Rescue Dog

End of Game Statements

Game Summary









Florence 3 2 4 6 3 3 6 6
France 3 6 6 6 8 8 9 9
Milan 3 3 4 5 4 1 0 0
Naples 4 4 5 3 5 8 9 3
Papacy 4 6 6 6 5 6 3 2
Turks 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0
Venice 4 6 7 9 10 10 13 21

The Players


Bob Robles

3rd Place


Martin Burgdorf

2nd Place


Jack McHugh (out, Fall 1459) 6th Place
Naples Brendan Whyte 4th Place


Howard Bishop 5th Place
Turks Pasquale Giovine (out, Fall 1458)

7th Place


Dave Anderson

1st Place


Brendan Whyte (Naples): Congratulation to Dave for his long-expected win, but I’m surprised he tried to move Milan-Pavia instead of Como, so he’d have a double attack on Turin next time. The Turks caused trouble early on, and were first in my sights. Then with them out of the way France’s unprovoked attack on me cost him my support, and the game, even after Venice attacked me. In retrospect it was silly of me to take Durazzo for a turn, but I did need the cash, and I didn’t expect Venice’s overreaction. Of course he had gravity on his side… easier for his units to come down the map then mine to go up it! Lookling at the map, there’s about the same amount of blue as yellow, orange and tan combined, so I’ll pretend I came second!

Dave Anderson (Venice): It is nice to win one out right. The whole Venetian strategy for me is always Mare Adriatic. If Venice controls all of the centers in the Adriatic Region then they are way ahead in winning the game. I went after the only real threat in that early. Turkey. Turkey went after Naples and so when I grabbed that Turkish fleet . I not only grabbed Durazzo for a moment but I gained a ally in Naples. Once I gained the Turkish dots, I worked on the other side of the Adriatic. Grabbing Bologna and Ferrera. Milan had to be dealt with ,but he helped me in his own way by letting me walk into Trent after he bribed the garrison away and the plague did its work and destroyed his army.

So my armies were working on finishing Milan with French help as France has no where to go. My fleets swung round to help my ally Naples. As I had no real intention to destroy Naples. I was helping him get to France.

And then inexplicably he stole Durazzo from me and then just as we were on the verge of making his fleets to France and mine right behind him. He attacks me. So, I just to decide to put a end to it.

I would like to try this again.

Bob Robles (Florence): Wow, that was a fast victory. Well played by Venice.

Rescue Dog, Issue 229

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