
The Players






Terraform Rating

Bill Scharf
HOT (High Operational Temperature)
Andy York
T-Cubed (Texas Terraform Technologies)
Cheung Shing Mars
Dave Hooton WZR (Will, Zachary, and Robot)
Robinson Industries
Chris Geggus GEGS (Guilds Ensure Global Stability)
Kevin Wilson PIKES (Puerile Inept Kleptocratic Embezzling Simpleton)
Valley Trust
Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Prodcution On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
Bill Scharf
1 0
8 10
Andy York
Dave Hooton 10
7 12 4
2 2
Chris Geggus 10
Kevin Wilson 10
0 8
2 6

Colony Name

Colony 1

Colony 2

Colony 3

Resource Marker


(3 microbes)

(3 microbes)

(3 microbes)

1 (0 microbes)



(1 heat production)

(1 heat production)

3 (4 heat)

(1 ocean)
4 (1 energy production)
WZR 4 (2 titanium)



(3 floaters)

(3 floaters)

4 (2 floaters)

(1 plant production)
(1 plant production)
2 (1 plant)





4 (7M€)

The numbers in the Resource Marker column indicate the box, numbered from left to right, while the number in parenthesis is the number of resources to be gained from that space.  N/A indicates that the marker is not in place because a card that can accept those resources is not in play.  Text in the colony spaces indicates either the owner of the colony, or the benefit of establishing a colony there.

Generation 3

Action Phase

WZR spends 5M€ for Protected Habitats, then expends a floater from Titan Floating Launch Pad to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€. GEGS and T-Cubed each gain 2M€.

GEGS spends 17M€ for a colony on Triton, gaining 3 titanium, then spends 2 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 3 titanium. HOT gains 1 titanium.

PIKES spends 8M€ to use Aquifer Pumping, placing an ocean at H4, gaining 2 plants, and increasing his TR to 23. GEGS gains 2 plants from Arctic Algae. PIKES then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile at H5, gaining 2M€, 2 plants, increasing the oxygen level to 2% and his TR to 24.

HOT spends 7M€ for Business Contacts, drawing 4 cards and keeping 2 of them. He then spends 7M€ on Peroxide Power, losing 1M€ production and gaining 2 energy production.

T-Cubed spends 11M€ for Deep Well Heating, gaining 1 energy production and increasing the temperature to -26C and his TR to 22.

WZR spends 4M€ to increase his energy production by 1.

GEGS spends 7M€ for Acquired Company, increasing M€ production by 3.

PIKES spends 17M€ for Kelp Farming, gaining 2M€ production, 3 plant production, and 2 plants.

HOT spends 1M€ on Search For Life, and draws Psychrophiles, gaining 1 resource on the card.

T-Cubed spends 8M€ for a Spin-Off Department, gaining 2M€ production.

WZR spends 9M€ to trade with Europa, gaining 1M€ and 1 energy production. GEGS also gains 1M€. WZR then spends 2 steel and 2M€ for Heat Trappers, gaining 1 energy production and causing PIKES to lose 2 heat production.

GEGS spends 10M€ for Algae, gaining 2 plant production and 1 plant.

PIKES spends 3M€ for an Investment Loan, losing 1M€ production and gaining 10M€, then spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -24C and his TR to 25.

HOT passes.

T-Cubed sells 1 card for 1M€, then spends 1 steel and 9M€ for a Medical Lab, gaining 3M€ production.

WZR adds a microbe resource to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.

GEGS spends 2 energy to trade with Io, gaining 3 heat.

PIKES spends 1 floater from Atmo Collectors to gain 4 heat.

T-Cubed passes.

WZR spends 14M€ to play Release of Inert Gasses, increasing his TR to 25.

GEGS passes.

PIKES spends 12M€ for a Food Factory, losing 1 plant production and gaining 4M€ production.
WZR passes.

PIKES passes.

Production Phase

WZR produces 31M€, 2 steel, 3 energy, and 3 heat.

GEGS moves 1 energy to heat and produces 32M€, 2 plants, 5 energy, and 2 heat.

PIKES produces 30M€, 2 plants, and 2 heat.

HOT produces 25M€, 2 energy, and 6 heat.

T-Cubed moves 1 energy to heat and produces 40M€, 2 plants, 2 energy, and 4 heat.

Solar Phase

All trade fleets are returned to the pool and the trade markers on all colonies are moved one space to the right.

