
Turns 11 through End of Game Statements

Turn 11

Governor Dave selects the Builder and builds a Harbour (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 3 doubloon discount for Quarries, 4 doubloons spent, University grants a colonist), Chris builds a Harbour (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 6 doubloons spent), Andy passes, Christopher builds the Fortress (1 doubloon discount from Quarry, 9 doubloons spent), Martin buys a Sugar Mill (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 2 doubloons spent)

Chris selects the Settler and gains a sugar plantation (with a colonist due to the Hospice), Andy takes a corn plantation, Christopher takes a sugar plantation, Martin takes an indigo plantation (with a colonist due to the Hospice), and gains a sugar plantation due to the Hacienda, and Dave selects the indigo plantation. New plantations are indigo, indigo, indigo, sugar, sugar, coffee.

Andy selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 1 tobacco on Ship 1 for 2 VP. No further shipping is possible.

Christopher selects the Mayor and places colonists on the Fortress and a sugar plantation, Martin places a colonist on the Sugar Mill and moves a colonists from the Hacienda to the Sugar Mill, from the Construction Hut to a sugar plantation, from the Hospice to the Sugar Mill, and from the Small Market to a sugar plantation, Dave places a colonist on a corn plantation, Chris places a colonist on the Harbour, Andy places a colonist on a corn plantation, and Christopher places a colonist on a corn plantation. Six new colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Martin selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 3 corn and 4 sugar, Dave produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 sugar, Chris produces 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 tobacco, Andy produces 3 indigo and 3 tobacco, and Christopher produces 1 indigo, 1 tobacco, and 1 coffee. Martin uses the Craftsman bonus to produce another sugar.

Turn 12

Governor Chris selects the Trader, collects 1 doubloon, and trades sugar for 5 doubloons (2 base +2 for Large Market, +1 for Trader). Trading house is full.

Andy selects the Captain and ships 3 tobacco on Ship 1 for 4VP, Christopher ships 1 tobacco on Ship 1 for 1VP, Martin ships 3 corn on Ship 3 for 3VP (Ship 3 sails), Dave ships 1 sugar on Ship 2 for 2VP (+1VP due to Harbour), Chris ships 1 tobacco on Ship 1 for 2VP (+1 VP due to Harbour, Ship 1 sails), and Martin ships 3 sugar on Ship 2 for 3VP (Ship 2 sails). Christopher discards 1 indigo, Dave discards 2 corn, and Chris discards 1 indigo.

Christopher selects a Prospector, gaining 3 doubloons.

Martin selects the Craftsman and produces 3 corn and 4 sugar, Dave produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 sugar, Chris produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 tobacco, Andy produces 1 corn, 3 indigo, and 3 tobacco, and Christopher produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 tobacco, and 1 coffee. Martin produces 1 sugar with the Craftsman bonus, and Christopher receives 3 doubloons from the Factory.

Dave selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Turn 13

Governor Andy selects the Captain and ships 6 indigo in Ship 1 for 7VP (Ship 1 sails), Christopher ships 2 coffee on Ship 3 for 2 VP, Martin ships 7 sugar on Ship 2 for 7VP (Ship 2 sails). No further shipping is possible. Christopher discards 2 corn and 1 indigo, Dave discards 2 corn and 2 indigo, and Chris discards 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 tobacco.

Christopher selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and build City Hall (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 1 doubloon discount for a Quarry, 8 doubloons spent), Martin buys an Indigo Plant (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 1 doubloon spent), Dave builds a Construction Hut (1 doubloon discount due to Quarry, 1 doubloon spent) with a colonist due to the University, Chris builds a Wharf (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 7 doubloons spent), and Andy passes.

Martin selects the Craftsman and gains 3 corn and 4 sugar, Dave gains 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 sugar, Chris gains 1 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 tobacco, Andy gains 3 indigo and 2 tobacco, and Christopher gains 1 indigo and 1 coffee. Martin gains 1 more sugar with the Craftsman bonus. Christopher gains 1 doubloon from the Factory.

Dave selects the Trader and trades sugar for 4 doubloons (2 base, +1 for Trader, +1 for Small Market), Chris trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base, +2 for Large Market), Andy trades indigo for 1 doubloon, and Christopher trades coffee for 6 doubloons (4 base, +2 for Large Market).

Chris selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon, and selects a coffee plantation (with a colonist due to the Hospice), Andy selects a sugar plantation, Christopher selects a sugar plantation, and Dave selects an indigo plantation. New plantations are indigo, sugar, sugar, tobacco, coffee, coffee.

Turn 14

Governor Christopher selects the Builder and builds the Guild Hall (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 1 doubloon discount from a Quarry, 8 doubloons spent), Martin builds an Office (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 3 doubloons spent), Dave builds an Indigo Plant (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 1 doubloon spent) with one colonist due to the University, Chris builds a Coffee Roaster (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 4 doubloons spent), and Andy builds a Small Sugar Mill (2 doubloons spent).

Martin selects the Captain and ships 6 corn on Ship 1 for 7VP (Ship 1 sails), Dave ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 2VP (1VP bonus for Harbour), Chris ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 2VP (1VP bonus for Harbour), Andy ships 2 indigo on Ship 2 for 2VP, and Christopher ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 1 VP. Dave discards 2 corn and Chris discards 1 corn, 1 sugar, and 1 tobacco.

Dave selects the Trader and trades sugar for 4 doubloons (2 base + 1 for Trader +1 for Small Market), Chris trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 bases +2 for Large Market), Andy trades corn for 0 doubloons, and no further trading is possible.

