
The Players






Terraform Rating

Christopher Hunt
Celestial Joint Viral Holdings (CH) Virion
Dave Hooton
Mars Initiative Colonial Culinary Independence - Directed Epicruean Experiances (MICCI-DEEs) Tharsis Republic
Chris Geggus Gloop Enhances Global Stability (GEGS) Phoblog
Kevin Wilson
Prime Integral Kinetic Energy Systems (PIKE)
Andy York The EXtraterrestrial Alteration Syndicate (TEXAS) Mining Guild

Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Prodcution On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
Christopher Hunt
0 0
1 0 0 2
0 0
Dave Hooton
3 5
Chris Geggus
1 1 1
2 0 0
Kevin Wilson
0 0 0
Andy York
4 0
0 0 0
0 0 1

Generation 1

Initial Card and Company Selection

CH selects Virion and retains 4 cards, paying 12M

MICCI-DEEs selects Tharsis Republic and retains 4 cards, paying 12M

GEGS selects Phoblog and retains 5 cards, paying 15M

PIKE selects Manutec and retains 7 cards, paying 21M

TEXAS selects Mining Guild and retains 4 cards, paying 12M

Action Phase

CH spends 18M€ for Aquifer Pumping, then spends 8M€ to use Aquifer Pumping to place a lake at B1, gaining 2 steel and increasing his TR to 21.

MICCI-DEEs places a city at B2, gaining 1M€ production, 5M€, and 1 steel.

GEGS spends 7M€ to play Flooding, placing an ocean at F5, gaining 2 plants and increasing his TR to 21.

PIKE spends 4M€ for Local Shading, then places a floater resource on Local Shading.

TEXAS spends 5 steel and 2M€ on Industrial Microbes, gaining 1 steel and 1 energy production.

CH spends 2 steel and 4M€ to use his special ability to use Aquifer Pumping to place an ocean at F2, gaining 2 cards.

MICCI-DEEs spends 15M€ on Black Polar Dust, gaining 3 heat production, losing 2M€ production, and placing an ocean at I9, gaining 2 titanium and increasing his TR to 21. The then spends 2 titanium and 1M€ for Optimal Aerobraking.

GEGS spends 9 titanium to play Large Convoy, gaining 5 plants, 2 cards, and placing an ocean in E5, gaining 2 plants, 2M€, and increasing his TR to 22. He then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at E4, gaining 2 plants and 4M€ and increasing the oxygen level to 1% and further increasing his TR to 23.

PIKE passes.

TEXAS spends 6M€ for Building Industries, reducing his energy production by 1 and increasing his steel production by 2.

CH passes.

MICCI-DEEs passes.

GEGS passes.

TEXAS passes.

Production Phase

CH gains 22M€.

MICCI-DEEs gains 20M€ and 3 heat.

GEGS gains 23M€.

PIKE gains 20M€ and 1 steel.

TEXAS gains 20M€ and 4 steel.

Solar Phase

The World Government raises the temperature of Mars to -28C.

Generation 2

Research Phase

MICCI-DEEs keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€

GEGS keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

PIKE keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

TEXAS keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

CH keeps 0 cards, spending 0M€.

Action Phase

MICCI-DEEs spends 11M€ on Solar Wind Power, gaining 2 titanium and 1 energy production, then he spends 1 steel and 16M€ for Noctis City at C5, losing 1 energy production, and gaining 4M€ production, 3M€, and 2 plants.

GEGS sells a card for 1M€.

PIKE uses a floater from Local Shading to increase his M€ production by 1 and gain 1M€, then spends 1 steel and 2M€ to play Power Plant, gaining 1 energy production and 1 energy.

TEXAS spends 11M€ on Research, gaining 2 cards.

CH spends 8M€ for Aquifer Pumping, placing an ocean at D1, gaining 1 card, and increasing his TR to 23. He then uses Virion's special ability to use Aquifer Pumping again, paying 8M€, placing an ocean at H4, gaining 2 plants, and increasing his TR to 24.

MICCI-DEEs passes.

GEGS spends 3M€ for Energy Tapping, reducing PIKE's energy production by one and increasing his own. He then spends 16M€ on a Cupola City at F6, gaining 1 plant, 3M€ production, 4M€, and losing 1 energy production. MICCI-DEEs gains 1M€ production.

PIKE spends 11M€ for Development Center, then spends 1 energy to use the Development Center to draw a card.

TEXAS spends 4 steel and 5M€ for Deep Well Heating, gaining 1 energy production and increasing the temperature to -26C and his TR to 21.

CH spends 6M€ on Heat Trappers, reducing MICCI-DEEs' heat production by 2 and increasing his own energy production by 1. He then spends 3M€ on Hackers, reducing his energy production by 1 and TEXAS' M€ production by 2, and increasing his own M€ production by 2.

GEGS passes.

PIKE spends 11M€ on Nitrite Reducing Bacteria, which comes with 3 resources. He then spends those resources to increase his TR to 21.

TEXAS passes.

CH passes.

PIKE passes.

Production Phase

MICCI-DEEs gains 25M€ and 1 heat.

GEGS gains 26M€.

PIKE gains 22M€ and 1 steel.

TEXAS gains 19M€, 4 steel, and 1 energy.

CH gains 26M€.

Solar Phase

The World Government increases Venus terraforming to 2%.

