Dogue de Bordeaux

Epoch VI

Empire Selection

Republic of Texas keeps.
GEGS keeps.
Royal Manticoran Historical Society passes to Unorganized Chaos.
Unorganized Chaos passes to The Greenies.
The Greenies pass to the Royal Manticoran Historical Society.

Epoch VI

The Greenies:  MING DYNASTY:  Plays Jihad and Fanaticism.  Army and Capital Chekiang (Mongol army retreats to Great Plain of China), army Yangtze Kian (vs. Mongols, automatic victory), Wei River (vs. Mongols; automatic victory), Eastern Steppe, Western Steppe (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 4, 4, 3; S: 2; wins), Dneipr (vs. Goths; M: 5, 4, 1; G: 4; wins), Danubia (vs. Byzantines; M: 6, 2, 1; B: 3; wins), Balkans (vs. Byzantium; M: 6, 2, 1; B: 6+1, 5+1; loses), Balkans (vs. Byzantium; M: 3, 2; B: 6+1, 2+1; loses), Balkans (vs. Byzantium; M: 6, 4; B: 6+1, 3+1; loses), fleet South China Sea. Points:  Control of China (9), Nippon (3), Dominance in Eurasia (2), Presence in India (3), Southern Europe (2), Northern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), 2 Capitals (4), 2 cities (2), 2 Seas (2), and 2 Monuments (2) for 33 points.

Unorganized Chaos:  Plays Kingdom in Southern Iberia.  Army, city, and fort Southern Iberia (two Carthaginian armies retreat to Shatts Plateau).  TIMURID EMIRATES:  Plays Elite Troops.  Army and Capital Turanian Plain (Seljuk Turk army retreats to Hindu Kush), army Western Steppe (vs. Ming Dynasty; T: 5, 4, 3; M: 5; T: 5, 1, 1; M: 4; wins), Dneipr (vs. Ming Dynasty; T: 4, 3, 2; M: 3; wins), Central Europe (vs. Holy Roman Empire; T: 4, 4, 1; H: 2, wins, Capital reduced to city), Tarim Basin (vs. Mongols; T: 5, 3, 2; M: 4, 3; wins), Hindu Kush (vs. Selkuk Turks; T: 6, 4, 3; S: 6, 2; T: 6, 5, 1; S: 6, 2; T: 5, 1, 1; S: 5, 1; T: 6, 4, 3; S: 5, 2; T: 6, 6, 3; S: 5, 3; wins), Lower Indus (vs. Seljuk Turks; T: 5, 4, 4; S: 2; wins), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Seljuk Turks; T: 5, 5, 5; S: 5; T: 5, 4, 1; S: 4; wins).  Builds Monument Turanian Plain.  Points:  Dominance in Middle East (4), Presence in China (3), India (3), Southern Europe (2), Northern Europe (2), Eurasia (1), North America (1), 3 Capitals (6), 2 cities (2), 2 Seas (2), and 4 Monuments (4) for 30 points.

INCAS & AZTECS are abesnt.

Royal Manticoran Historical Society: OTTOMAN TURKS:  Plays Siegecraft.  Army and Capital Western Anatolia, fleet Black Sea (vs. Unorganized Chaos; R: 6, 2; U: 4; wins), Eastern Mediterranean (vs. Unorganized Chaos; R: 4, 3; U: 3; wins), army Balkans (vs. Byzantines; O: 5, 2; B: 1; O: 4, 3; B: 5; loses), Balkans (vs. Byzantines; O: 4, 2; B: 5; loses), Balkans (vs. Byzantines; O: 2, 1; B: 5; loses), Balkans (vs. Byzantines; O: 6, 3; B: 5; wins, Capital reduced to city), Dalmatia (vs. Holy Roman Empire; O: 2, 2; H: 1; wins), Danubia (vs. Ming Dynasty; O: 4, 3; M: 6; loses), Danubia (vs. Ming Dynasty; O: 2, 2; M: 2; O: 6, 4; M: 6; O: 4, 3; M: 6; loses), Danubia (vs. Ming Dynasty; O: 6, 4; M: 5; wins), Dneipr (vs. Timurid Emirates; O: 6, 2; T: 3; wins), Central Europe (vs. Timurid Emirates; O: 5, 3; T: 6; loses), Central Europe (vs. Timurid Emirates; O: 3, 3; T: 3; O: 1, 1; T: 1; O: 4, 4; T: 2; wins, city eliminated), Western Steppe (vs. Timurid Emirates; O: 5, 1; T: 4; wins).  Points:  Dominance in India (6), Southern Europe (4), Northern Europe (4), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (2), Southeast Asia (2), North Amreica (1), 1 Capital (2), 3 cities (3), 4 Seas (4), and 7 Monuments (7) for 37 points.

Republic of Texas:  Plays Black Death in Southeast Asia and India.  Arab army Eastern Deccan eliminated.  PORTUGAL:  Plays Population Explosion.  Army and Capital Western Iberia, fleet Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, Caribbean Sea, army Eastern Deccan (city eliminated), Mexican Valley, South Africa, Guiana Highlands, Northern Andes, Southern Andes, Western Gaul.  Builds Monument Western Iberia.  Points:  Dominance in Northern Europe (4), North America (2), South America (4), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (2), India (3), Southern Europe (2), Eurasia (1), Sub-Saharan Africa (1), 2 Capital (4), 3 Seas (3), and 2 Monuments (2) for 30 points.

