Flea Collar


Influence Allocation due 1/16, Tuesday


I am holding this game over until next turn. The reason is two-fold. First, in last issue, I misidentified one of the players in the game. Dale Horsely is not playing in this game, but Chris Geggus is. The second reason is that Chris has been having ISP problems, and partly because of my misidentification , he was unable to get order into me in time. Because the blame is party mine, there are extenuating circumstances, and an NMR at this stage essentially removes a player from the game, I have decided to extend it one more issue. If you have already sent me orders, I will keep those on file, so you need only send new ones if you want a change.






Party Chief

Nestor Aparatschik (A)

80 +


KGB Head

Natasha Nogoodnik (V)

55, weak


Foreign Minister

Wassily Protzky (U)



Defense Minister

Ludmilla Patina (S)

58, weak


Ideology Minister

Ulan Putschnik (Y)



Industry Minister

Antonj Talksalott (J)



Economy Minister

Diwan Palavarian (G)



Sport Minister

Lech Schukrutoff (B)



Politicians listed in bold are in the sanatorium. Influence in bold indicates controlling faction.

Candidates: C, E, F, L, Z
People: D, G, H, I, K, M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, W, X
Siberia: None (yet)


We are using all of the Intrigue cards provided by the Revolution variant, as well as a few more provided in The General. Please let me know of you need explanations of any of your cards.


Bob Robles

Brendan Whyte

Pasquale Giovine

Marxist-Leninists Integralists

Mike Scott

The California Connection

Chris Geggus

Cary Nichols

Flea Collar, Issue 131
Jackal S.O.B. 132 Home Terrier
Flea Collar, Issue 133