
Epoch V

Empire Selection

Bad Cards (Scharf) keeps.

The Minotaurs (Hunt) keep.

Romulus & Remus (Anderson)  keeps.

Republic of Texas (York) passes to Atlantis.
Atlantis (Burgdorf) passes to RMHS.
RMHS (Wilson) passes to Republic of Texas.
GEGS (Geggus)  keeps.


Republic of Texas (York):  Plays Fujiwara.  Army and Capital Hokkaido (T'ang Dynasty army retreats to Honshu), fleet Sea of Japan (vs. Romulus & Remus; RoT: 4, 4; R&R: 2; wins), army Manchurian Plain.  FRANKS:  Army and Capital Northern Gaul (Celt army eliminated), army Central Massif (vs. Carthaginia; F: 5, 5; C: 2; wins), fleet Western Mediterranean, army Lower Rhein (vs. Goths; F: 6, 3; G: 1; wins), Central Europe (vs. Goths; F: 5, 5; G: 5; F: 6, 4; G: 5; wins), Baltic Seaboard (vs. Anglo-Saxons; F: 5, 4; A: 4; wins, fleet North Sea unsupported), Albion (vs. Romans; F: 4, 4; R: 5, 5; loses), Albion (vs. Romans; F: 3, 1; R: 5, 1; loses), Albion (vs. Romans; F: 5, 2; R: 5, 3; F: 6, 1; R: 6, 2; F: 6, 5; R: 3, 3; wins), North European Plain.  Builds Monument Northern Gaul.  Points:  Dominance in Southern Europe (6), Northern Europe (4), Eurasia (2), Presence in China (3), North America (1), 2 Capitals (4), 4 Seas (4), and 4 Monuments (4) for 28 points.

Royal Manticoran Historical Society (Wilson):  Plays Crusade.  Army Palestine (vs. Arabs; C: 6+1, 6+1; A: 6, 6; wins, city and fort placed), Arabian Peninsula (vs. Arabs; C: 3+1, 1+1; A: 5; loses), Nile Delta (vs. Arabs; C: 4+1, 3+1; A: 1; wins).  VIKINGS:  Arny Scandinavia, fleet North Sea, army Albion (vs. Franks; V: 5, 1; F: 5, 3; V: 5, 2; F: 4, 4; wins), Northern Gaul (vs. Franks; V: 3, 1; F: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Lower Rhein (vs. Franks; V: 3, 2; F: 3; V: 6, 2; F: 4; wins), Central Europe (vs. Franks; V: 6, 1; F: 5; wins), Highlands, Ireland, North European Plain (vs. Franks; uses Surprise Attack; V: 4, 4; F: 4; V: 3, 2; F: 1; wins).  Builds Monument Albion.  Points:  Dominance in Northern Europe (4), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (3), China (3), Southern Europe (3), Southeast Asia (3), Eurasia (1), 1 Capital (2), 4 cities (4), 2 Seas (2), and 4 Monuments (4) for 31 points.

The Minotaurs (Hunt):  HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE:  Army and Capital Central Europe (Viking army retreats to Northern Gaul), army Northern Gaul (vs. Vikings; H: 5, 4; V: 4, 4; H: 5, 5; V: 4, 1; wins, city eliminated), Albion (vs. Vikings; H: 3, 1; V: 5, 4; loses), Albion (vs. Vikings; H: 6, 2; V: 3, 2; wins), Western Gaul, Dneipr (vs. Scytheans; H: 4, 3, S: 4; H: 5, 4; S: 4; wins), Danubia (vs. Arabs; H: 6, 4; A: 5; wins), Central Massif (vs. Franks; H: 5, 2; F: 5; H: 4, 3; F: 3; wins), Balkans (vs. Arabs; H: 4, 1; A: 5, 4; loses), Balkans (vs. Arabs; H: 4, 3; A: 5, 3; loses).  Builds Monument Central Europe.  Points: Dominance in Northern Europe (4), Presence in Middle East (3), Southern Europe (3), Eurasia (1), 1 Capital (2), 1 city (1), and 4 Monuments (4) for 18 points.

