Flea Collar

Turn 3 Cure through Health

Turn 3 Funeral Commission through Parade due 10/2, Tuesday

Cure Phase

Left Wing Trendies declare 2 IP on Alexej Goferbrok. REDS declare 1 IP on Viktor Wasolin. Hard Line Mencheviks declare 5 IP on Lech Schukrutoff and 4 IP on Viktor Wasolin.. Lech goes to the Sanatorium. Natasha Nogoodnik ages to 84, Lech Schukrutoff ages to 82, and Ludmilla Patina ages to 68.

Purge Phase

Andrej Purgemoff attempts to purge Ludmilla Patina (dr = 10) and succeeds. Purgemoff ages to 94.

Spy Investigation Phase

MLI, TCC, and LWT end up in a bidding war over Alexej Goferbrok. MLI ends up with 9 IP and LWT ends up with 10. Goferbrok declares a trial on Natasha Nogoodnik. .MLI and TCC end up in a bidding war over Eduard Boremtodev, Anatol Mischif, and Viktor Wasolin. MLI ends up declaring 4 IP on Boremtodev, 5 IP on Mischif, and 8 IP on Wasolin, with TCC declaring 5, 4, and 7, respectively. Nogoodnik, Mischif, and Wasolin all vote to aquit, so the trail fails. Goferbrok opens investigations on Eduard Boremtodev, Anatol Mischif, and Viktor Wasolin, and ages to 81.

Health Phase

Natasha Nogoodnik (dr = 7) falls ill.

Andrej Purgemoff (dr = 4) dies

Lech Schukrutoff (dr = 20) recovers to sick

Alexej Goferbrok (dr = 12) gets sick.

Eduard Boremtodev (dr = 5) gets sick.

Anatol Mischif (dr = 16) remains healthy.

Viktor Wasolin (dr = 17) remains healthy.






Party Chief

Natasha Nogoodnik (V)

84, ++

1 (MLI)

KGB Head

Foreign Minister

Lech Schukrutoff (B)

82 +, ?

3 (KGB), 2 (LWT), 5 (HLM)

Defense Minister

Alexej Goferbrok (C)

81, strong, +

2 (MLI), 9 (TCC), 10 (LWT)

Ideology Minister

Eduard Boremtodev (K)

66, +, ?

4 (MLI), 5 (TCC)

Industry Minister

Anatol Mischif (I)

68, ?

5 (MLI), 4 (TCC)

Economy Minister

Sport Minister

Victor Wasolin (Z)

50, ?

1 (REDS), 4 (HLM), 8 (MLI), 7 (TCC)

Politicians listed in bold are in the sanatorium. Influence in bold indicates controlling faction.

Alexej Goferbrok is currently Blackmailing (20) Natasha Nogoodnik.

Candidates: O, T, W, X, Y
People: D, E, G, H, J, L, M, N, P, Q, R, U
Siberia: S (68, +)
Kremlin Wall: A, G, F


Bob Robles

Hard Line Mensheviks

Brendan Whyte

Left-wing Trendies

Pasquale Giovine

Marxist-Leninists Integralists

Mike Scott

The California Connection

Chris Geggus

King's Gambit for Bishops (KGB)

Cary Nichols

Re-Education Deployment Society (REDS)

Flea Collar, Issue 137
Jackal S.O.B. 138 Home Terrier
Flea Collar, Issue 139