Chris selects the Settler and takes a tobacco plantation (with a colonist due to the Hospice), Andy selects a sugar plantation, Christopher selects a sugar plantation, Martin passes, and Dave selects a coffee plantation. New plantations are indigo, indigo, coffee.

Andy selects a Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Turn 15

Governor Martin selects the Captain and ships 5 sugar on Ship 1 for 6VP. No further shipping is possible.

Dave selects the Builder and builds the Customs House (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 3 doubloon discount for Quarries, 6 doubloons spent) with a colonist due to the University, Chris builds a Factory (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 5 doubloons spent), no other purchases are possible.

Chris selects the Mayor, gains 3 doubloons, and places colonists on the Wharf, Coffee Roaster, and Factory and transfers 1 colonist from San Juan to the Coffee Roaster, Andy places a colonist on the Small Sugar Mill, Christopher moves a colonist to the City Hall and adds a colonist to the Guild Hall, Martin places a colonist on the Indigo Plant, and Dave places a colonist on an indigo plantation. Four colonists are placed on the colonist ship, exhausting the supply and signaling that this is the last turn.

Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 3 doubloons.

Christopher selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 tobacco, and 1 coffee, Martin produces 3 corn, 1 indigo, and 4 sugar, Dave produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 sugar, Chris produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 tobacco, and 1 coffee, and Andy produces 2 indigo. Christopher uses the Craftsman bonus to produce coffee. Christopher and Chris each gain 3 doubloons from Factories.

The Players

Player Name




San Juan


Stored Production


Dave Hooton Builder Indigo, Quarry, Corn, Sugar, Tobacco, Quarry, Quarry, Corn, Indigo, Indigo, Coffee Small Market, Office, Small Indigo Plant, University, Small Sugar Mill, Hacienda, Harbour, Construction Hut, Indigo Plant(x1), Customs House
2 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar 8
Chris Geggus Mayor Indigo, Corn, Tobacco, Quarry, Quarry, Tobacco, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco Hospice, Small Indigo Plant, Tobacco Storage (x3), Large Market, Small Sugar Mill, Harbour, Wharf, Coffee Roaster(x2), Factory 2 9 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 tobacco, 1 coffee 11
Andy York Prospector Indigo, Indigo, Tobacco, Indigo, Indigo, Tobacco, Tobacco, Corn, Sugar, Sugar Indigo Plant (x3), Small Warehouse, Small Indigo Plant, Tobacco Storage (x3), Small Sugar Mill
5 2 indigo, 5 tobacco 27
Christopher Hunt Craftsman Corn, Coffee, Quarry, Indigo, Tobacco, Corn, Coffee, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar Small Indigo Plant, Coffee Roaster (x1), Large Market, Tobacco Storage (x2), Factory, Fortress, City Hall, Guild Hall
6 2 corn, 1 indigo, 2 tobacco, 2 coffee 8
Martin Burgdorf Captain Corn, Sugar, Corn, Corn, Quarry, Tobacco, Quarry, Sugar, Sugar, Coffee, Indigo, Sugar Small Sugar Mill, Hacienda, Small Market, Construction Hut, Small Warehouse, Hospice, Residence, Sugar Mill (x3), Indigo Plant (x1), Office
0 3 corn, 1 indigo, 4 sugar 32

Player in bold is the Governor. Plantations and buildings in bold are manned. Buildings that can be manned by more than one colonist will have the number manning them in parentheses after the building name.

Available Items

Colonists: Supply: 0 Colonist Ship: 4

Trading House: Sugar Tobacco Corn
Cargo Ships: Ship 1 (capacity 6): 5 sugar Ship 2 (capacity 7): 5 indigo Ship 3 (capacity 8): 2 coffee

Victory Points: 36


Corn: 0

Indigo: 0

Sugar: 0

Tobacco: 0

Coffee: 4


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Sugar Mill (x2, 4d, 2vp) Coffee Roaster (6d, 3vp)

University (8d, 3vp)

Large Warehouse (x2, 6d, 2vp) Wharf (9d, 3vp)


Builder, Captain, Craftsman, Mayor, Prospector, Settler, Trader, Prospector


Indigo, Indigo, Coffee

Discard Pile:

Victory Points






VP Chips 8 11 27 8 32
Buildings 19 21 8 24 17
Bonus 2 0 0 15 7
Total 29 32 35 47 56

End of Game Statements

Chris Geggus: Thanks for running this again Chris. Always fun. I realised quite early on that I wouldn't win this one as I couldn't decide on a specific strategy and ended up falling between about 4 stools. Christopher tried a brave building strategy, but with the 2 shippers being able to ship big loads near the end, they were able to prevail. Well done to Martin.

Andy York: Excellent job by Martin for doing an all-round great job in winning the game, and Christopher wasn't too much behind him. I ended up with my usual middle-of-the-road result, but enjoyed the game non-the-less. Thanks to the Chris for another stellar GMing effort!

Martin Burgdorf: This was the second time that I played Puerto Rico, and I am starting to like this game. Once one is familiar with the different Buildings one does not have to think Long about the moves. In my first game Geggus won, because he had many corn plantations and alternating between craftsman and captain he could quickly accumulate victory Points – I had made one terrible move that even helped a bit bringing him on victory lane. Now I tried to Imitate his strategy, and it worked. I am curious who will win “Beagle“. I have made a few mistakes, hence my Position is probably hopeless already, but it is fun to learn about the new Buildings.

Boerboel, Issue 223


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