Howling at the Moon
The S.O.B. Letter Column
Bob Robles
Neat idea with solar power! How much of your power needs do you think you can meet with your system?
[We think we'll be able to generate between 60% and 80% of our power from the solar panels. If our roof had better southern facing surfaces, we could generate all of our power that way, but unfortunately, it's not well situated. Even so, we'll still be able to save a lot of money over the long run.]
Only one book review this time around: Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson. A MASSIVE book which is volume one (of 3) of the Baroque cycle. A really cool historical novel set in the age of Newton, Leibniz, Louis the XIVth (the Sun King) and a whole host of historical characters. Great idea. I need to take a break with something else before tackling volume 2, The Confusion and volume 3, The System of the World).
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