
The Players






Terraform Rating

Dave Hood Hood Interplanetary Construction Kingpins (HICK) Mining Guild Red 7 25
Chris Geggus Galactic Elevated Geo-static Systems (GEGS) Terractor Yellow 11 28
Dave Hooton UNMItigated UNMI Blue 5 35
Christopher Hunt Credit Hansa Credicor Green 13 28
Martin Burgdorf Thor-Tor Thorgate Black 7 21

Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Prodcution On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
David Hood 4 33 9 9 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 9
Chris Geggus 10 37 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 7
Dave Hooton -1 18 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 1 0 3
Christopher Hunt 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 8 15
Martin Burgdorf 8 3 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 3 3 27

Generation 5

Research Phase

Thor-Tor buys 2 cards, spending 6M€.

HICK buys 3 cards, spending 9M€

GEGS buys 2 cards, spending 6M€.

UNMItigated buys 1 card, spending 3M€.

Credit Hansa buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Action Phase

Thor-Tor spends 4M€ to play Archaebacteria, increasing his plant production by one.

HICK spends 2M€ and 4 titanium to play Asteroid, increasing temperature and TR by one step, gaining 2 titanium, and removing 2 plants from GEGS. Then spends 9M€ and 2 titanium to play Convoy from Europa, placing an ocean at E5, gaining 2 plants and 2M€, increasing TR to 24 and gaining a card.

GEGS spends 11M€ to play Solar Power, gaining 1 energy production, then spends 16M€ to play Cupola City, losing 1 energy production and gaining 3 megacredit production, then placing a city on D4, gaining 1 plant and 4M€.

UNMItigated spends 16M€ to play Imported Hydrogen, gaining 3 plants and placing an ocean at F5, gaining 2 plants, 2M€, and increasing TR to 28. He then spends 10M€ to play Nuclear Zone, placing a nuclear zone at G5, gaining 2 plants and 2M€, and increasing the temperature two steps, thus increasing his TR to 30.

Credit Hansa spent 8 heat to increase the temperature one step, increasing his TR to 27.

Thor-Tor spends 9M€ (including 2M€ discount for Earth Catapult) for a Corporate Stronghold at F3, gaining 2M€, as well as a pet on the Pets card, then gains a plant from Extreme Cold Fungus.

HICK spends 3 steel to build the Fuel Factory, losing 1 energy production and gaining 1 megacredit production and 1 titanium production, the spends 8M€ to claim the Builder milestone. (Note that the milestone the map is incorrect – the correct value is 8, not 10 build tags.)

GEGS spends 7M€ to play Optimal Aerobraking.

UNMItigated spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at D2, gaining 2M€ and increasing his TR to 31. He then uses the Business Network to draw a card, which is discarded.

Credit Hansa passes.

Thor-Tor spends 7M€ to play Great Dam (2M€ discount from Earth Catapult, 3M€ discount from Thorgate special ability) which increases his energy production by 2.

HICK gains a Tardigrade.

GEGS spends 8 heat to raise the temperature one step and thus increase his TR to 26.

UNMItigated spends 3M€ to use UNMI's special action to increase his TR to 32, then spends 4M€ for Moss, losing 1 plant and gaining 1 plant production.

Thor-Tor passes.

HICK spends 3 steel for Building Industries, losing 1 power production and gaining 2 steel production, then spends 1 steel and 2M€ for a Power Plant, increasing energy production by 1.

GEGS passes.

UNMItigated passes.

HICK spends 2M€ to use the Restricted Area's ability to draw a card, then converts 8 heat into a temperature increase, increasing his TR to 25.

HICK passes.

Production Phase

HICK converts 3 energy to heat, then gains 29M€, 9 steel, 2 titanium, 2 energy, and 2 heat.

GEGSgains 37M€ and 2 heat.

UNMItigated converts 1 energy into heat, then gains 31M€, 3 plants, and 1 energy.

Credit Hansa gains 27M€ and 8 heat.

Thor-Tor converts 2 energy to heat, then gains 26M€, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 3 heat.

Generation 6


HICK buys 2 cards for 6M€

GEGS buys 1 card for 3M€

UNMItigated buys 0 cards

Credit Hansa buys 3 cards for 9M€

Thor-Tor buys 1 card for 3M€


HICK spends 2 titanium, 8 steel, and 5M€ to play Space Elevator, then 5M€ for Protected Habitats.

GEGS spends 33M€ (including 3M€ discount for being Terracor) to play Large Convoy. He gains 2 cards and 5 plants, places an ocean at H4, gaining 2 plants and increasing TR to 27. Through Optimal Aerobraking, he gains 3 heat and 3M€. He then converts his 8 plants to a greenery tile at E4, gaining 2 plants and 4M€, increasing the oxygen level 1 step and increasing his TR to 28.

UNMItigated spends 23M€ to place a greenery space at H5, increasing the oxygen level 1 step and his TR to 33 and gaining 2 plants and 2M€. He then spends 8M€ to claim the Gardener milestone.

Credit Hansa spends 8M€ to claim the Planner milestone.

Thor-Tor spends 21M€ (2M€ discount for Earth Catapult) to play Protected Valley, gaining 2 megacredit production and placing a greenery tile in G6, gaining 2M€ and 1 plant, and increasing the oxygen level one step and his TR to 21.

HICK spends 2M€ to use Restricted Area to draw a card.

GEGS spends 8M€ on a Colonizer Training Camp.

UNMItigated uses Business Network to draw a card, which he discards. He then spends 3M€ to increase his TR to 34.

Credit Hansa uses the Sell Patents action to discard 2 cards for 2M€, then converts 8 heat to a temperature increase, increasing his TR to 28.

Thor-Tor passes.

HICK uses the Space Elevator to convert 1 steel into 5M€, then spends 8M€ for Worms, increasing his plant production by one.

GEGS uses Sell Patents to discard 1 card and gain 1M€.

UNMItigated passes.

Credit Hansa spends 8M€ for Wave Power, increasing power production by one, then spends 2 steel for Power Infrastructure.

HICK passes.

GEGS passes.

Credit Hansa spends 11M€ for Research, gaining 2 cards. He then spends 2 steel and 10M€ for Fusion Power, gaining 3 energy production.

Credit Hansa passes.

Production Phase

HICK moves 2 energy to heat, gains 28M€, 9 steel, 2 titanium, 1 plant, 2 energy, and 2 heat.

GEGSgains 39M€ and 2 heat.

UNMItigated converts 1 energy to heat, gains 33M€, 3 plants, and 1 energy.

Credit Hansa gains 28M€, 4 energy, and 8 heat.

Thor-Tor converts 3 energy to heat, gains 29M€, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 3 heat.

Generation 7

Research Phase

HICK buys 2 cards for 6M€.

GEGS buys 2 cards for 6M€.

UNMItigated buys 1 card for 3M€.

Credit Hansa buys 3 cards for 9M€.

Thor-Tor buys 1 card for 3M€.

Action Phase

GEGS spends 8M€ to fund the Banker Award, then plays Investment Loan (free with discount), reducing his megacredit production by 1 and gaining 10M€.

UNMItigated spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at I5, increasing oxygen level one step and gaining 2 plants, 2M€, and TR increasing to 35. Then he spends 14M€ to fund the Landlord Award.

Credit Hansa play Indentured Workers (free), then spends 5M€ on an Ore Processor (8M€ discount from Indentured Workers).

Eurasier, Issue 230
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Eurasier, Issue 232