Generation 4

Research Phase

GEGS takes 2 cards, spending 6M€.

PIKES takes 3 cards, spending 9M€.

HOT takes 3 cards, spending 9M€.

T-Cubed takes 3 cards, spending 9M€.

WZR takes 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Action Phase

GEGS spends 2 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€. T-Cubed and WZR each gain 2M€. GEGS then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at E6, gaining 4M€, 1 plant, increasing the oxygen level to 3% and his TR to 26.

PIKES spends 8M€ to use Aquifer Pumping, placing an ocean tile at H6, gaining 1 plant and 2M€ and increasing his TR to 26. GEGS gains 2 plants.  He then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile at G4, gaining 1 plant, 2M€, and increasing the oxygen level to 4% and his TR to 27.

HOT spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -22C and his TR to 21, then spends 8 more heat to raise the temperature to -20C and his TR to 22, and to gain 1 heat production.

T-Cubed spends 23M€ for a Strip Mine, losing 2 energy production, and gaining 2 steel production, 1 titanium production, and increasing the oxygen level to 6% and his TR to 24. He also gains a card from the Spin-Off Department.

WZR spends 17M€ to place a colony on Triton, gaining 3 titanium, then spends 3 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 3 titanium. HOT and GEGS each gain 1 titanium.

GEGS spends 23M€ to place a greenery tile at D6, gaining 1 plant and 2M€ and increasing the oxygen level to 7% and his TR to 27. He then spends 8M€ to claim the Gardener milestone.

PIKES spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -18C and his TR to 28, then spends 1 titanium and 2M€ for Minority Refuge, losing 2M€ production and placing a colony on Titan, gaining 3 floaters on Atmo Collectors.

HOT spends 6M€ for Archaeobacteria, gaining 1 plant production, then 10M€ on Urbanized Area, placing a city tile at F4, gaining 1 plant and 2M€.

T-Cubed spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -16C, increasing his TR to 25.

WZR spends 3 titanium to trade with Enceladus, gaining 4 microbes on the Nitrite Reducing Bacteria card, then spends 3 microbes off that card to increase his TR to 26.

GEGS spends 11M€ on a Restricted Area in D4, gaining 1 plant and 4M€, then spends 2M€ to use the Restricted Area to draw a card.

PIKES spends 1 floater from Atmo Collectors to gain 3 energy, then spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1 energy production. WZR and GEGS each gain 1M€.

HOT passes.

T-Cubed spends 9M€ for Geothermal Power, gaining 2 energy production.

WZR spends 2 steel to play a Mine, increasing steel production by 1.

GEGS spends 2 energy to trade with Ganymede, gaining 2 plants.

PIKES spends 1M€ for Sabotage, removing 3 titanium from GEGS.

T-Cubed passes.

WZR adds a floater resource to Titan Floating Launch Pad.

GEGS spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -14C and his TR to 28.

PIKES passes.

WZR spends 3 titanium for Import of Advanced GHG, gaining 2 heat production.

GEGS passes.

WZR spends 4M€ to increase his titanium production by 1.

Production Phase

GEGS moves 1 energy to heat and produces 35M€, 2 plants, 5 energy, and 2 heat.

PIKES produces 31M€, 2 plants, 1 energy, and 2 heat.

HOT moves 1 energy to heat and produces 29M€, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 7 heat.

T-Cubed moves 2 energy to heat and produces 41M€, 2 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, 2 energy, and 4 heat.

WZR produces 32M€, 3 steel, 1 titanium, 3 energy, and 5 heat.

Solar Phase

All trade fleets are returned to the pool and the trade markers on all colonies are moved one space to the right.

Generation 5

Research Phase

PIKES takes 1 card, spending 3M€.

HOT takes 2 cards, spending 6M€.

T-Cubed takes 2 cards, spending 6M€.

WZR takes 2 cards, spending 6M€.

GEGS takes 4 cards, spending 12M€.

Action Phase

PIKES spends 8M€ for Aquifer Pumping, placing an ocean tile at I6, gaining 1 plant and 2M€ and increasing his TR to 29. GEGS gains 2 plants. PIKES then spends 24M€ for a Domed Crater, placing a city at G3, gaining 3 plants, 1 steel, 4M€, and 3M€ production and losing 1 energy production.

HOT spends 1M€ for Market Manipulation, moving the Luna marker one space to the left and the Triton marker one space to the right, then spends 9M€ to trade with Triton, gaining 5 titanium. WZR and GEGS each gain 1 titanium.

