
End of Game Statements

Christopher Hunt (Christian Juvenile Volunteer Host): Congratulations to David on his victory. Many thanks to Chris H for running the game. Very close. All of will be thinking if only I..., but for … Interesting that the number of armies is almost in inverse proportion to the number of VPs.

Kevin Wilson (Royal Manticoran Historical Society): Congrats to David on a nice, tight, win. Sometimes I’d rather lose by enough you don’t ask “what could I have done differently to get those last X VP?” but sometimes it’s just not in the cards.

Still one of my favorites so I’ll play anytime.

Thanks to Chris for running the game. Thanks to all for playing and, again, nice win to David.

Chris Geggus (Greco-Etruscan Great Sword): From my distant last I could only see everyone else disappearing into the ether. Horrendous game for me. Nothing went right and I got decimated early on. But kudos to David for a good win and thanks to Chris for running. Will endeavour to do better next time.

Bill Scharf (Courageous Underlings Terrorizing Evil): Congrats to David on his win, and thanks to Chris for running it.

I kept my strength low enough I was pulling cards early. The extremes are easy, good empires you keep, bad ones you pass along (evil cackle). I drew a lot of eh that’s okay empires...but through round five I was a bit underpowered. Then I drew Portugal and Britain the last two rounds, sheer luck of course, and did pretty well with them. Can’t get much closer in final score than that!

David Hood (Hood's InterContinental Kingdom): Yeah that was a thrilling end.

Andy York (Republic of Texas): Congrats to David on his close run win, and thanks to Chris for running this game. The four at the top, with a spread of only 6 points, really did a fine job. Those of us at the bottom of the pack not so much...

Hamiltonstovare, Issue 260

Kai Ken

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