
Turn 16

Turn 17 due 3/21, Tuesday

Commander Actions

Delta Indigo 8487 opens the bidding on the Moon Base and Skynet gets it for 232 (Ti7, Ti9, MTi, MTi, MTi, Re15, Re15, Mi16, Mi18, Mi20). Opens the bidding on a Planetary Cruiser for 160 and H.I.C.K. gets it for 187 (Wa7, Wa7, Ti12, MTi, Re11, Mi15, Mi16, Mi16, Mi19, NC14, NC26). Opens the bidding on another Planetary Cruiser at 160 and HALCYON gets it for 184 (MWa, Ti8, Ti9, Ti11, Ti11, Re11, Re16, Mi17, Mi19, NC26, NC26). Opens the bidding on the last Planetary Cruiser at 160 and gets it (Or4, Wa5, Wa10, Ti7, Ti8, Ti8, Ti8, Ti8, Ti10, Ti11, Re9, Re13, Re14, Re15, Re15, Re15). Buys 2 population factors (Re10)

OLDHAM builds a research factory (MWa) and a population factor (Ti7).

HALCYON buys 2 population factors (Ti12)

H.I.C.K. transfers a population factor from a water factory to the Planetary Cruiser.

Skynet transfers a population factor from an ore factory to man the Moon Base.

BarterTown opens the bidding on the Outpost at 100 and gets it (Or3, Or5, Wa8, Wa9, Wa9, Re13, Re13, Re13, Mi17, HE discount) and transfers a population factor to the titanium factory.

Jack and His Friends opens the bidding on the Space Station at 123 and gets it (Wa7, Wa8, MWa, Re9, Re13, Re14, NC20, NC22) then transfers a population factor from a water factory to man it.

The Players


Outpost Name






Delta Indigo 8487

Andy Lewis

OrF, OrF, WaF, WaF, TiF, TiF, TiF, TiF, ReF, ReF, ReF, ReF

HE, La, 2Ec, Ou, Ro, PC




Michael Lowrey

OrF, OrF, WaF, WaF, WaF, WaF, TiF, TiF, TiF, TiF, TiF, NCF, NCF

No, HE, Wa, 2Sc, OL, Ec, Ou, PC



Skynet Dave Hooton

OrF, OrF, WaF, WaF, WaF, TiF, TiF, TiF, TiF, TiF, ReF

No, HE, La, OL, Ou, MB 51


H.I.C.K. David Hood

OrF, OrF, WaF, WaF, WaF, WaF, TiF, TiF, TiF, TiF, TiF, ReF, NCF, NCF

No, HE, Ro, La, 2OL, PC 51



Howard Bishop

OrF, OrF, WaF, WaF, WaF, WaF, TiF, TiF, TiF, TiF, ReF, ReF, ReF

No, HE, 2Wa, La, Ec, Ro, Ou




Andy York

OrF, OrF, WaF, WaF, WaF, WaF, TiF, ReF, ReF, ReF

3DL, La, Ec, Ro, OL, Ou


7 Jack and His Friends Bill Scharf

OrF, OrF, WaF, WaF, WaF, WaF, WaF, NCF, NCF

2DL, No, 2Wa, 3Sc, SS 32

H.I.C.K. Is Hood Interstellar Construction Kingpins. OLDHAM is Orbital Luckless Dismal Horrible Awful Metropolis.. HALYCON is Highly Aggressive Large Combined Yield Optimizing Network.

Available Upgrades

New Arrivals: Moon Base, Moon Base, Moon Base, Space Station, Space Station, Planetary Cruiser


Minimum Bid


Not Yet Delivered

Robots (Ro) 50 1 0
Space Station (SS) 120 2 2
Planetary Cruiser (PC) 160 1 1
Moon Base (MB) 200 3 1

OLDHAM, HALCYON, and Jack and His Friends take Mega Water cards. HALCYON, H.I.C.K., OLDHAM, and Skynet take Mega Titanium cards.

Poodle, Issue 218


S.O.B. 219 Home


Poodle, Issue 220