Rescue Dog


Gunboat Machiavelli

Deadline/Spring 1454 10/27 Tuesday


Florence A Arezzo, A Florence, F Pisa, 6 ducat
France A Swiss, A Avignon, F Marseilles, 2 ducats
Milan A Pavia, A Milan, A Cremona, 6 ducats
Naples A Bari, A Messina, F Naples, F Palermo, 4 ducats
Papacy A Bologna, A Perugia, A Rome, F Ancona, 4 ducats
Turks A Albania, F Durazzo, F Tunis, 4 ducats
Venice A Padua, A Treviso, F Dalmatia, G Venice, 9 ducats
Autonomous Garrisons Turin, Savoy, Montferrat, Saluzzo, Genoa, Trent, Mantua, Modena, Lucca, Sienna, , Trent, Ferrara, Piombino, and Ragusa


This scenario received the most first place votes (2, tied with To the Renaissance), and had the most second place votes (1). As for the optional rules, all are in effect with a 4 to 0 vote except for Natural Disasters, which passed 3 to 1. White press was the consensus, with 4 first place votes. Finally, Ultimate Victory conditions was slightly favored (3 to 2), so we are playing to 18 cities. The house rules are available on the website. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. And so, without further ado, I'll let you get on with your dagger work.

Rescue Dog, Issue 206
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Rescue Dog, Issue 208