
Spring 1499

Miller Number ???????

Deadline/Summer 1499 1/6 Tuesday

The scramble for territory begins!


Austria (Burgdorf) A Austria to Carinthia, A Tyrolea supports A Austria to Carinthia, A Swiss to Avignon, A Messina to Otranto, F Sardinia to Corsica, F Palermo to Tyrrhenian Sea
Florence (Robles) A Florence holds, A Arezzo to Sienna, F Pisa to Piombino
France (Whyte) A Avignon supports A Saluzzo to Turin (cut), A Saluzzo to Turin, A Milan to Pavia, A Naples to Salerno, A Bari to Otranto, F Marseilles to Gulf of Lions, F Genoa to Ligurian Sea
Papacy (Anderson) A Rome to Capua, A Perugia holds, A Bologna holds, F Ancona to Lower Adriatic
Venice (Wilson) A Padua to Ferrara, A Treviso to Verona, F Dalmatia to Lower Adriatic, G Venice convert to F

Summer 1499 Plague

Poor Year – Row Only: Arezzo, Fornova, Otranto, Aquila, Spoleto

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