
End of Game Statements

Chris Geggus (GEGS) Well played Howard. That will teach me to take my eye off the board. I thought I had a couple more turns to play with.

Howard Bishop (Marvin) I have to admit that I had a bit of a guilty smile when I saw the set up and noticed that I had a straight run to the first flag. Of course I messed it up from there and seemed to spend most of 2016 going round and round in circles.

Dave Hooton played a masterly game and looked like he had it all wrapped up, but I got lucky again with a hand of cards that included three 3's and all the turns I needed to get within striking distance of the last flag.

A very hard map when the cards don't fall nicely, but brilliantly adjudicated by Chris as usual. Thanks all for the game.

Andy York (Dalekbot) Brendan did a fine job and just ran away with the game - excellent job! I just couldn't get enough traction to accomplish much. Well, there's always next game.....

Dave Hooton (Čapek) Thanks for running this game, Chris, and congratulations to Howard on a game well-played. Chris Geggus was well ahead up until Turn 10, when the belts carried him away after sustaining much damage. Then, I thought I had this won on Turn 15, but an unnoticed the wall between H19 and H20 caused me to bounce in the wrong direction.

Brendan Whyte (Александру Робот) I mucked up early on by not realising the flags had to be tagged in order. But despite having to retrace my steps, managed to get 3 flags before Howard tagged the 4th. Perhaps being behind the 8-ball on the first turn or three helped keep me out of the firing line of others.

A difficult board, but not too deadly thankfully. Thanks Chris, and congrats to Howard.

Bill Scharf (The Hand of Doom) Sometimes you get better cards, I never was in the groove on this game, maybe next time. I enjoyed playing it.

Boxer, Issue 219

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