olympia for 1 stone and uses 2 stone to build the first stage of his wonder.

Petra plays Glassworks.

Rhodes spends 1 gold to play a Tree Farm.

Giza plays a Theater.

Rome discards a card to gain 3 gold.

Olympia uses his wonder power to play an Apothecary.


Petra has the Diplomacy marker and does not participate in conflicts.

Alexandria has 1 shield, versus 2 for Olympia and 0 for Rhodes, winning versus Rhodes and losing versus Olympia.

Rhodes has 0 shields, versus 1 for Alexandria and 1 for Giza, losing both conflicts.

Giza has 1 shield, versus 0 for Rhodes and 0 for Rome, winning both conflicts.

Rome has 0 shields, versus 1 for Giza and 2 for Olympia, losing both conflicts.

Olympia has 2 shields, versus 1 for Alexandria and 0 for Rome, winning both conflicts.

Age II

Recruitment Phase

Alexandria spends 3 gold to play Imhotep.

Petra spends 3 gold to play Caligula.

Rhodes spends 3 gold to play Justinian.

Giza spends 1 gold for Nero.

Rome plays Praxiteles.

Olympia discards a leader for 3 gold.

Phase 1

Alexandria spends 1 brick and 1 ore for Stables.

Petra plays a Vineyard, gaining 7 gold, plus 1 more gold from Berenice.

Rhodes plays a Statue, which is free because of the Theater.

Giza spends 1 gold for a Gambling House, gaining 9 gold. Rhodes and Rome each gain 2 gold.

Rome plays Stables, which is free because of the Apothecary.

Olympia spends 2 wood to play a Caravansery.

Phase 2

Alexandria pays Olympia 2 gold for 2 wood and spends 2 wood for a Caravansery.

Petra plays the Tabularium, which is free because of Caligula.

Rhodes spends 2 wood and 1 ore for an Archery Range.

Giza pays 2 gold to Rhodes for 1 wood, uses the Secret Warehouse to produce a second ore, then spends 1 wood and 2 ore for a Training Ground.

Rome plays the Library, which is free because of the Scriptorum.

Olympia spends 2 ore and 1 lumber for Training Grounds.

Phase 3

Alexandria spends 1 gold for a Foundry.

Petra discards a card for 3 gold, plus 1 more for Berenice.

Rhodes plays a Press.

Giza uses the Secret Warehouse to produce an extra stone and spends 3 stone for Walls.

Rome plays a Dispensary, which is free because of the Apothecary.

Olympia plays a Dispensary, which is free because of the Apothecary.

Phase 4

Alexandria discards a card for 3 gold.

Petra plays a Loom.

Rhodes spends 1 wood and 1 papyrus to play a School.

Giza pays 2 gold to Rhodes for papyrus and spends 1 papyrus and 1 gold for an Architect's Cabinet.

Rome spends 1 gold to play a Sawmill.

Olympia plays Spy Ring for free using its wonder power.

Phase 5

Alexandria spends 1 ore to build the second stage of his wonder.

Petra plays a Press

Rhodes spends 1 wood and 1 glass for a Lair. All other players lose 2 gold.

Giza builds the second stage of his wonder, which is free because of the Architect's Cabinet.

Rome spends 1 brick and 1 papyrus to play a Laboratory.

Olympia spends 2 ore to build the third stage of his wonder.

Phase 6

Alexandria discards a card for 3 gold.

Petra plays a Bazaar, gaining 10 gold.

Rhodes plays a Temple, which is free because of the Altar.

Giza plays an Aqueduct, which is free because of the Baths.

Rome spends 1 brick and 1 papyrus for a Consulate, gaining the Diplomacy marker.

Olympia pays 2 gold to Alexandria for a brick, 2 gold to Rome for cloth and spends 2 brick and 1 cloth for a Courthouse.

Phase 7

Alexandria plays a Loom.

Petra spends 14 gold to build the second stage of his wonder.

Rhodes spends 2 lumber to build the first stage of his wonder.