GEGS:  Plays Sub-Saharan Migrants.  Army Madagascar, East Africa.  SPAIN:  Plays Leader.  Army and Capital Pyrenees (Celt army retreats to Central Massif), fleet Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, army Western Gaul (vs. Portugal; S: 6, 6, 2; P: 5, 1; wins), Central Massif (vs. Celts; S: 3, 2, 1; C: 6; loses), Central Massif (vs. Celts; S: 5, 5, 4; C: 5; S: 5, 3, 2; C: 5; S: 6, 5, 1; C: 6; S: 5, 4, 2; C: 5; S: 5, 5, 5 (leader dies); C: 2; S: 5, 4; C: 6; loses), Central Massif (vs. Celts; S: 4, 1; C: 4; S: 3, 3; C: 1; wins), Western Iberia (vs. Portugal; S: 6, 5; P: 3; wins, Capital reduced to city), Northern Gual (vs. Vikings; S: 4, 2; V: 1; wins), Lower Rhein (vs. Goths; S: 6, 3; G: 4; wins), Central Europe (vs. Ottoman Turks; S: 4, 1; O: 4; S: 5, 5; O: 3; wins, city eliminated), Western Ghats, Patagonia, Deep South, Congo Basin.  Builds Monument Pyrenees.  Points:  Dominance in India (6), Southern Europe (4), Northern Europe (4), Sub-Sahara Africa (2), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (2), Southeast Asia (2), Eurasia (1), North America (1), South America (2), 1 Capital (2), 4 cities (4), and 6 Monuments (6) for 38 points.

MUGHALS are absent.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Remaining Event Cards

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Andy YorkRepublic of Texas (blue)
Bill Scharf
Unorganized Chaos (turquoise)
Chris GeggusGEGS (yellow)0
Kevin WilsonRoyal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple)0
Christopher HuntThe Greenies (green)

GEGS is Glorious Empirical Growth Spurt.


SUMERIANS:  Three armies and Capital Lower Tirgirs.

Republic of Texas:  Fleets Western Mediterranean, Bay of Bengal, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean.  CARTHAGINIA:  Army and Capital Shatts Plateau, two armies Southern Iberia, armies Pyrenees, Central Massif, Libya.  NORTH AMERICAN MIGRANTS:  Armies West Indies, Pacific Seaboard.  SASSANIDS:  Two armies Persian Plateau.  ANGLO-SAXONS:  Army North European Plain.  GOTHS:  Armies Highlands, Ireland.  HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE:  Armies Baltic Seaboard, Northern Appenines, Southern Appenines.  PORTUGAL:  Army and Monument Eastern Deccan, armies South Africa, Mexican Valley, Guiana Highlands, Northern Andes, Southern Andes.

Unorganized Chaos:  PERSIA:  Army Pindus.  MAYANS:  Army, Capital, and fort Central America.  BYZANTINES:  Army and city Middle Tigris, army Upper Tigris. 

Royal Manticoran Historical Society:  Fleets Red Sea, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean.  MALAYAN KINGDOM:  Army, city, and fort Malayan Peninsula.  ARABS:  Army and Monument Nubia, Eastern Anatolia, Ganges Delta, armies Upper Nile, Levant, Ganges Valley.  VIKINGS:  Army and Monument Albion, armies Scandinavia, Appalachia.  OTTOMAN TURKS:  Army and Capital Western Anatolia, army, city, and Monuement Balkans, armies Dalmatia, Danubia, Dneipr, Western Steppe.

GEGS:  PHOENICIA:  Army and city Morea.  HAN DYNASTY:  Two armies East Indies, army Mekong.  GUPTAS:  Army Western Deccan.  CRUSADERS:  Army, city, and fort Palestine, army, city, and Monument Arabian Peninsula, army Nile Delta.  SELJUK TURKS:  Army and Monument Upper Indus, Lower Indus, Zagros, armies Turanian Plain, Hindu Kush, Persian Salt Desert.  SPAIN:  Army and Capital Pyrenees, army, city, and Monuement Western Iberia, army and Monument Central Europe, armies Central Massif, Western Gaul, Northern Gaul, Lower Rhein, Western Ghats, Patagonia.

The Greenies:  Two fleets Sea of Japan, fleet South China Sea.  GREEK CITY STATES:  Army, city, and Fort Crete.  MAURYA:  Two armies Eastern Ghats, army and fort Ceylon, Sumatra, army Irrawaddy.  FUJIWARA:  Army and Capital Hokkaido.  MONGOLS:  Army, city, and Monument Szechuan, two armies Great Plain of China, armies Honshu, Korean Peninsula, Manchurian Plain, Mongolia, Yellow River, Tarim Basin, Si-Kyang.  MING DYNASTY:  Army, Capital, and Monument Chekiang, armies Yangtse Kian, Wei River, Eastern Steppe, Western Steppe.


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