
End of Game Statements

Andy York (French): Interesting that the two "leaders" were the non-players - can randomly generated moves really do better than an actual player consistently? [GM: I did optimize their moves within the constraints of their attitudes.]

Congrats to Chris G. for edging me as the best actual player. I actually thought I was going to be much further back in the pack, so I'm happy with how it ended up.

And, as always, thanks to Chris H. for giving us the opportunity to enjoy playing a great game!

Chris Geggus (Spanish): My first game knowing absolutely nothing about it, so the win was blind luck with no skill whatsoever. My only tactic was to attack whenever in a majority (very Spanish) to try to keep other nations down. Plus I always welcome any game involving dice rolls! Thanks to all for the game and especially to Chris who had to correct and unravel almost all of my turn orders throughout the game.

Pekingese, Issue 265

Kai Ken
S.O.B. 266 Home Sheltie