Rescue Dog

Spring 1458

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Summer 1458 5/30 Tuesday

France turns his attention toward the Pope and gets a hand from Venice against Milan. Florence tries to cope with rebellion and Naples rearranges his forces.

Fall 1457 Retreats

Naples retreats F Tyrrhenian Sea to Gulf of Lions

Turks retreat A Ragusa to garrison



Florence Maintains all, builds A Pisa 15
France Maintains all, builds A Avignon 18
Milan Maintains all, builds A Cremona 9
Naples Maintains F Gulf of Lions, F Ionian Sea, F Naples, F Western Mediterranean, no new builds 12
Papacy Maintains all, builds G Rome 15
Turks Maintains A Croatia, F Tunis 6
Venice Maintains A Trent, A Verona, F Ragusa, F Albania, F Lower Adriatic, builds A Padua 18


The Turks fails to repay the moneylenders and is assassinated. All units hold. No rebellions. Venice repays 24 ducats of loan.

Outstanding Loans

Spring 1458: 15 ducats due from the Turks (10 ducats borrowed)

Summer 1458: 6 ducats due from Naples (5 ducats borrowed)

Fall 1458: 8 ducats due from Venice (8 ducats borrowed), 12 ducats due from the Papacy (10 ducats borrowed)

Spring 1459: 14 ducats due from Milan (9 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Lucca beseiges, A Florence holds, A Arezzo to Perugia, A Pisa to Pistoia, F Ligurian Sea to Piombino
France A Saluzzo supports A Avignon to Turin, A Avignon to Turin, A Pavia to Milan, A Sardinia to Patrimony, F Corsica supports F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Tyrrhenian Sea transports A Corsica to Patrimony
Milan A Savoy holds, A Milan supports A Cremona to Bergamo (cut, Dislodged, retreat Como, Parma, garrison, OTB), A Cremona to Bergamo
Naples F Gulf of Lions to Marseilles, F Ionian Sea to Palermo, F Naples to Gulf of Naples, F Western Mediterranean to Central Mediterranean
Papacy A Genoa holds, A Bologna to Ferrara, A Mantua to Modena, A Rome to Perugia (rebellion liberated), G Rome holds (u)
Turks A Croatia holds, F Tunis holds
Venice A Trent supports French A Pavia to Milan, A Verona to Bergamo, A Padua to Ferrara, F Lower Adriatic to Upper Adriatic, F Albania to Lower Adriatic, F Ragusa besieges (no garrison)


France to Naples: You can keep Capua and Ancona. Respect your northern border!

France to Venice: Milan is for me! You have got enough cities already!

Milan to Naples: Rather than an crowing over my bad luck, you should be more concerned with Venician expontial growth.

Milan to Venice: Seems you're surrounded by people who can't read a map or do basic math....lucky you..

Naples to France: Okily dokily, Monsieur, I see I must take the battle to you.

Naples to Turk: A plague upon you, a plague upon you!

Naples to Venice: Mmmm, a nice chocolatey-brown eastern Adriatic. So rich, so flavoursome, so well rid of Turkish undelight.

Naples to Milan: You might have a friend in me unless France sees reason.

Naples to Pope: Don’t even think about it.

Naples to Florence: A nasty plague of rebels you have. But when you’re ready to take on France, I’m with you. After all, he started it.

Papacy to Florence: Your home could be at risk of repossession if you fail to keep up with repayments. I would like Perugia back, but I will not twist the knife any further. We should both look outwards.

Papacy to Naples: Thanks for the warning. Got back home just in time.

Papacy to Venice: Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Venice to France: Just as you requested one support to Milan coming to you now.

Venice to World: Does anybody know how to pay your bills around here. ?? I may have to become a merchant.

Venice to Naples: I did my part. I have the Turkish mainland. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Venice to Milan: Slight revision--The Pope is 2 cities away from elimination, One city between me and Florence and one that borders Naples. I still do not want to be Pope. You can be Pope.


Note that if Milan retreats A Milan to Parma, it will die of Famine.

Spring 1458 Famine Losses

Milan A Savoy

Spring 1458 Retreats

Milan retreats A Milan to garrison

Summer 1458 Plague

Bad Year – Row and Column: Palermo (Naples F eliminated), Genoa (Papal A eliminated), Albania, Pisa, Tunis (Turkish F eliminated), Avignon, Milan (Frence A and Milan G eliminated), Sardinia, Marseilles (Naples F eliminated), Ferrara, Florence (Florence A eliminated), Otranto, Corsica (French F eliminated)

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