Lancashire Heeler


Kevin plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Aquileia and Vindobona, spending 1 food and 1 sestertus for a house in Aquileia and 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Vindobona.

Bill plays a Diplomat, copying Kevin's Architect, moving a land colonist between Novaria and Massalia, spending 1 food and 1 sestertus for a house in Massalia, and 1 brick, 1 cloth, and 5 sestertii for a house in Novaria.

Dave plays a Diplomat, copying Kevin's Architect, moving a sea colonist between Rusadir and Carthago, spending 1 food and 1 sestertus for a house in Rusadir and 1 brick, 1 cloth, and 5 sestertii for a house in Carthago.

Keith plays a Diplomat, copying Kevin's Architect, moving a land colonist between Aquileia and Sirmium, spending 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Aquileia and 1 brick, 1 cloth, and 5 sestertii for a house in Sirmium.

Kevin plays a Prefect in Germania, gaining 2 food.

Bill plays a Prefect in Gallia, gaining 1 brick and 1 wine.

Dave plays a Prefect in Mauritania, gainins 1 brick and 2 cloth.

Keith plays a Prefect in Dacia, gaining 3 cloth.  The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Dave.

Kevin plays a Senator, spending 1 food for a Mason and 1 food and 1 tool for a Colonist.

Bill plays a Senator, spending 1 tool for an Architect and 1 wine and 1 brick for a Mercator.

Dave plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 2 cloth for 14 sestertii, and buying 3 bricks for 9 sestertii.

Keith plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 3 cloth for 21 sestertii, and buying 4 bricks for 12 sestertii.

Kevin plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 1 cloth for 7 sestertii, and buying 2 bricks for 6 sestertii.

Bill plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii and buying a brick for 3 sestertii.

Dave plays an Architect, moving a sea colonist between Leptis Magna and Cyrene, spending 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Leptis Magna, and 1 brick, 1 wine, and 4 sestertii for a house in Cyrene.

Keith plays an Architect, moving a sea colonist between Syracusae and Dyrrhachium, spending 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Syracusae, and 1 brick, 1 wine, and 4 sestertii for a house in Dyrrhachium.

Kevin plays the Mason, gaining 1 brick.

Bill plays a Prefect in Italia, gaining 2 cloth.  Keith gains 1 brick and 1 food and Kevin gains 1 brick.

Dave plays a Prefect in Libya, gaining 1 food and 3 wine.  The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Bill.

Keith plays a Prefect in Hellas, gaining 2 wine.

Kevin plays a Prefect, resetting the provinces and gaining 11 sestertii.

Bill plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 3 sestertii.

Dave plays a Senator, spending 1 brick and 1 wine for a Prefect and 1 brick and 1 tool for a Diplomat.

Keith plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 3 sestertii.

Kevin plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 4 sestertii.

Bill plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 2 cloth for 14 sestertii, and buying 2 brick for 6 sestertii.

Dave plays a Diplomat, copying Bill's Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 2 wine for 12 sestertii, and buy 2 tools for 10 sestertii.

Keith plays an Architect, moving his sea colonist between Athenae and Attalia, spending 1 tool, 1 brick, and 3 sestertii for a house in Athenae, and 1 food and 1 sestertus for a house in Attalia.

Kevin plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 2 bricks for 6 sestertii, and buying 2 food for 8 sestertii.

Bill plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii and buying a tool for 5 sestertii.

Dave plays a Prefect in Libya, gaining 1 food and 2 wine.

Keith plays a Prefect in Hellas, gaining 1 tool and 2 wine.

Kevin plays a Diplomat, copying Bill's Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 1 wine for 6 sestertii, and buying 2 tools for 10 sestertii.

Bill plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Burdigala and Brigantium, spending 1 brick, 1 tool, and 3 sestertii for a house in Brigantium and 1 brick, 1 wine, and 4 sestertii for a house in Burdigala.

Dave plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards, gaining 6 sestertii, and spending 1 food and 1 tool for a sea colonist in Rome.

Keith plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 3 wine for 18 sestertii, and buying 2 food for 8 sestertii.

Kevin plays a Colonist, spending 2 food and 2 tools for a land colonist in Vindobona and a sea colonist in Rome.

Bill plays a Prefect in Hispania, gaining 3 tools.  The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Kevin.

Dave plays a Prefect in Mauritania, gaining 1 brick and 2 cloth.

Keith plays a Prefect in Dacia, gaining 2 cloth.

Kevin plays a Prefect in Germania, gaining 3 food.  The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Keith.

Bill plays an Architect, moving his land colonist between Olisipo and Rusadir, spending 1 brick, 1 tool, and 3 sestertii for a house in Olisipo and 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Rusadir.

