
Turns 23.5 to 25.5

Turns 25.6 to 27.6 due 9/19, Tuesday

Turn 23

Andy York (Whynom/Errands, Tasks and Chores) Rolls Used: 1 2 2 3

Open Port – Moonport(s) – Y – B – R – B – Y – B – R.


Dave Partridge (Qossuth/Quo Vadis) Rolls Used: 1 2 5 6

Paintfall(o) – B – Poisonport(p) – R – B – Y – B – R – Y – R20 – Terror Station(o) – Terror Station(s).

Sells Servo-Mechanism for $300 (from the cup: Demand for Silk at 3). Buys Terror Station for $200.

Turn 24


Andy Lewis (Niks/Mystery Machine 6) Rolls Used: 2 3 6

Moonport(p) – Y – B – R – B – Y – B – R – TeleGate 2 – Paintfall(o) – Paintfall(s).

Sells Servo-Mechanism for $200 (from the cup: Melf Pelts at 5). Buys Paintfall for $200.


Chris Geggus (Eeepeeep)

Guardians Enforce Galactic Security Rolls Used: 1 1 5 5

Poisonport(s) – Poisonport(p).

Sells Melf Pelts for $110 (from the cup: Fare to 5 at 9b). Sells Melf Pelts for $110 (from the cup: Demand for Liquor at 9a). Buys 2 Impossible Furniture for $220. Gains $44 in port commissions.

Guardians Enforce Galactic Security 2 Rolls Used: 1 4

Rainfall(p) – B – R – B10 – R10 – (Y) – B.


Bob Robles (Human/Publicly Underestimated Trading Zaibatsu) Rolls Used: 2 4 5

Paintfall(s) – Paintfall(p) – B – Poisonport(p) – R – B – Y – B – R – B – Y – R20.


Debbie Anderson (Dell/DA) Rolls Used: 1 1 6

Lonely Station(p) – B – R – Y – B10 – R10 – B – Y – B.


Andy York (Whynom/Errands, Tasks and Chores) Rolls Used: 4 5 5 6

R – B – Y – B20 – R – B – Y – B – R – B – Y – R20 - ? (it's an R40 penalty marker) – A – R – B – Y – NC4 – Multi-Generation Ship – R20 – Neutron Port.

Sells Space Spice for $80 plus $120 demand (from the cup: Demand for Spice at 4b and Demand for Grease at 7b). Sells Glorious Junk for $200 (from the cup: Infinite Puzzles at 10). Buys 2 Mulch Wines for $40. Mystery Machine 6 gains $44 in port commissions.


Dave Partridge (Qossuth/Quo Vadis) Rolls Used: 2 2 4 6

Terror Station (s) – Terror Station(p).

Sells Servo-Mechanism for $300 (from the cup: Mulch Wine at 3). Buys 2 Megalith Paperweights for $180. Gains $48 in port commissions.

Turn 25


Andy Lewis (Niks/Mystery Machine 6) Rolls Used: 1 3 6

Paintfall(s) – Paintfall(p) – TeleGate 2 – TeleGate 1 – Y – Aerie(p).

Sells Space Spice for $80 plus $160 demand (from the cup: Living Toys at 3 and Dribble Glass at 4a). Buys 2 Rock Videos for $240. GEGS receives $48 in port commissions.


Chris Geggus (Eeepeeep)

Guardians Enforce Galactic Security Rolls Used: 4 4 5 6

Poison Port(p) – R – B – Y – B – R – B – Y – R20 – Terror Station(o) – Terror Station(s).

Sells Impossible Furniture for $180 plus $70 demand (from the cup: Designer Genes at 9a and Demand for Dust at 5).

Guardians Enforce Galactic Security 2 Rolls Used: 1 1

B – R – Bypass.

Buys Shining Slime for $100 and 2 Immortal Grease for $100. Mystery Machine 6 receives $20 in port commissions.


Bob Robles (Human/Publicly Underestimated Trading Zaibatsu) Rolls Used: 3 3 5

R20 – Terror Station(p) – Terror Station(s).

Sells Impossible Furniture for $180 (from the cup: Demand for Perfume at 4b).


Debbie Anderson (Dell/DA) Rolls Used: 3 4 4

B – R – Aerie – Y – R – B – R – B – Y – B – TeleGate 5 – Ice Station(p).

Sells Visible Holes for $170 (from the cup: Visible Holes at 4c). Sells Visible Holes for $170 (from the cup: Melf Pelts at 5). GEGS receives $34 in port commissions.


Andy York (Whynom/Errands, Tasks and Chores) Rolls Used: 1 3 5 5

NC3 – Y – B – R – B – R – Wet Landing(p).

Sells Mulch Wine for $60 plus $80 demand (from the cup: Finest Dust and Psychotic Sculpture at 10). Sells Mulch Wine for $60 plus $40 demand (from the cup: Impossible Furniture at 8 and Demand for Dust at 7b). Buys 2 Melf Pelts for $100. Quo Vadis gains $34 in port commissions.

On the Board:

1a (Nillis): 3 Bionic Perfume

1b (Volois): 5 Voll Silk, Canned Traits

2 (Graw): 2 Space Spice, Demand for Psychotic Sculpture (+$90), Fare to 10 ($120), Demand for Designer Genes (+$40)

3 (Niks): 2 Demand for Bionic Perfume (+$60), Demand for Space Spice (+$60), 2 Mulch Wine, Demand for Voll Silk (+$60), Living Toys

4a (Dell): 3 Finest Dust, 2 Demand for Mulch Wine (+$60), Fare to Base ($180), Dribble Glass

4b (Humans): 3 Rock Videos, 3 Demand for Space Spice (+$40), Primitive Art, Demand for Bionic Perfume (+$60)

4c (Wraiths): 3 Visible Holes, Demand for Voll Silk (+$60), Demand for Bionic Perfume (+$60)

5 (Shenna): 1 Melf Pelts, Pet Monsters, Demand for Dust (+$50)

6 (Yxklyx): Demand for Portable Holes (+$70), 2 Immortal Grease, Demand for Melf Pelts (+$50), Fare to 4b ($120)

7a (Zum): Fare to 4c ($110), 3 Demand for Finest Dust (+$50), 4 Chicle Liquor, Custom Hives

7b (Eeepeeep): 2 Demand for Immortal Grease (+$50), Demand for Finest Dust (+$50)

8 (Whynoms): Demand for Chicle Liquor (+$60), 3 Impossible Furniture

9a (Chola): 4 Designer Genes, 2 Demand for Immortal Grease (+$50), 2 Demand for Chicle Liquor (+$60)

9b (Wollow): 3 Megalith Paperweight, Demand for Impossible Furniture (+$70), Fare to 5 ($110)

10 (Qossuth): Demand for Designer Genes (+$60), Fare to Base ($150), Infinite Puzzles, 1 Psychotic Sculpture

Base: Relic Gate Lock, Relic Mulligan Gear, Fare to 4a ($140), Fare to 2 ($160)


DA: Be warned to GEN CONvicts are on the loose in Indianapolis, Indiana they go by the name David and Deborah Anderson. They are armed--yes--its true --they both have 2 arms and extremely humorous. They will be in the area from August 15 to August 20. Approach with extreme gaming in mind. The woman will be in the train yards and her accomplice will be playing something called HOTW.

Pug Map
Pug, Issue 223

Rescue Dog

S.O.B. 224 Home


Pug, Issue 225