Great Pyrenees

The Players






Terraform Rating

Chris Geggus Guggenheim Engenders Galactic Support (GEGS) Aphrodite Yellow 13 29
Kevin Wilson Pallas Industrial Komponents Enterprises (PIKE) Manutech Black 9
Dave Hood Hood Interplanetary Construction Kingpins (HICK) Saturn Systems Red 5
Dave Hooton BigBang Credicor Blue 6
Christopher Hunt Christiaan Huygens, Inc. (CH) Inventrix Green 16 21

Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Prodcution On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
Chris Geggus 6
44 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
Kevin Wilson -2 30
3 3 0 0 2 4 4 4 2 10
David Hood 4 30 0 0 5 10 0 2 2 2 3 11
Dave Hooton -1 38 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 4
Christopher Hunt 5 30 1 1 0 0 2 5 1
1 0 0

Generation 1

Initial Card and Company Selection

GEGS selects Aphrodite and retains 6 cards, paying 18M€

PIKE selects Manutech and retains 7 cards, paying 21M€

HICK selects Saturn Systems and retains 4 cards, paying 12M€

BigBang selects Credicor and retains 6 cards, paying 18M€

CH selects Inventrix and retains 9 cards, paying 27M€

Action Phase

GEGS spends 20M€ for Mohole Area in F2, increasing heat production by 4 and gaining 2 cards.

PIKE spends 12M€ for Artificial Photosynthesis, increasing his energy production by 2 and gaining 2 energy.

HICK spends 4M€ on a Power Plant, gaining 1 energy production, then spends 6M€ on a Fuel Factory, losing 1 energy production and gaining 1 megacredit production and 1 titanium production.

BigBang spends 36M€ on Giant Ice Asteroid, placing oceans in B1 (gaining 2 steel) and I9 (gaining 2 titanium), increasing the temperature to -26 degrees, increasing his TR to 24 and gaining a 4M€ rebate. Then spends 7M€ on Bribed Committee, increasing his TR to 26.

CH draws 3 cards.

GEGS passes.

PIKE spends 2M€ for Dust Seals.

HICK passes.

BigBang passes.

CH spends 4M€ for a Mine, gaining 1 steel production.

PIKE passes.

CH passes.

Production Phase

GEGS gains 20M€, 1 plant and 4 heat.

PIKE moves 2 energy to heat, gains 20M€, 1 steel, and 2 energy.

HICK gains 22M€ and 2 titanium.

BigBang gains 26M€.

CH gains 20M€ and 1 steel.

Solar Phase

The World Government advances the Venus track to 2%. GEGS gains 2M€.

Generation 2

Research Phase

PIKE buys 2 cards for 6M€

HICK buys 2 cards for 6M€

BigBang buys 2 cards for 6M€

CH buys 4 cards for 12M€

GEGS buys 4 cards for 12M€

Action Phase

PIKE spends 1 steel and 4M€ for Building Industries, losing 1 energy production and gaining 2 steel production and 2 steel.

HICK spends 2 titanium and 1M€ for Importe GHG, gaining 1 heat production and 3 heat.

BigBang discards a card for 1M€, then spends 21M€ on Extractor Balloons, gaining a 4M€ refund and 3 resources on Extractor Balloons.

CH spends 1 steel and 21M€ for Protected Valley, gaining 2 megacredit production and placing a greenery tile in D1, further gaining 1 card, increasing oxygen level to 1% and his TR to 21.

CH spends 1 steel and 21M€ for Protected Valley, gaining 2 megacredit production and placing a greenery tile in D1, further gaining 1 card, increasing oxygen level to 1% and his TR to 21.

GEGS spends 2M€ for an Invention Contest, drawing 3 cards and keeping one. He then spends 14M€ for Asteroid, gaining 2 titanium and increasing the temperature to -24C, gaining 1 heat production and increasing his TR to 21.

PIKE spends 1 steel and 9M€ for Solar Power, increasing energy production by 1 and gaining 1 energy.

HICK spends 7M€ for Peroxide Power, reducing his megacredit income by 1 and increasing his energy production by 2.

BigBang adds a resource to Extractor Balloons.

CH passes.

GEGS passes.

PIKE passes.

HICK spends 26M€ for Orbital Reflectors, moving Venus terraforming to 6%, increasing heat production by 2, and increasing his TR to 22. GEGS gains 4M€.

BigBang passes.

HICK passes.

Production Phase

PIKE moves 3 energy to heat, gains 20M€, 3 steel, and 2


HICK gains 22M€, 2 titanium, 2 energy, and 3 heat.

BigBang gains 26M€.

CH gains 23M€ and 1 steel.

GEGSgains 21M€, 1 plant, and 5 heat.

Solar Phase

The World Government increases the temperature to -22C.

Generation 3

Research Phase

HICK buys 3 cards for 9M€

BigBang buys 1 card for 3M€

CH buys 3 cards for 9M€

GEGS buys 2 cards for 6M€.

PIKE buys 3 cards for 9M€

Action Phase

HICK spends 13M€ for Medical Lab, increasing his megacredit production by 2.