Guide to European Geographical Studies (Geggus):  CHOLA:  Army and Capital Eastern Ghats (One Vedic City State army retreats to Ceylon, two armies eliiminated), Eastern Deccan (vs. Guptas; C: 3, 1; G: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), fleet Bay of Bengal (vs. Bad Cards; G: 5, 4; B: 3; wins), army Ganges Delta (vs. Guptas; C: 5, 3; G: 1; wins), Irrawaddy (vs. Guptas; C: 5, 2; G: 6, 6; loses), Irrawaddy (vs. Guptas; C: 6, 4; G: 5, 2; wins), Szechuan (vs. Hsuing-nu; C: 3, 1; H: 5, 5; loses), Szechuan (vs. Hsuing-nu; C: 5, 4; H: 6, 5; loses).  Points:  Dominance in North Africa (4), Middle East (6), Presence in India (3), Southern Europe (3), Southeast Asia (2), Eurasia (1), 2 Capitals (4), 3 cities (3), 2 Seas (2), and 2 Monuments (2) for 30 points.

Atlantis (Burgdorf):  Plays Sub-Saharan Migrants in Congo Basin and South Africa.  Plays Jewish Revolt:  Army Palestine (vs. Crusaders; J: 4, 4, 1; C: 4+1; fails).  SUNG DYNASTY:  Army and Capital Szechaun (Hsuing-nu army eliminated), army Si-Kyang (vs. Khmers; S: 2, 1; K: 4, 4; loses), Si-Kyang (vs. Khmers; S: 6, 3; K: 6, 4; S: 5, 5; K: 5, 1; S: 5, 4; K: 6, 2; loses), Si-Kyang (vs. Khmers; S: 3, 3; K: 3, 1; S: 5, 3; K: 5, 2; S: 5, 3, K: 3, 1; wins), fleet South China Sea (vs. RMHS; A: 5, 4; R: 5; A: 5, 2; R: 5; A: 6, 6; R: 1; wins), army Chekiang (vs. Hsuing-nu; S: 2, 2; H: 4; loses), Chekiang (vs. Hsiung-nu; S: 5, 4; H: 1; wins), Yangtse Kian (vs. Khmers; S: 2, 1; K: 1; wins. city eliminated), Wei River (vs. Khmers; S: 4, 4; K: 2; wins).  Points:  Dominance in China (6), Presence in Middle East (3), India (3), Southern Europe (3), Southeast Asia (2), Eurasia (1), 1 Capital (2), 1 Sea (1), and 3 Monuments (3) for 24 points.

Bad Cards (Scharf):  SELJUK TURKS:  Army Turanian Plain (T'ang army retreats to Tarim Basin), Hindu Kush (vs. Huns; S: 6, 1; H: 6, 3; S: 6, 1; H: 2,1; wins), Upper Indus (vs. Huns; S: 5, 2; H: 1; wins), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Huns; S: 2, 2; H: 4; loses), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Huns; S: 4, 3; H: 2; wins), Eastern Steppe (vs. Huns; S: 6, 4; H: 3; wins), Wei River (vs. Sung Dynasty; Se: 4, 1; Su: 6, 1; loses), Wei River (vs. Sung Dynasty; Se: 6, 2; Su: 5,4; wins), Western Steppe (vs. Huns; S: 4, 2; H: 3; wins), Dneipr (vs. Holy Roman Empire; S: 4, 3; H: 3; wins), Danubia (vs. Holy Roman Empire; S: 5, 5; H: 3; wins), Central Europe (vs. Holy Roman Empire; S: 6, 6; H: 1; wins, Capital reduced to city).  Unable to build monument do to lack of suitable location.  Points:  Dominance in India (6), Eurasia (2), Presence in Middle East (3), China (3), Southern Europe (3), Northern Europe (2), 2 cities (2), and 4 Monuments (4) for 25 points.

Romulus & Remus (Anderson):  Plays Kingdom in the Highlands.  Army, city, and fort Highlands (Viking army retreats to Ireland).  MONGOLS:  Plays Fanaticism.  Army Mongolia (Hsuing-nu army retreats to Yellow River), army Great Plain of China (vs. T'ang Dynasty; automatic victory), Wei River (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 2, 1; S: 4; loses), Wei River (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 4, 2; S: 5; loses), Wei River (vs. Selkuk Turks; M: 3, 3; S: 2; wins), Szechuan (vs. Sung Dynasty; M: 6, 2; S: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Mekong (vs. Khmers; M: 4, 2; K: 2, 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Manchurian Plain (vs, Fujiwara; M: 3, 3, F: 5; loses), Manchurian Plain (vs. Fujiwara; M: 4, 3; F: 4; wins), fleet Sea of Japan (vs. Republic of Texas; R&R: 5, 1; RoT: 3; wins), army Hokkaido (vs. Fujiwara; M: 5, 3; F: 6, 5; loses), Hokkaido (vs. Fujiwara; M: 3, 2; F: 4, 1; loses), Hokkaido (vs. Fujiwara; M: 6, 1; F: 3, 1; wins, Capital reduced to city), Eastern Steppe (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 6, 3; S; 5; wins), Western Steppe (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 3, 3; S: 1; wins), Dniepr (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 3, 3; S: 6; loses), Dniepr (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 6, 4; S: 1; wins), Central Europe (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 3, 1; S: 4; loses), Central Europe (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 5, 1; S: 2; wins, city eliminated), Dalmatia (vs. Goths; M: 5, 1; G: 5, 5; wins).  Points:  Dominance in China (6), Eurasia (2), Presence in Middle East (3), India (3), Southern Europe (3), Northern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), North America (1), 1 Capital (2), 4 cities (4), 1 Sea (1), and 3 Monuments (3) for 32 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Remaining Event Cards

