
End of Game Statements

Epoch VI

Kevin Wilson: Thanks Chris for running the game in your usual, thorough and error free way. Congratulations to Gegs for a nice, narrow, win with that 61 point Epoch VII. I certainly didn’t see that coming. I thought I was in the hunt right up to the end when I drew Germany for Epoch VII. I was actually kind of happy I got it so I could pass it only to have the USA passed to me with the same strength and only 1 spot earlier. I knew then I’d need some lucky rolls, both in my defending my older spots on the board and for the US to find some lucre. Alas it wasn’t to be and I barely held on to 3rd and could easily have fallen well down the ranks.

Regardless, still one of my favorites so sign me up for the next.

Chris Geggus: Now you all see why Great Britain ruled the waves (and most of the world) in the 18th and early 19th centuries. I was proud to recreate some of our greatest times. Seriously I did think I had a chance of snatching it, but I had to draw GB and, boy, did I get lucky. Obviously Japan was handy, but Fanatacism would have been wasted on most of the others late on. It was all or nothing for me. It also helped in the earlier rounds to be able to paint a target on the back of Texas, especially after the double dip on turn 4. All this quietly allowed me to build up everywhere and stay off the radar.

Thanks to Chris and thanks to my fellow players. Until the next time..........................

Azawakh, Issue 238


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