Dave plays a Senator, spending 1 cloth and 1 wine for a Mercator and 1 food and 1 brick for a Farmer.

Keith plays a Diplomat, copying Bill's Architect, moves his land colonist between Napoca and Tomis, spending 1 brick, 1 wine, and 4 sestertii for a house in Napoca and 1 food and 1 sestertus for a house in Tomis.

Kevin plays an Architect, moving a land coloinst between Londinium and Lutetia and another between Aquileta and Sirmium, spends 1 food and 1 sestertum for a house in Londinium and 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Lutetia.

Bill plays a Prefect in Gallia, gaining 2 wine and 1 brick.  Kevin gains 1 food.

Dave plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 1 cloth for 7 sestertii, and buying 2 food for 8 sestertii.

Keith plays a Senator, spending brick and tools for an Architect and food and cloth for a Colonist.

Kevin plays a Prefect in Britannia, gaining 1 brick and 1 tool.

Bill plays a Diplomat, copying Kevin's Prefect, resetting the provinces and gaining 14 sestertii.

Dave plays a Prefect in Libya, gaining 2 wine and 1 food.

Keith plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 4 sestertii.

Kevin plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 4 sestertii.

Bill plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 5 sestertii.

Dave plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 3 wine for 18 sestertii, and buying 3 bricks for 9 sestertii.

Keith plays a Prefect in Dacia, gaining 1 brick, 1 wine, and 3 cloth.  The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Dave.

Kevin plays the Mason, gaining 2 brick.

Bill plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 1 wine for 6 sestertii, and buying 2 food for 8 sestertii.

Dave plays an Architect, moving a sea colonist between Athenae and Bycantium, a land colonist between Roma and Syracusae, spends 1 brick, 1 food, and 4 sestertii for a house in Syracusae, 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 setertii for a house in Bycantium, and 1 brick, 1 tool, and 6 sestertii for a house in Athenae.

Keith plays a Diplomat, copying Bill's Mercator, gainnig 5 sestertii, selling 3 cloth for 21 sestertii, and buying 3 food for 12 sestertii.

Kevin plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 2 brick for 6 sestertii and buying 1 wine for 6 sestertii.

Bill plays a Prefect in Gallia, gaining 2 wine (unable to keep 1 brick due to lack of warehouse space).  Kevin gains 1 food.

Dave plays a Prefect in Mauritania, gaining 3 cloth and 1 brick.  The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Bill.

Keith plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Tomis and Bycanteum, a sea colonist between Attalia and Alexandria, spends 1 brick, 1 food, and 4 sestertii for a house in Bycanteum, and 1 food and 1 sestertum for a house in Alexandria.

Kevin plays a Diplomat, copying Keith's Architect, moves a land colonist between Sirmium and Napoca, a sea colonist between Athenae and Alexandria, spends 1 brick, 1 wine, and 8 sestertii for a house in Napoca, 1 brick, 1 tool, and 9 sestertii for a house in Athenae, and 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Alexandria.

Bill plays an Architect, moving a sea colonist between Syracusae and Cyrene and spends 1 brick, 1 wine, and 8 sestertii for a house in Cyrene.

Dave plays a Diplomat, copying Bill's Architect, moves a land colonist between Aquileia and Sirmium, a sea colonist between Roma and Massalia, spends 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Massalia, and 1 brick, 1 cloth, and 10 sestertii for a house in Sirmium.

Keith plays a Prefect in Asia, gaining 1 brick, 1 food, and 1 tool.  Dave gains 1 food.

Kevin plays a Prefect in Britannia, gaining 1 tool and 1 brick.

Bill plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 1 wine for 6 sestertii, and buying 2 brick for 6 sestertii.

Dave plays a Diplomat, copying Bill's Mercator, gaining 2 sestertii, selling 2 cloth for 14 sestertii, and buying 4 brick for 12 sestertii.

Keith plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Bycantium and Sinope, a sea colonist between Alexandria and Tyros, spends 1 brick, 1 tool, and 3 sestertii for a house in Sinope, and 1 food and 1 sestertum for a house in Tyros.

Kevin plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Valentia and Massalia, a sea colonist between Antiocha and Attalia, spends 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Valentia, and 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Attalia.

Bill plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Valentia and Olisipo, a sea colonist between Cyrene and Alexandria, spending 1 brick, 1 food, and 4 sestertii for a house in Valentia, and 1 food and 3 sestertii for a house in Alexandria.

Dave plays a Farmer, gaining 3 food.

Keith plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, buying 3 brick for 9 sestertii, and 2 tools for 10 sestertii.