T-Cubed spends 8M€ to claim the Builder milestone, then 8M€ to fund the Banker award.

WZR spends 1 resource from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Luna, gaining 9M€. T-Cubed and GEGS each gain 2M€. WZR then spends 3 energy to trade with Titan, gaining 3 floater resources on Titan Floating Launch-Pad. PIKES gains a floater resource on Atmo Collectors.

GEGS spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at C4, gaining 1 plant, 2M€, and raising the oxygen level to 8% and his TR to 29. The increase in oxygen level raises the temperature to -12C, which further increases his TR to 30. He then spends 2 energy to trade with Io, gaining 4 heat.

PIKES spends 8 plants for a greenery tile at I5, gaining 2 plants, 4M€, increasing the oxygen to 9% and his TR to 30.

HOT spends 6 titanium and 2M€ for a Mining Colony, gaining 1 titanium production and placing a colony on Io, gaining 1 heat production. He then plays Productive Outpost, gaining 2 heat and 1 titanium.

T-Cubed spends 1 titanium, 1 steel, and 20M€ for a Space Elevator, gaining 1 titanium production and 1 card from the Spin-Off Department. He then spends 1 steel to use the Space Elevator, gaining 5M€.

WZR spends 3 titanium and 34M€ for Earth Elevator, increasing his titanium production by 3.

GEGS spends 2M€ to use the Restricted Area to buy a card, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -10C and his TR to 31.

PIKES plays Indentured Workers, then spends 1 steel for Noctis Farming, gaining 1M€ production and 2 plants.

HOT spends 13M€ and 5 heat for a Research Outpost at B2, gaining 1 steel, then spends 1 steel and 1 heat for a Mining Area at A1, gaining 2 steel and 1 steel production.

T-Cubed spends 1M€ for Earth Office.

WZR spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -8C and his TR to 27.

GEGS spends 3M€ for Media Group, then spends 18M€ for Lava Flows, placing a volcano at A5, gaining 2 plants, and increasing the temperature to -4C and his TR to 33, then receiving 3M€ from Media Group.

PIKES spends 6M€ for Greenhouses, gaining 5 plants, then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at F3, gaining 2M€ and increasing the oxygen level to 10% and his TR to 31.

HOT spends 1 titanium and 8 heat for a Toll Station, gaining 5M€ production.

T-Cubed spends 4M€ for Imported GHG, gaining 1 heat production and 3 heat, then spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -2C and his TR to 26.

WZR spends 3 microbe resources from Nitrite Reducing Bacteria to increase his TR to 28.

GEGS spends 2 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1 energy production and 1M€.  WZR also receives 1M€.

PIKES spends 1 floater resource from Atmo Collectors to gain 4 heat.

HOT passes.

T-Cubed passes.

WZR spends 4M€ to increase his plant production by 1.

GEGS spends 11M€ for Equatorial Magnetizers, then spends 1 energy production to use Equatorial Magnetizers to increase his TR to 34.

PIKES spends 9M€ for a Development Center, then spends 1 energy to use the Development Center, gaining 1 card.

WZR passes.

GEGS passes.

PIKES spends 2 titanium and 4M€ for Satellites, gaining 2M€ production.

PIKES passes.

Production Phase

PIKES produces 40M€, 2 plants, and 2 heat.

HOT moves 1 energy to heat and produces 34M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 8 heat.

T-Cubed moves 2 energy to heat and produces 44M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, 2 plants, 2 energy, and 5 heat.

WZR produces 34M€, 3 steel, 4 titanium, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 5 heat.

GEGS moves 1 energy to heat and produces 44M€, 2 plants, 5 energy, and 2 heat.

Solar Phase

All trade fleets are returned to the pool and the trade markers on all colonies are moved one space to the right.

Generation 6

Research Phase

HOT takes 1 card, spending 3M€.

T-Cubed takes 2 cards, spending 6M€.

WZR takes 1 card, spending 3M€.

GEGS takes 3 cards, spending 9M€.

PIKES takes 1 card, spending 3M€.

Action Phase

HOT spends 25M€ for the Build a City standard project at F7, gaining 1M€ production, then spends 6M€ and 2 heat to claim the Mayor milestone.

T-Cubed spends 7M€ for Pets, gaining a resource on the card, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 0C and his TR to 27.