BigBang spends 2 titanium and 25M€ for Diemos Down, gaining 4 steel, increasing the temperature three steps to -16C, gaining a heat production increase, a 4M€ rebate, and increasing his TR to 29. He then spends 6 steel for Mining Expedition, gaining 2 steel, reducing GEGS' plants by 2, and increasing the oxygen level to 2% and his TR to 30.

CH spends 12M€ to play Ecological Zone in C1, gaining 2M€.

GEGS spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -14C and his TR to 22. He then spends 2M€ for Insulation, converting 5 heat production to megacredit production.

PIKE spends 3 steel and 5M€ for Equatorial Magnetizer, then uses it to sacrifice 1 energy production to increase his TR to 21.

HICK passes.

BigBang adds a resource to Extractor Balloons.

CH passes.

GEGS spends 4M€ for Business Network, reducing his megacredit production by 1. He then uses Business Network to draw a card which he then buys for 3M€.

PIKE spends 2 steel and 7M€ to play Development Center, then spends 1 energy to use Development Center to draw a card.

BigBang passes.

GEGS spends 13M€ on Deep Well Heating, increasing his energy production by 1, increasing the temperature to -12C, and raising his TR to 23.

PIKE passes.

GEGS passes.

Production Phase

HICK converts 2 energy to heat and produces 25M€, 2 titanium, 2 energy, and 3 heat.

BigBang produces 30M€ and 1 heat.

CH produces 23M€ and 1 steel.

GEGS produces 27M€, 1 plant, and 1 energy.

PIKE converts 1 energy to heat and produces 21M€, 3 steel, and 1 energy.

Solar Phase

The World Government advances the Venus track to 8%. GEGS gains 2M€.

Generation 4

Research Phase

BigBang buys 3 cards for 9M€

CH buys 2 cards for 6M€

GEGS buys 3 cards for 9M€.

PIKE buys 3 cards for 9M€

HICK buys 2 cards for 6M€

Action Phase

BigBang spends 10M€ for Pets, placing one resource on the card.

CH spends 18M€ for a Research Outpost, placing a city at A3 and gaining a card. BigBang gains a resource on the Pets card.

GEGS spends 7M€ on Business Contracts, drawing 4 cards and keeping 2. He then spends 1 titanium and 2M€ to play Technology Demonstration, gaining 2 cards.

PIKE spends 3 steel and 2M€ on Rover Construction.

HICK spends 4M€ for an Industrial Center at A4, gaining 1 plant and 1 titanium. Spends 5 titanium and 15M€ for Asteroid Mining, gaining 2 titanium production and 1 megacredit production for the Jupiter tag.

BigBang places a resource on Extractor Balloons.

CH passes.

GEGS uses Business Network to draw a card, which he buys for 3M€. He then spends 8M€ to claim the Planner milestone.

PIKE spends 3M€ to play Extremophiles, then adds a resource to that card.

HICK spends 1M€ to play Fueled Generators, reducing his megacredit production by one and increasing his energy production by one.

BigBang spends 5M€ for Protected Habitats.

GEGS sells one card for 1M€, then spends 1M€ for Hired Raiders, stealing 2 steel from BigBang.

PIKE passes.

HICK spends 8 heat to increase the termperature to -10C and his TR to 23.

BigBang spends 10M€ for Bushes, increasing his plant production by 2 and gaining 2 plants.

GEGS passes.

HICK passes.

BigBang passes.

Production Phase

BigBang produces 30M€, 2 plants, and 1 heat.

CH produces 23M€ and 1 steel.

GEGS converts 1 energy to heat and produces 27M€, 1 plant, and 1 energy.

PIKE converts 1 energy to heat and produces 21M€, 3 steel, and 1 energy.

HICK converts 2 energy to heat and produces 26M€, 4 titanium, 3 energy, and 3 heat.

Solar Phase

The World Government places an ocean tile on E5.

Generation 5

Research Phase

CH buys 1 card for 3M€

GEGS buys 2 cards for 6M€.

PIKE buys 2 cards for 6M€

HICK buys 3 cards for 9M€

BigBang buys 3 cards for 9M€

Action Phase

CH passes.

GEGS spends 9M€ for Sponsored Academies, discarding one card and drawing three more. Each other player also draws a card. He then spends 2 steel and 4M€ for Mars University, and utilizes it to discard a card and draw a new card.

PIKE spends 13M€ for Lunar Beam, reducing his megacredit production by 2 and increasing both energy and heat production by 2 and gaining 2 energy and 2 heat. He then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -8C and his TR to 22.

HICK spends 10M€ for Olympus Conference, adding a resource to the card for the science tag.

BigBang adds a resource to Extractor Ballons, then spends 8M€ to claim the Hoverlord milestone.

GEGS spends 3M€ for Search for Life, which has a science tag allowing him to use Mars University to discard a card and draw a new one. He then spends 1M€ to use Search for Life, drawing Tardigrades, which has a microbe tag and allows him to place a resource on Search for Life.

PIKE spends 5M€ for Power Supply Consortium, reducing HICK's energy production by one and increasing his own by one and gaining 1 energy. He then adds a resource to Extremophiles.

