Rescue Dog

Summer 1456

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Fall 1456 11/15 Tuesday

Florence marches on the Pope's capital, while the Pope does the same with Naples. France eliminates a Milanese army. Venice and Naples cooperate against the Turks.

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1456: 21 ducats due from the Turks (14 ducats borrowed)

Spring 1457: 6 ducats due from the Papacy (5 borrowed)

Summer 1457: 15 ducats due from Naples (10 ducats borrowed)

Fall 1457: 26 ducats due from Florence (17 ducats borrowed)

Spring 1458: 15 ducats due from the Turks (10 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Arezzo to Perugia, A Pisa supports G Florence convert to A, A Florence to Arezzo, F Lucca beseiges (impossible, not a port), G Florence convert to A
France A Turin to Saluzzo, A Provence supports A Turin to Saluzzo, A Avignon to Turin, A Sardinia to Corsica, F Sardinia to Ligurian Sea
Milan A Milan to Pavia, A Pavia to Montferrat, A Savoy besieges (autonomous garrison eliminated), A Saluzzo besieges (Destroyed), A Bergamo to Trent, A Mantua holds
Naples F Central Mediterranean to Tunis, F Ionian Sea supports Venetian F Lower Adriatic to Durazzo, F Patrimony to Tyrrhenian Sea
Papacy A Aquila to Naples, A Genoa supports A Bologna to Modena, A Bologna to Modena, G Ancona holds (u)
Turks A Herzegovina to Ragusa, F Durazzo to Albania, F Tunis to Central Mediterranean
Venice A Istria to Croatia, F Upper Adriatic to Dalmatia, F Lower Adriatic to Durazzo


France à Napoli: Mais bien sur, mon cher ami! Pas de flotte en Mer Tyrrhénienne!

France à Milano: Il faut que je te dise que je voudrais ou Savoy ou Saluz.

Naples to Venice: Did you do it or did you waste my move again?

Naples to Turk: I’ve come to scarem your harem. Hands up: Your money or your wives!

Turks to the Doge: The replay to your ridiculous question is implied in this simple consideration: "The richest, with his Neapolitan vassal and the plague, against the poorest one”. Did you understand?

Former Venice Fleet Albania to Naples: We are not acting like pansy!! We are filling our pockets with Turkish Lira and leaving so the Turks can die of the plague instead of us.!!

Venice Fleet Lower Adriatic to Turkey: Ha!! Bribe me!! I double dog dare you to bribe me and on a really cold night... It will be a 3 dog night.

Venice Fleet Lower Adriatic to Naples: I see peace in our future. Mare Adriaticum.

Venice to Milan: I hope for no further "distractions". as you said . I put all my effort into the destruction of the heathen Turks.

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