WZR spends a floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€. T-Cubed and GEGS each receive 2M€. WZR then spends 14M€ to fund the Miner award.

GEGS spends 2 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 4 titanium. HOT and WZR each gain 1 titanium. GEGS then spends 20M€ to fund the Scientist award.

PIKES spends 1 floater resource from Atmo Collectors to gain 2 titanium, then spends 2 titanium and 25M€ to play Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid, gaining 4 plant production, increasing the temperature to 2C and his TR to 34.

HOT spends 3 steel and 1 heat for a Rad-Chem Factory, reducing his energy production by 1 and increasing his TR to 24.

T-Cubed spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at D8, gaining 2 steel and increasing the oxygen level to 11% and his TR to 28, then uses Space Elevator to exchange 1 steel for 5M€.

WZR spends 6 steel and 6M€ to play an Underground City at C6, gaining 2 plants and 2 steel production and losing 2 energy production.  T-Cubed gains a resource on Pets.  WZR then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 4C and his TR to 29.

GEGS spends 2 energy to trade with Io, gaining 4 heat. HOT gains 2 heat. GEGS then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 6C and his TR to 35.

PIKES spends 16M€ for Tundra Farming, gaining 1 plant production, 2M€ production and 1 plant, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 8C and his TR to 35.

HOT spends 3 titanium and 9 heat to play Lunar Exports, gaining 5M€ production.

T-Cubed spends 8M€ and 1 steel for Physics Complex, then spends 17M€ for Red Spot Observatory, gaining 2 cards.

WZR spends 4M€ to increase his energy production by 1, then spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1 energy production and 1M€. GEGS also gains 1M€.

GEGS spends 7M€ for Olympus Conference, gaining a science resource on the card.

PIKES passes.

HOT passes.

T-Cubed adds a floater resource to Red Spot Observatory.

WZR spends 3 titanium and 1M€ for a Space Station.

GEGS uses Equatorial Magnetizer to reduce his energy production by 1 and increase his TR to 36.

T-Cubed spends 15M€ for Energy Savings, increasing his energy production by 7.

WZR adds a microbe resource to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.

GEGS sells 1 card for 1M€.

T-Cubed spends 2 steel for Windmills, gaining 1 energy production.

WZR spends 11M€ for Molecular Printing, gaining 17M€.

GEGS sells 1 card for 1M€.

T-Cubed passes.

WZR spends 25M€ for a city at E2, gaining 1M€ production and 2M€.

GEGS spends 13M€ for Regolith Eathers, and spends a science resource from Olympus Conference to draw a card.

WZR spends 1 titanium and 1M€ for a Trans-Neptune Probe.

GEGS sells 1 card for 1M€.

WZR passes.

GEGS sells 1 card for 1M€, then spends 2M€ to use Restricted Area to draw a card.

WZR passes.

GEGS sells 1 card for 1M€, then spends 2M€ to use Restricted Area to draw a card.

GEGS spends 7 titanium for Imported Nitrogen, increasing his TR to 37 and gaining 4 plants, 3 microbes on Regolith Eaters, and 3M€ from Media Group. He then spends 2 titanium and 3M€ for Lagrange Observatory, gaining 1 card.

GEGS spends 2 microbe resources from Regolith Eaters to increase the oxygen level to 12% and his TR to 38. He then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at A4, gaining 1 plant and 1 titanium, and increasing the oxygen level to 13% and his TR to 39.

GEGS passes.

Production Phase

HOT moves 1 energy to heat and produces 42M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 8 heat.

T-Cubed moves 2 energy to heat and produces 46M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, 2 plants, 10 energy, and 5 heat.

WZR produces 36M€, 35steel, 4 titanium, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 5 heat.

GEGS moves 1 energy to heat and produces 46M€, 2 plants, 4 energy, and 2 heat.

PIKES produces 46M€, 7 plants, and 2 heat.

Solar Phase

All trade fleets are returned to the pool and the trade markers on all colonies are moved one space to the right.

Generation 7

Research Phase

T-Cubed takes 2 cards, spending 6M€.

WZR takes 2 cards, spending 6M€.

GEGS takes 1 cards, spending 3M€.

PIKES takes 1 card, spending 3M€.

HOT takes 1 card, spending 3M€.

Action Phase

T-Cubed spends 3 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€. WZR and GEGS each receive 2M€. T-Cubed then spends 23M€ to place a greenery tile at E9, gaining 1 steel and raising the oxygen level to 14% and his TR to 29.