Giza builds the third stage of his wonder, which is free because of the Architect's Cabinet.

Rome buys an ore from Olympia for 2 gold and spends 1 brick, 1 lumber, and 1 ore to build the first stage of his wonder.

Olympia sells a card for 3 gold.


Rome has the Diplomacy marker and does not participate in conflicts.

Alexandria has 3 shields, versus 4 for Olympia and 0 for Petra, winning against Petra and losing to Olympia.

Petra has 0 shields, versus 3 for Alexandria and 2 for Rhodes, losing both conflicts.

Rhodes has 2 shields, versus 0 for Petra and 5 for Giza, winning against Petra and losing to Giza.

Giza has 5 shields versus 2 for Rhodes and 4 for Olympia, winning both conflicts. Giza gains 4 gold from Nero.

Olympia has 4 shields, versus 5 for Giza and 3 for Alexandria, losing to Giza but winning against Alexandria.


Recruitment Phase

Alexandria spends 2 gold for Hammurabi.

Petra spends 3 gold for Aspasia, gaining a Diplomacy marker.

Rhodes spends 4 gold for Plato.

Giza spends 3 gold for Phidias.

Rome plays Euclid.

Olympia spends 5 gold for Ptolemy.

Phase 1

Alexandria pays 2 gold to Petra for papyrus, then spends 1 cloth, 1 glass, and 1 papyrus to play a Trader's Guild.

Petra pays Alexandria 2 gold for stone, then spends 1 stone and 1 glass for a Lighthouse, gaining 5 gold, plus 1 more for Berenice.

Rhodes pays Petra 2 gold for cloth, then spends 2 wood, 1 ore, and 1 cloth for an Arsenal.

Giza plays a Circus, which is free because of the Training Grounds.

Rome plays a Senate, which is free because of theLibrary.

Olympia plays a Siege Workshop which is free because of the wonder power.

Phase 2

Alexandria pays 2 stone, 1 ore, and 1 glass for a Town Hall.

Petra pays 1 gold to Rhodes for 1 lumber and spends 2 lumber, 1 papyrus, and 1 glass for a University.

Rhodes pays 2 gold to Petra for cloth then spends 1 lumber, 1 ore, and 1 cloth for a Haven, gaining 4 gold.

Giza pays 2 gold to Rhodes for glass, produces an extra stone with the Secret Warehouse, then spends 2 stone, 1 ore, and 1 glass for a Town Hall.

Rome plays an Observatory, which is free because of the Laboratory.

Olympia plays an Arena, which is free because of the Caravansery, gaining 9 gold.

Phase 3

Alexandria buys 1 Papyrus from Petra for 2 gold then spends 2 brick, 1 ore, 1 cloth, 1 glass, and 1 papyrus for a Pantheon.

Petra plays a Capitol, which is free because of Caligula.

Rhodes spends 2 brick and 1 lumber for Gardens.

Giza pays 2 gold to Rome for 1 stone, creates a second ore with the Secret Warehouse, then spends 2 ore and 2 stone for a Craftmens' Guild.

Rome spends 1 lumber and 1 papyrus for a Study.

Olympia pays 2 gold to Alexandria for cloth then spends 1 lumber, 1 ore, and 1 cloth for a Haven, gaining 3 gold.

Phase 4

Alexandria spends 1 stone, 1 ore, 1 lumber, 1 brick, 1 glass, and 1 papyrus for a Palace.

Petra pays 1 gold to Rhodes for 1 brick and spends 2 brick and 1 papyrus for a Chamber of Commerce, gaining 6 gold, plus 1 gold from Berenice.

Rhodes pays 4 gold to Petra for 1 brick and 1 cloth then spends 3 brick, 1 papyrus, and 1 cloth for a Philosophers' Guild.

Giza uses the Secret Warehouse to produce a second stone, then spends 2 stone and 1 ore for an Arena, gaining 9 gold.

Rome pays Giza and Olympia 2 gold each for 1 stone each and spends 3 stone for an Academy.

Olympia plays a Lodge, which is free because of the Dispensary.







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