Rescue Dog

Summer 1457

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Fall 1457 3/21 Tuesday

Venice makes major gains against the Turks in the Balkans, but the Turks get help from France to hold out in North Africa. Naples and Florence advance against the Pope while the Pope advances against Milan along with France and Venice.


Naples borrows 5 ducats for 1 year (6 ducats due Summer 1458) and repays the moneylenders 15 ducats.

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1457: 26 ducats due from Florence (17 ducats borrowed)

Spring 1458: 15 ducats due from the Turks (10 ducats borrowed)

Summer 1458: 6 ducats due from Naples (5 ducats borrowed)

Fall 1458: 32 ducats due from Venice (21 ducats borrowed)

Spring 1459: 14 ducats due from Milan (9 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Pisa to Lucca, A Florence holds, A Arezzo holds, A Rome holds, F Lucca to Ligurian Sea
France A Turin to Pavia, A Saluzzo besieges, A Sardinia holds, F Gulf of Lions to Western Mediterranean, F Corsica supports A Sardinia
Milan A Como to Milan, A Savoy to Genoa
Naples A Aquila to Ancona, F Tyrrhenian Sea supports F Gulf of Naples to Naples, F Gulf of Naples to Naples, F Central Mediterranean supports F Western Mediterranean to Tunis, F Western Mediterranean to Tunis (destroyed), F Ionian Sea holds (u)
Papacy A Genoa to Modena, A Modena to Mantua, A Bologna to Modena, A Naples holds (Dislodged, retreats to Capua)
Turks A Herzegovina holds (Dislodged, retreat to Ragusa, Bosnia, OTB), F Albania to Durazzo (Dislodged, retreats Ragusa, OTB), F Tunis supports French F Gulf of Lions to Western Mediterranean, G Tunis supports F Tunis
Venice A Verona to Trent, A Padua to Verona, A Dalmatia to Herzegovina (rebellion liberated), F Lower Adriatic to Albania, F Durazzo supports F Lower Adriatic to Albania, F Upper Adriatic to Lower Adriatic


France to Venice: "move to Pavia"? What "move to Pavia"? Now you will lose Milan. Continue your war against Milan, meanwhile, I shall laugh...

Milan – GM: Worse famine results ever...

Milan – Venice: You should be be Pope, your luck is the best ever...

Neapolitan to Dogged Doge: Ancona is mine, but the Balkans yours. You should get 2 areas this turn.

Neapolitan-plaguemaster: Surely the Tunisians are more flea infested than the Milanese?

Neapolitan-Milan: That will teach you no to wash, you filthy green slimy thing you.

Neapolitan-Turk: you are like a virus, the way to can’t be controlled, isolated and eradicated.

Venice To Turks: You are getting sleepy. You are gong to forget about writing orders next time like the Pope who builds things and then forgets to order them.

Venice to All: The Adriatic is now officially closed to all shipping except the Doge of Venice.

Venice to France: You have interesting options.

Venice to Florence: now that you have turned the tables on our dear Pontiff. What do you next??

Rescue Dog, Issue 218
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