Rescue Dog

Fall 1458

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Winter-Spring 1459 8/15 Tuesday

France and Venice make strong gains against Milan while Naples takes all the islands. Florence works to suppress rebellions while the Pope gets into it with Venice and France. The Turks go quietly. Widespread famine sweeps through Italy.


The Papacy borrows 6 ducats for 2 years (9 ducats due Fall 1460) and repays 12 ducats to the moneylenders.

Outstanding Loans

Spring 1459: 14 ducats due from Milan (9 ducats borrowed)

Summer 1460: 30 ducats due from Naples (20 ducats borrowed)

Fall 1460: 9 ducats due from the Papacy (6 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Pisa to Piombino, A Pistoia to Lucca, A Arezzo to Sienna, F Ligurian Sea holds (u)
France A Montferrat supports A Savoy, A Savoy supports A Montferrat, A Patrimony to Rome
Milan A Cremona to Milan
Naples A Aquila to Salerno, F Tyrrhenian Sea to Sardinia, F Corsica holds, F Tunis holds
Papacy A Modena to Bologna, A Bologna to Ferrara, A Perugia holds, G Rome convert to A
Turks A Dalmatia holds
Venice A Urbino to Bologna, A Trent to Milan, A Bergamo supports A Trent to Milan, F Upper Adriatic supports A Urbino to Bologna, F Lower Adriatic to Ionian Sea, F Ionian Sea to Gulf of Naples


Florence to Papacy: Thank you.

France to Naples: I only wanted to finish the game with the minimum amount of effort.

France to Venice: You can have Milan. Genua and Montferrat are enough for me.

Naples to France: No man is an island, to which the corollary is no Frenchman should be allowed any islands. I will leave mainland France to the French, but must protect my interests from your belligerent ways. You attacked me first, so must accept the consequences of your actions. Prove your trustworthiness, and we can be friends.

Naples to Turk: Go poof! You: poof!

Naples to Pope: I’m going home, but Ancona is mine.

Naples to Venice: And in a cloud of harem-atic smoke, the genie disappears into the ether. One down, four to go, eh? You may pass around my posterior, but I cannot offer succour in any of my ports, but I hear the Tuscan shores are ripe for picking.

Naples to Milan: I can’t save you, but I hope you will get some satisfaction from the insular insurrections against the Fractious French.

Naples to Florence: You should rule better so your people don’t rebel. But with Venice and even the French, we hope to remove one of your bugbears. I hope to remove one of you.

Papacy to Florence: Still watching your back. What are those Frenchies doing in our back yard?

Venice (actually Naples) to Pope: Oh mein Papa!

Venice to France: Well so much for that invasion of Naples. But on the good side you are next to Rome and why stop at Monterferrat and Savoy, Why not Genoa?? The Pontiff is not defending it. He is like a basketball always bouncing.

Venice to Turkey: Goodbye my worthy opponent. You fought as well as you could. I will add your distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us.

Venice To Naples: I will not fight France till Milan is gone. I have started a border war with the Pope . He is on my border. He interferes with my troop movement. If he allows me to acquire Bologna. I will stop my attacks on him and if his troops do not step onto our territory as he withdraws. Otherwise my fleet in Gulf of Naples will move to Tyrr. Sea in the Spring and in the Summer to Rome.

Venice to Florence: What he means by I will not attack you is ---I will stay in your Home cities and Liberate all your rebellions for you and acquire those towns. Silly Pope.


Since the Turks no longer control any of their home cities, they are eliminated.

Spring 1459 Famine

Bad Year – Row and Column: Bari, Slavonia, Montferrat, Urbino, Fornovo, Como, Trent, Modena, Swiss, Verona, Bergamo, Florence, Parma, Aquila

Spring 1459 Income

Provinces and cities that are underlined do no produce income while those that are in italics could change hands depending on retreats.


Florence: Lucca, Pisa, Pistoia, Florence, Arezzo, Sienna, Piombino 3
France: Avignon, Swiss, Marseilles, Provence, Turin, Pavia, Montferrat, Savoy, Saluzzo 7
Milan: Como, Cremona, Parma, Fornova 1
Naples: Corsica, Sardinia, Tunis, Palermo, Messina, Otranto, Salreno, Bari, Aquila, Naples, Capua, Ancona 10
Papacy: Genoa, Modena, Mantua, Ferrara, Urbino, Spoleto, Perugia, Rome 6
Venice: Milan, Trent, Bergamo, Verona, Padua, Treviso, Friuli, Carniola, Istria, Bologna, Herzegovina, Ragusa, Albania, Durazzo 11


Florence: Ligurian Sea 1
Venice: Upper Adriatic, Venice, Ionian Sea, Gulf of Naples 4


Florence: Lucca, Pisa, Florence (3), Arezzo, Sienna, Piombino 2
France: Avignon, Swiss, Marseilles, Turin, Pavia, Montferrat, Savoy, Saluzzo 6
Milan: Cremona 1
Naples: Corsica, Sardinia, Tunis(2), Palermo, Messina, Bari, Naples(2), Ancona 9
Papacy: Genoa(3), Modena, Mantua, Ferrara, Perugia, Rome(2) 8
Venice: Milan(3), Trent, Padua, Treviso, Carniola, Bologna, Ragusa, Albania, Durazzo, Venice(3) 13


Variable income die roll was 6.







Florence 10 3 1 2 16
France 6 7 0 6 19
Milan 5 1 0 1 7
Naples 4 10 0 9 23
Papacy 10 6 0 8 24
Venice 10 11 4 13 38

Game Summary







Florence 3 2 4 6 3 3
France 3 6 6 6 8 8
Milan 3 3 4 5 4 1
Naples 4 4 5 3 5 8
Papacy 4 6 6 6 5 6
Turks 3 3 3 3 2 0
Venice 4 6 7 9 10 10

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