HICK spends 4 titanium and 3M€ for Vesta Shipyard, gaining 1 titanium and 1 megacredit production.

BigBang spends 14M€ for Release of Inert Gasses, increasing his TR to 32.

GEGS spends 3M€ for Hackers, reducing his energy production by 2, increasing his megacredit production by 2 and decreasing BigBang's megacredit production by 2.

PIKE spends 2 steel to play Power Infrastructure. He then uses Development Center to spend 1 energy to draw a card.

HICK spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -6C and his TR to 24.

BigBang passes.

GEGS passes.

PIKE passes.

HICK passes.

Production Phase

CH produces 23M€ and 1 steel.

GEGS moves 1 energy to heat, and produces 29M€ and 1 plant.

PIKE moves 3 energy to heat, and produces 20M€, 3 steel, 4 energy, and 2 heat.

HICK moves 3 energy to heat, and produces 28M€, 5 titanium, 2 energy, and 3 heat.

BigBang produces 30M€, 2 plants, and 1 heat.

Solar Phase

The world government raises the temperature to -4C.

Generation 6

Research Phase

GEGS buys 2 cards for 6M€.

PIKE buys 2 cards for 6M€.

HICK buys 2 cards for 6M€.

BigBang buys 1 card for 3M€.

CH buys 1 card for 3M€.

Action Phase

GEGS spends 18M€ for Lava Flows at B2, gaining 2M€ and 1 steel and increasing the temperature 2 steps to 0C and his TR to 25. This allows the placement of an ocean tile at F4, gaining 2M€ and 2 plants and increasing his TR to 26. He then spends 3M€ on an Investment Loan, gaining 10M€ but reducing his megacredit production by one.

PIKE plays Indentured Workers, then spends 10M€ on Power Grid, gaining 5 energy production and 5 energy.

HICK spends 11M€ for Omnicourt, increasing his TR to 26. He then spends 8M€ to claim the Builder milestone.

BigBang spends 25M€ for the City standard project at E4, gains a 4M€ rebate, 1 megacredit production, 2 plants, 4M€, and a resource on the Pets card. PIKE gains 2M€ from Rover Construction. He then spends 8 plants to put a greenery tile on D4, gaining 1 plant, 2M€, and increasing the oxygen level to 3% and his TR to 33.

CH spends 22M€ (including a 1M€ credit from Research Outpost) for Earth Catapult.

GEGS spends 10M€ for a Nuclear Area at F6, gaining 1 plant and 4M€ and raising the temperature 2 steps to 4C and increasing his TR to 28.

PIKE uses Power Infrastructure to convert 6 energy to 6M€. Spends 12M€ and 4 steel for Magnetic Field Generator, reducing energy production by 4, increasing plant production by 2, gaining 2 plants, and increasing his TR to 25.

HICK spends 9M€ on Viral Enhancers, gaining 1 plant and since it has a science tag, it triggers Olympus Conference, removing the resource and allowing him to draw a card.

BigBang expends 2 floater resources from Extractor Balloons to increase Venus to 10%, increasing his TR to 34 and giving GEGS 2M€.

CH sells a card for 1M€.

GEGS spends 1 steel and 8M€ for Noctis Farming, gaining 1 megacredit production and 2 plants. He then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at A1, gaining 2 steel and 2M€, increasing the oxygen level to 4% and his TR to 29.

PIKE spends 1 energy to use Development Center to draw a card. He then uses Equatorial Magnetizer, reducing his energy production by 1 to raise his TR to 26.

HICK passes.

BigBang spends 11M€ for Dirigibles, then places a resource on it.

CH spends 1M€ (including 1M€ discount for Research Outpost and 2M€ discount for Earth Catapult) for Biomass Combustors, gaining 2 energy production and reducing GEGS' plant production by 1.

GEGS uses the Business Network to draw a card, which he declines to buy.

PIKE adds a resource to the Extremophiles card.

BigBang passes.

CH plays Space Mirrors (1M€ discount for Research Outpost, 2M€ discount for Earth Catapult).

GEGS passes.

PIKE passes.

CH spends 4 steel and 7M€ (1M€ discount for Research Outpost, 2M€ discount for Earth Catapult) for Noctis City, placing a city at C5, losing 1 energy production, and gaining 3 megacredit production and 2 plants. PIKE gains 2M€ for Rover Construction and BigBang gains a resource on the Pets card. He then spends 7M€ (1M€ discount for Research Outpost, 2M€ discount for Earth Catapult) for Algae, gaining 2 plant production and 1 plant.

CH passes.

Production Phase

GEGS produces 35M€.

PIKE moves 2 energy to heat, and produces 24M€, 3 steel, 2 plants, 4 energy, and 2 heat.

HICK moves 2 energy to heat, and produces 30M€, 5 titanium, 2 energy, and 3 heat.

BigBang produces 33M€, 2 plants, and 1 heat.

CH produces 26M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, and 1 energy.

Solar Phase

The World Government increases the Venus terraforming percentage to 12%. GEGS receives 2M€.

Venus board

PIKE Player Board

HICK Player Board

CH Player Board

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Great Pyrenees, Issue 236