
Fall 1058

Miller Number 2010Dpw23 (gunboat)

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Special Military Units, Conquest, Gray Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Winter-Spring 1059 2/18 Tuesday

Without the distraction of the Pope, Pisa is starting to dominate the board, making gains against the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantines. Venice also squeezes the Holy Roman Empire, and the Normas stay defensive.

Summer 1058 Retreats

Holy Roman Empire A Milan retreats to garrison


Byzantines: A Aquila supports F Otranto to Salerno (cut, Destroyed), F Carniola holds (u), F Upper Adriatic to Carniloa, F Lower Adriatic supports F Durazzo to Ionian Sea, F (EM) Bari holds, F Druazzo to Ionian Sea, F Otranto to Salerno
Holy Roman Empire: A Parma to Pavia, A Fornova supports A Montferrat (cut), A Montferrat supports A Parma to Pavia (cut, Dislodged, retreat Turin, garrison, OTB), G Milan holds
Normans: A Naples supports A Salerno, A Salerno supports A Naples (cut)
Pisa: A (EM) Genoa to Montferrat, A Modena to Fornova, A Lucca to Modnea, A Florence holds, A Urbino to Ancona, A Spoletto supports A Capua to Aquila, A Capua to Aquila, F Ligurian Sea to Piombino, F Tyrrhenian Sea to Sienna, F Gulf of Naples supports F Ionian Sea, F Messina supports F Ionian Sea, F Ionian Sea supports Norman A Salerno to Otranto (nso, cut), G Genoa convert to A
Venice: A Trent supports A Milan, A Milan besieges, A Bergamo supports A Cremona, A Cremona supports A Milan, A Mantua supports A Bologna, A Verona supports A Milan, A Friuli to Padua, A Bologna supports A Mantua, F Venice transports A Friuli to Padua


Normans to Pisa: You are very generous, Sir!

Pisa to Normans: If necessary, I shall give you ducats in order to maintain your 2 armies, as I said.

Venice to Byzantines: Sorry to cause you concern, was moving northwards, but will return to the centre now.

Spring 1059 Income

Provinces and cities that are underlined do no produce income while those that are in italics could change hands depending on retreats.


Byzantines Carniola, Istria, Croatia, Dalmatia, Bosnia, Ragusa, Albania, Durazzo, Bari, Otranto 10
Holy Roman Empire Turin, Como, Pavia, Fornova, Parma 5
Normans Capua, Naples, Salerno 3
Pisa Montferrat, Genoa, Modena, Lucca, Pisa, Pistoia, Florence, Arezzo, Sienna, Piombino, Corsica, Sardinia, Patrimony, Perugia, Rome, Spoletto, Ancona, Aquila, Tunis, Palermo, Messina 21
Venice Milan, Cremona, Mantua, Bologna, Ferrara, Padua, Verona, Bergamo, Trent, Carinthia, Friuli, Treviso 12


Byzantines Upper Adriatic, Lower Adriatic 2
Pisa Gulf of Naples, Ionian Sea 2
Venice Venice 1


Byzantines Carniola, Croatia, Dalmatia, Ragusa, Albania, Durazzo, Bari 7
Holy Roman Empire Turin, Pavia 2
Normans Naples (2) 2
Pisa Montferrat, Genoa (3), Modena, Lucca, Pisa, Florence (3), Arezzo, Sienna, Piombino, Corsica, Sardinia, Perugia, Rome (2), Ancona, Tunis (2), Palermo, Messina 23
Venice Cremona, Mantua, Bologna, Ferrara, Padua, Trent, Treviso, Venice (3) 10


Variable income die roll was 5.







Byzantines 4 10 2 7 23
Holy Roman Empire 4 5 0 2 11
Normans 5 3 0 2 10
Pisa 14 21 2 23 60
Venice 4 12 1 10 27

Game Summary










Byzantines 3 4 7 7 6 8 8 8 7
Holy Roman Empire 3 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 2
Normans 1 3 4 4 2 1 1 1 1
Papacy 3 4 5 5 5 6 4 2 0
Pisa 3 5 7 9 10 10 11 11 17*
Venice 3 5 7 6 7 6 6 6 8

* Depends on retreats

Bolognese, Issue 192
S.O.B. 193 Home
Bolognese, Issue 194