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Bill Scharf
Bad Cards (turquoise)
Christopher HuntThe Minotaurs (green)
Andy YorkRepublic of Texas (blue)
Martin Burgdorf
Atlantis (orange)
Kevin WilsonRoyal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple)2
Dave AndersonRomulus & Remus (red)
Chris GeggusGuide to European Geographical Studies (yellow)4


Romulus & Remus: Tal was impressed. Twenty great armies flowing out in all directions to take as many monuments as they could. These were not your typical human rabble but these fanatical Mongols all believing in the great Khan--- himself.... They walked into China unopposed. No supposed Great Wall to stop them. He asked his Mongol leutenint Kublai---Kublai --when is a wall not a wall?? Kublai shrugged his shoulders. Tal answered==When you around it !!! Kublai just shrugged again. Now lets go make this the Great Golden Khanate for your people.


RMHS: Fleet North Sea.  ROMANS:  Army Southern Iberia.  MALAYAN KINGDOM:  Army, city, and Fort Malayan Peninsula.  CRUSADERS:  Army, city, and fort Palestine, army and Monument Nile Delta.  VIKINGS:  Two armies Ireland, armies Scandinavia, North European Plain.

Atlantis: Fleet South China Sea.  CARTHAGINIA: Army and fort Western Iberia, Pyrenees.  HAN DYNASTY:  Army East Indies.  HUNS:  Army Lower Indus.  SUB-SAHARAN MIGRANTS:  Armies Congo Basin, South Africa.  SUNG DYNASTY:  Armies Yangtse Kian, Si-Kyang, Chekiang.

The Minotaurs: SASSANIDS:  Army and Monument Persian Plateau.  GOLD COAST KINGDOM:  Army, city, and fort Gold Coast.  GOTHS:  Army Northern Appenines.  HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE:  Army and Monument Albion, Northern Gaul, armies Western Gaul, Central Massif, Lower Rhein.

Romulus & Remus:  Fleet Sea of Japan.  INDUS VALLEY: Armies Western Deccan, Western Ghats. ASSYRIA: Army Lower Tigris.  MAYANS:  Army, Capital, and fort Central America.  MAURYA:  Army Sumatra.  T'ANG DYNASTY:  Two armies Honshu, Tarim Basin, army Korean Peninsula.  SCOTS:  Army, city, and fort Highlands.  MONGOLS:  Army and Monument Great Plain of China, Wei River, Central Europe, army and city Szechuan, Mekong, Hokkaido, armies Mongolia, Manchurian Plain, Eastern Steppe, Western Steppe, Dniepr, Dalmatia.

Republic of Texas:  Two fleets Western Mediterranean, fleets Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea, Sea of Japan.  HSUING-NU:  Two armies Yellow River.  BYZANTINES:  Army and Monument Pindus, Morea, Crete.  FRANKS:  Army Baltic Seaboard.

Bad Cards: VEDIC CITY STATES: Three armies Ceylon.  CIVIL WAR:  Army, city, and Monument Southern Apennines.  GUPTAS: Army Ganges Valley.  SELKUK TURKS:  Army and Monument Upper Indus, Persian Salt Desert, armies Turanian Plain, Hindu Kush, Danubia.

GEGS: Two fleets Red Sea, fleet Bay of Bengal.  SCYTHEANS: Army Caucuses.  UPPER NILE KINGDOM:  Army, city, and fort Upper Nile.  ARABS:  Army, Capital, and Monument Arabian Peninsula, army and Monument Eastern Anatolia, Shatts Plateau, army and city Balkans, armies Nubia, Libya, Levant, Upper Tigris, Middle Tigris, Zagros, Western Anatolia.  CHOLA:  Army and Capital Eastern Ghats, army and city Eastern Deccan, armies Ganges Delta, Irrawaddy.


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