WZR spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at E3, then spends a floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Triton, gaining 4 titanium. HOT and GEGS each receive 1 titanium.

GEGS spends 11M€ for Research, gaining 2 cards. The 2 science tags allow GEGS to add and then use a resource on Olympus Conference, gaining another card.

PIKES spends 25M€ for a city at A3, gaining a card. T-Cubed gains a resource on Pets.  He then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at B4, gaining 1 plant.

HOT spends 2M€ for Caretaker Contract and 10M€ for Solar Wind Power, gaining 1 energy production and 2 titanium.

T-Cubed spends 2 steel and 15M€ for AI Central, losing 1 energy production, then uses AI Central to draw 2 cards, gaining a third card from Spin-Off Department.

WZR spends 3 energy to trade with Enceladus, gaining 3 microbes on Nitrite-Reducing Bacteria.

GEGS spends 18M€ for Noctis City, losing 1 energy production and gaining 2 plants, 3M€ production, and 2M€. T-Cubed gains a resource on Pets. GEGS then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile at B5, gaining 2 plants.

PIKES spends a resource from Atmo Collectors to gain 3 energy, then spends 1 energy to use Development Center to draw a card.

HOT spends 3 titanium to trade with Ganymede, gaining 3 plants, and then spends 1 steel and 21M€ to play Protected Valley, gaining 2M€ production and placing a greenery tile at B1, gaining 2 steel.

T-Cubed spends a floater from Red Spot Observatory to draw a card, then uses Space Elevator to convert 1 steel into 5M€.

WZR spends 3 microbe resources from Nitrite-Reducing Bacteria to increase his TR to 30.

GEGS uses Equatorial Magnetizers, losing 1 energy production and increasing his TR to 40.

PIKES spends 7M€ for SF Memorial, drawing 1 card.

HOT uses the Caretaker Contract to spend 8 heat to increase his TR to 25, then sells 3 cards for 3M€.

T-Cubed spends 6 energy to add a science resource to Physics Complex.

WZR spends 7 titanium and 1M€ for Callisto Penal Mines, gaining 3M€ production.

GEGS spends 2M€ for Floater Prototype, gaining 1 resource on Olympus Conference and 3M€ from Media Group, then spends 11M€ on Breathing Filters, using a resource from Olympus Conference to draw a card.

PIKES sells 3 cards for 3M€, then spends 13M€ for Pioneer Settlement, losing 2M€ production and placing a colony on Ganymede and gaining 1 plant production.

HOT spends 9M€ for Robotic Workforce, duplicating the 2M€ production increase from Protected Valley, then sells a card for 1M€.

T-Cubed sells 2 cards for 2M€.

WZR spends 25M€ and 2 titanium to play Terraforming Ganymede, increasing his TR to 33.

GEGS spends 2M€ to use Restricted Area to draw a card.

PIKES passes.

HOT passes.

T-Cubed spends 6M€ for Mars University, using its science tag to discard a card and draw a new one, then sells 3 cards for 3M€.

WZR spends 6M€ to play Building Industries, losing 1 energy production and gaining 2 steel production.

GEGS sells 6 cards for 6M€ then spends 10M€ to play House Printing, gaining 1 steel production.

T-Cubed spends 13M€ for Livestock, losing 1 plant production and gaining 2M€ production, then adds an animal resource to Livestock.

WZR passes.

GEGS passes.

T-Cubed spends 5M€ for Cartel, gaining 4M€ production, then sells 2 cards for 2M€.

T-Cubed passes.

Production Phase

T-Cubed moves 1 energy to heat and produces 53M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, 1 plant, 9 energy, and 5 heat.

WZR produces 43M€, 7 steel, 4 titanium, 1 plant, 2 energy, and 5 heat.

GEGS moves 4 energy to heat and produces 50M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, 2 energy, and 2 heat.

PIKES moves 2 energy to heat and produces 45M€, 8 plants, and 2 heat.

HOT produces 47M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 8 heat.

Solar Phase

All global parameters are at maximum, so the game ends.  PIKES spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at B3 and HOT spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at G7 gaining 2M€. 

Victory Points


Banker: Megacredit production. T-Cubed has 24, HOT has 22, WZR, GEGS, and PIKES each have 10. T-Cubed gains 5 and HOT gains 2.

