
Fall 1501

Deadline/Winter-Spring 1502 3/8 Tuesday

Austria makes major gains against France in the north, while losing some in the south. Venice consolidates the Pope;s Adriatic coast while Florence evicts Austria from his territory.


It was brought to my attention too late to inform everyone about it, but according to the rules of this scenario, the only French home provinces are Avignon and Marseilles. Since Austria occupies both, France has been eliminated. This was a big enough change that I decided that the only way to make it fair for all players was to rerun the turn.

Summer 1501 Retreats

Papacy retreats A Urbino to Perugia


Venice borrows 10 ducats for 2 years (15 ducats due Fall 1503) and pays back the existing loan.

Outstanding Loans

Spring 1503: 17 ducats due from the Papacy (11 borrowed)

Summer 1503: 23 ducats due from France (15 borrowed)

Fall 1503: 15 ducats due from Venice (10 borrowed)


Austria (Burgdorf) A Avignon holds, A Tyrolea to Milan, A Saluzzo holds, A Montferrat holds, F Tyrrhenian Sea to Gulf of Naples, F Palermo to Ionian Sea
Florence (Robles) A Florence supports Venetian F Upper Adriatic to Urbino (nso), A Arezzo supports A Sienna to Perugia, A Sienna to Perugia, F Piombino to Tyrrhenian Sea
France (Whyte) A Milan holds, A Messina to Palermo, F Corsica to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Sardinia supports F Corsica to Tyrrhenian Sea
Papacy (Anderson) A Naples holds, A Rome supports A Perugia, A Perugia supports Florence A Florence to Urbino (nso), A Modena to Genoa
Venice (Wilson) A Carniola holds, A Bologna supports A Urbino, A Urbino supports A Bologna, F Upper Adriatic supports A Bologna, F Ancona to Lower Adriatic


Since the Avignon and Marseilles are the only two French home provinces, Austria has succeeded in conquering France. France has been eliminated and Austria gains those two provinces as home provinces as well as the French variable income roll.


France – All: We’re getting an interesting bananaberry ripple in the north… but we need more banana at the bottom of the plate… the berries are going off, fast!

Spring 1502 Famine

Poor Year – Column Only: Cremona, Austria, Pistoia, Fornova, Turin, Avignon

Spring 1502 Income

Provinces and cities that are underlined do no produce income while those that are in italics could change hands depending on retreats.


Austria Hungary, Austria, Carinthia, Tyrolea, Como, Trent, Bergamo, Pavia, Montferrat, Swiss, Avignon, Saluzzo, Marseilles, Capua, Messina 13
Florence Pisa, Pistoia, Florence, Arezzo, Sienna, Piombino 5
Papacy Genoa, Patrimony, Perugia, Rome, Spoleto, Naples, Salerno 7
Venice Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, Carniola, Friuli, Treviso, Verona, Padua, Ferrara, Mantua, Bologna, Urbino, Ancona 8


Austria Gulf of Naples, Ionian Sea 2
Papacy Venice 1
Venice Upper Adriatic, Lower Adriatic 2


Austria Hungary, Austria, Tyrolea, Trent, Pavia, Montferrat, Swiss, Avignon, Saluzzo, Marseilles, Messina 9
Florence Pisa, Florence (3), Arezzo, Sienna, Piombino 7
Papacy Genoa (3), Perugia, Rome (2), Naples (2), Venice (3) 11
Venice Dalmatia, Croatia, Carniola, Treviso, Padua, Ferrara, Mantua, Bologna, Ancona 9


Variable income die roll was 5.







Austria 9 13 2 9 33
Florence 8 5 0 7 20
Papacy 11 7 1 11 30
Venice 8 13 2 9 32

Game Summary





Austria 7 9 10 11
Florence 3 5 4 5
France 7 4 8 0
Papacy 4 6 6 5
Venice 4 5 7 9

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