Generation 3

Research Phase

GEGS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

PIKE keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

TEXAS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

CH keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€

MICCI-DEEs keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€

Action Phase

GEGS spends 2M€ on an Invention Contest, drawing 3 cards and keeping 1. He then spends 4M€ on a Mine, increasing his steel production by 1.

PIKE spends 12M€ on Arctic Algae, gaining 1 plant.

TEXAS spends 4 steel and 3M€ on an Equatorial Magnetizer.

CH spends 8M€ to play Aquifer Pumping, placing an ocean tile at D5, gaining 2M€, 2 plants, and increases his TR to 25. PIKE gains 2 plants from Arctic Algae. CH then uses the Virion special ability to spend 8M€ on Aquifer Pumping again, placing an ocean at G6, gaining 2M€, 1 plant, and increasing his TR to 26. PIKE gains 2 plants from Arctic Algae.

MICCI-DEEs spends 2 titanium and 8M€ to play Asteroid, increasing temperature to -24C, TR to 22, gaining 2 titanium and 1 heat production, and reducing CH's plants by 3. From Improved Aerobraking, he also gains 3M€ and 3 heat.

GEGS spends 1 titanium and 11M€ for Vesta Shipyard, gaining 1 titanium production.

PIKE places a floater resource on Local Shading.

TEXAS uses Equatorial Magnetizers to increase his TR to 22 by reducing his energy production by 1.

CH spends 10M€ on Pets, gaining a resource on the card.

MICCI-DEEs spends 2 titanium and 15M€ for a Comet, increasing the temperature to -20C and his TR to 23, and removing 3 plants from GEGS. Improved Aerobraking also gains him 3 heat and 3M€. He then spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -18C, increasing his TR to 24 and gaining 1 heat production.

GEGS passes.

PIKE places a resource on Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.

TEXAS spends 8M€ for Forced Precipitation, then spends 2M€ to place a floater resource on that card.

CH passes.

MICCI-DEEs passes.

PIKE passes.

TEXAS passes.

Production Phase

GEGS gains 26M€, 1 steel, and 1 titanium.

PIKE gains 22M€ and 1 steel.

TEXAS moves 1 energy to heat and gains 10M€, and 4 steel.

CH gains 28M€.

MICCI-DEEs gains 28M€ and 3 heat.

Solar Phase

The World Government increases oxygen level to 2%.

Generation 4

Research Phase

PIKE keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

TEXAS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

CH keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

MICCI-DEEs keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

GEGS keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Action Phase

PIKE spends 2 steel and 6M€ for Nuclear Power, losing 2M€ production and gaining 3 energy production and 3 energy. He then spends 1 energy to use Development Center, drawing 1 card.

TEXAS spends 4 steel and 3M€ for Geothermal Power, gaining 2 energy production.

CH spends 3M€ for Space Mirrors.

MICCI-DEEs spends 25M€ to build a city at D4, gaining 2M€ production, 7M€, and 1 plant. CH gains a Pet. He then spends 10M€ on Algae, gaining 2 plant production and 1 plant.

GEGS spends 18M€ for Power Grid, increasing his energy production by 2.

PIKE spends 6M€ for Carbonate Processing, losing 1 energy production and gaining 3 heat production and 3 heat. He then spends a floater from Local Shading to increase his M€ production by 1, gaining 1M€.

TEXAS uses Equatorial Magnetizers to spend 1 energy production to increase his TR to 23.

CH spends 7M€ to use Space Mirrors to increase his energy production by 1, then spends 6M€ for a Fuel Factory, reducing his energy production by 1 and increasing his M€ and titanium production by 1 each.

MICCI-DEEs passes.

GEGS spends 1 steel and 11M€ for Immigrant City, losing 1 energy production and 2M€ production, then placing a city at G5, gaining 1M€ production, 4M€, and 2 plants. MICCI-DEEs gains 1M€ production and CH gains a pet.

PIKE adds a resource to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.

TEXAS spends 11M€ to play Areal Mappers, then uses Areal Mappers to add a floater to Forced Precipitation.

CH spends 4M€ to play Tardigrades.

GEGS passes.

PIKE passes.

TEXAS spends 2 floaters from Forced Precipitation to increase Venus terraforming to 4% and his TR to 24.

CH adds a Tardigrade then uses the Virion special ability to add a second tardigrade.

TEXAS spends 6M€ for Great Escarpment Consortium, gaining 1 steel production and reducing GEGS' steel production by 1.

CH passes.

TEXAS passes.

Production Phase

PIKE moves 2 energy to heat, gains 21M€, 1 steel, 2 energy, and 3 heat.

TEXAS gains 22M€, 5 steel, and 1 energy.

CH gains 29M€ and 1 titanium.

MICCI-DEEs gains 31M€, 2 plants, and 3 heat.

GEGS gains 25M€, 1 titanium, and 1 energy.

Solar Phase

The World Government increases Venus terraforming to 6%.

Generation 5

Research Phase

TEXAS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

CH keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

MICCI-DEEs keeps 0 cards, spending 0M€.

GEGS keeps 2 card2, spending 6M€.

PIKE keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.


Venus board

CH Player Board

MICCI-DEEs Player Board

GEGS Player Board

PIKE Player Board

TEXAS Player Board

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