
Summer 1506

Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Standard Victory

Miller Number 2012Apw25

Deadline/Fall 1506 9/19 Tuesday

The resistance to Austria's hegemony appears to be stiffening, as Venice and the Pope manage to give as good as they take. Florence loses a fleet but consolidates his position.

Spring 1506 Retreats

The Papacy retreats F Savoy into garrison and A Messina into garrison


The Papacy gives 10 ducats to Venice

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1506: 18 ducats due from Venice (12 borrowed)

Fall 1507: 27 ducats due from Papacy (18 borrowed)


Austria (Burgdorf) A Austria to Carinthia, A (EP) Tyrolea to Milan, A Montferrat supports A Savoy, A Savoy beseiges, A Cremona supprts A Tyrolea to Milan, F Gulf of Lions to Corsica, F Sardinia supports F Gulf of Lions to Corsica, F Provence to Ligurian Sea, F Palermo besieges (Dislodged, retreat Central Mediterranean, Gulf of Naples, Ionian Sea, OTB), F Naples to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Upper Adriatic to Padua, G Milan supports A Tyrolea to Milan
Florence (Robles) A Sienna to Piombino, A Arezzo to Sienna, F Piombino to Pisa, F Corsica holds (u, Destroyed), F Ligurian Sea supports Papal F Genoa hold (nso, cut), G Florence convert to A
Papacy (Anderson) A Genoa to Savoy, A Capua to Naples, A Bologna to Mantua, A Urbino to Ancona, F Tyrrhenian Sea to Palermo, G Palermo supports F Tyrrhenian Sea to Palermo, G Savoy supports A Genoa to Savoy
Venice (Wilson) A (EM) Milan besieges (Dislodged, retreat Bergamo, Como, Parma, Pavia, OTB), A Trent supports A Milan, A Carinthia to Tyrolea, A Slavonia to Austria, A Verona to Padua, F Otranto to Messina


Papacy to Austria: You may break our money lenders purses strings, but you will not break our fighting spirit. Prepare the Pyre as we both go up in smoke and flame.

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