Scientist: Science tags. GEGS has 8, T-Cubed has 6, HOT has 4, WZR has 2, and PIKES has 1. GEGS gains 5 and T-Cubed gains 2.

Miner: Steel and titanium resources. WZR has 16, T-Cubed has 9, HOT has 4, GEGS has 3 and PIKES has 0. WZR gains 5 and T-Cubed gains 2.


Mayor goes to HOT. Gardener goes to GEGS. Builder goes to T-Cubed.






Terraform Rating




































GEGS wins. Congratulations to Chris Geggus on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Andy York (T-Cubed): Wow, much better than I thought...and, of course, we knew who was going to walk away with the game. Great job Chris G. and thanks, as always, to Chris H. for a superlatively run game (even kindly handling all of my slips and errors).

As for the game itself, I'm still a bit overwhelmed with all of the options and choices - my entire experience being two FTF games against one other person and a previous Email game here. I know I did not even try to incorporate the Colonies in my strategy except when plays required it or I received kind tips from other players about a potential play (thanks!). So. my hats off to the others that have this all figured out! Looking forward to the next game and more tough competition!

Bill Scharf (HOT): Well, after my first email game, and my first game with so many players, I have a much better idea on how the game plays....which is quite different than I’m used to. I’ll do much better next time. Another game anyone?

Chris Geggus (GEGS): Thanks Chris. Love the game and your attention and time make it all the more enjoyable.

I am really surprised at the margin. I thought it was much tighter than that. No-one seemed to get any engine going, so few extra points accumulated. That is the second game ending in 7 turns and was almost 6 turns! Obviously Prelude speeds things up, but are we getting more efficient or are the cards just falling differently? It did seem that all of us were moving the tracks along every turn and I guess that everyone was looking to gain points asap before the tracks ran out. Be interesting to see what happens next time (hint, hint).

It's also the first time that I've seen table position so important. I know I winge a lot, but I only took Luna once against Dave's 3 or 4 times. That's 40 extra cash that Dave grabbed before me. Could have been decisive, but I guess that's the luck of the draw and, maybe, I should pay more attention elsewhere.

Thanks to all, good fun and a pleasure to play. Anyone looking to try a Steam game?

Kevin Wilson (PIKES): As always, thank you to Chris for running this game. Consider me a permanent sign up for any play, any expansion, any combo of players, any time.

Thank you to my fellow players for helping keep a venue to play.

I was tracking VP starting around Gen3 and definitely with Gen4 and already then felt it was a race for one of us to catch Chris. Even if someone else kept grabbing all that cash at Luna, Chris kept grabbing TR. A nice balanced win for him with points in all categories. Certainly made the math easy for Chris H that everything was a multiple of 5! :-)

I too felt always a bit behind and shy of just what I needed when I needed it. Looking back at my cards, it started with a poor corporation choice. The stats suggested Valley Trust was a good play but Ecoline was a choice I had too. I had a couple of plant based cards but not a bunch so I didn’t take Ecoline. Then it was plan tag after plant tag coming my way. Combined with Aquifer Pumping I likely could have pushed the O2 track and Oceans to complete in Gen6. Assuming the temperature did as we saw, finishing in Gen6 might have given us a better shot to catch Chris but once it was clear we were going into Gen7 I didn’t feel I could.

I did think for a bit we might finish in Gen6. If I recall we were done with the oceans and only 3 or 4 spots away on both the temp and O2 tracks. I played as if it could and then, when it didn’t, didn’t have a lot of cards to work with in Gen7.

Still haven’t tried a game on Steam yet. I thought I’d give a few solos a try there when time permits but I haven’t had a chance to do so yet.

Still lots of fun and looking forward to the next.

Dave Hooton (WZR): Thanks to Chris H. for running the game and congratulations to Chris G. for his clear win.

TM remains my favorite non-18xx game.

Unfortunately this time, I was dealt no synergies, so I went with generalist corporation and kept two colony-related cards and Inert Gasses. Until I was finally able to create a titanium-based engine late in the game, the extra colony trades were the only thing keeping me competitive. My engine was able to get me back withing 5 VPs of second place, but even then I had to keep wary of GEGS using its big pile of titanium from stealing the Miner award from me.

Jindo Map

<Trade Fleets EnceladusIoEuropaTritonTitanGanymedeLuna

HOT Player Board

T3 Player Board

WZR Player Board

GEGS Player Board

PIKES Player Board

Jindo, Issue 242


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