Kevin plays a Prefect in Aegyptus, gaining 1 cloth and 1 brick.  Bill gains a brick.

Bill plays a Diplomat, copying Kevin's Prefect, resetting the markers and gaining 11 sestertii.

Dave plays a Tribune, collecting played cards and gaining 8 sestertii.

Keith plays a Colonist, spending 1 food and 1 tool for a land colonist in Tyros.

Kevin plays a Senator, spending 1 brick and 1 tool for the Smith.

Bill plays a Tribune, collecting played cards and gaining 4 sestertii.

Dave plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Vindobona and Colonia A, a sea colonist between Massalia and Valentia, spends 1 brick, 1 food, and 4 sestertii for a house in Vindobona, 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Colonia A, and 1 brick, 1 food, and 6 sestertii for a house in Valentia.

Keith plays a Tribune, collecting played cards and gaining 5 sestertii.

Kevin plays a Tribune, collecting played cards and gaining 5 sestertii.

Bill plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 2 tools for 10 sestertii, and buying 1 cloth for 7 sestertii.

Dave plays a Prefect in Mauritania, gaining 2 cloth and 1 brick.  Bill gains a brick.

Keith plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Memphis and Petra, a sea colonist between Tyros and Antiocha, spends 1 brick, 1 cloth, and 5 sestartii for a house in Memphis, 1 brick, 1 tool, and 3 sestertii for a house in Petra, and 1 brick, 1 wine, and 4 sestertii for a house in Antiocha, gaining the Concordia card.  All other players have 1 more turn.

Kevin plays a Mason, gaining 4 brick.

Bill plays a Senator, spending 1 brick and 1 cloth for the Weaver, and 2 brick and 1 wine for the Vintner.

Dave plays a Senator, spending 1 cloth for a Consul and 1 cloth and 1 food for a Colonist.

End of Game


Kevin has 19 points in goods and 7 sestertii for 2VP.  Bill has 0 points in goods and 37 sestertii for 3VP.  Dave has 6 points in goods and 11 sestertii for 1VP.  Keith has 0 points in goods and 0 sestertii for 0VP.


Kevin has 5 houses in non-brick cities and 2 Jupiter cards for 10VP.  Bill has 6 houses in non-brick cities and 3 Jupter cards for 18VP.  Dave has 10 houses in non-brick cities and 3 Jupiter cards for 30VP.  Keith has 10 houses in non-brick cities and 3 Jupiter cards for 30VP.


Kevin has houses in 9 provinces and 2 Saturn cards for 18VP.  Bill has houses in 6 provinces and 2 Saturn cards for 12VP.  Dave has houses in 9 provinces and 4 Saturn cards for 36VP.  Keith has houses in 6 provinces and 2 Saturn cards for 12VP.


Kevin produces 4 types of goods and has 1 Mercury card for 8VP.  Bill produces 5 types of goods and has 2 Mercury cards for 20VP.  Dave produces 5 types of goods and has 2 Mercury cards for 20VP.  Keith produces 5 types of good and has 1 Mercury card for 10VP.


Kevin has 4 colonists on the board and 2 Mars cards for 16VP.  Bill has 2 colonists on the board and 1 Mars card for 4VP.  Dave has 3 colonists on the board and 2 Mars cards for 12VP.  Keith has 3 colonists on the board and 2 Mars cards for 12VP.


Mason:  Kevin has houses in 4 brick cities for 12VP.

Farmer:  Dave has houses in 6 food cities for 18VP.

Smith:  Kevin has houses in 1 tool city for 3VP.

Vintner:  Bill has houses in 2 wine cities for 8VP.

Weaver:  Bill has houses in 1 cloth city for 5VP.

Victory Points

Congratulations to Dave on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Dave Hooton:  I did very well in the Saturn scoring. It's not the first time I've gone after the Jovians.

Bill Scharf:  Three points between second and fourth, doesn’t get closer than that! Congrats to Dave on his win, and thanks to Chris for running it. Nice to have four players for a change!

Keith Marple: Congrats Dave, a resounding victory!  Really enjoyed the game and look forward to a rematch when I can process the victory points more, this time I basically played by watching everyone else hahah. 

Kevin Wilson:  Well, that came suddenly. I thought we’d have another round or two. With Dave’s lead likely wouldn’t change the outcome but had a few more VP to snag. Thanks to all for the play. Welcome to Keith, it was nice to have 4. And, as always, thanks to Chris for running the game.

The Players

Player Name









Cards in Hand
Last Card Played
Kevin Wilson
1 land, 1 sea

Bill Scharf Black
2 land, 2 sea

Dave Hooton Red
2 land, 1 sea 2

Keith Marple
1 land, 2 sea

