
Epoch VI Portugal, Spain, and Mughals

Epoch VII Empire Selection and Russia due 10/9, Tuesday

Epoch VI

NICE (Burgdorf): Plays Disaster in Eastern Ghats (Monument and fort destroyed, Capital reduced to a city). PORTUGAL: Army and Capital Western Iberia (Celt army retreats to Pyrenees), fleet Atlantic Ocean, army Brasil, West Indies, South Africa, fleet Indian Ocean, army Eastern Ghats (vs. Chola; P: 6, 5; C: 5, 1; wins, city eliminated), Western Gaul (vs. Franks; P: 5, 4; F: 5, 3; P: 5, 2; F: 5, 1; P: 6, 4; F: 5, 4; wins), Eastern Deccan, Ganges Delta (vs. Arabs; P: 6, 5; A: 5; wins). Builds Monument Western Iberia. Points: Dominance of Southern Europe (4), Presence in Middle East (2), India (3), Northern Europe (2), Eurasia (1), North America (1), South America (2), Sub-Saharan Africa (1), 1 Capital (2), 2 cities (2), and 1 Monument (1) for 21 points.

The Gardeners (Hunt): Plays Black Death in India and Southeast Asia. Arabs lose 1 army in Lower Indus Portuguese lose armies in Eastern Ghats and Ganges Delta. Chola lose 1 army in Malayan Peninsula. SPAIN: Plays Leader. Army and Capital Pyrenees (2 Celt armies eliminated), army Western Iberia (vs. Portugal; S: 6, 3, 1; P: 3; wins; Capital reduced to city), fleet Western Mediterranean (vs. GEGS; G: 4, 2, 1; GEGS: 2; wins), Eastern Mediterranean (vs. GEGS; G: 6, 5, 5; GEGS: 3; wins), Black Sea (vs. GEGS; G: 5, 3, 3; GEGS: 4; wins), Atlantic Ocean, North Sea (vs. GEGS; G: 4, 1, 1; GEGS: 6; loses), North Sea (vs. GEGS; G: 6, 3, 2; GEGS: 6; G: 3, 2, 1; GEGS: 2; wins), army Scandinavia (vs. Vikings; S: 5, 4, 4; V: 6, 5; loses), Scandinavia (vs. Vikings; S: 5, 3, 1; V: 6, 6; loses), Scandinavia (vs. Vikings; S: 6, 5, 5; V: 1, 1; wins), fleet Caribbean Sea, army Deep South, Guiana Highlands, fleet Indian Ocean. Points: Dominance in Middle East (4), Southern Europe (4), Northern Europe (4), Presence in North America (1), South America (2), 2 Capitals (4), 2 cities (2), 5 Seas (5), and 3 Monuments (3) for 29 points.

Red Devils (Martin): Plays Empires Fortify. Forts in Mongolia, Upper Tigris, Zagros. MUGHALS: Army and Capital Ganges Valley (Arab army retreats to Upper Indus), army Ganges Delta, fleet Bay of Bengal (vs. RMHS; RD: 6, 3; RMHS: 5; wins), army Upper Indus (vs. Arabs; M: 6, 6; A: 1; M: 4,4; A: 3; wins), Lower Indus (vs. Arabs; M: 6, 2; A: 1; wins), Irrawaddy (vs. Khmers; M: 2,1; K: 4, 3; loses), Irrawaddy (vs. Khmers; M: 4, 2; K: 2, 1; wins), Szechuan (vs. Ming Dynasty; Mu: 1, 1; Mi: 5, 4; loses), Szechuan (vs. Ming Dynasty; Mu: 6, 5; Mi: 4, 3; wins), Wei River (vs. Timurid Emirates; M: 5, 1; T: 3; wins), Yangtse Kian (vs. Timurid Emirates; M: 3, 1; T: 4; loses), Yangtse Kian (vs. Timurid Emirates; M: 3, 1; T: 5; loses). Points: Dominance in India (6), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (2), China (3), Southern Europe (2), Northern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), Eurasia (1), 1 Capital (2), 1 Sea (1), and 6 Monuments (6) for 29 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Chris Geggus Galileo Earns Gold Star (yellow) 53 123
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 54 140
Dave Anderson Romulus and Remus (orange) 56 129
Christopher Hunt The Gardeners (green) 41 109
Andy York Republic of Texas (blue) 57 136
Martin Burgdorf National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments (black) 49 104
Brad Martin Red Devils (red) 58 122


RMHS: CELTS: Two armies and city Shatts Plateau. ARABS: Army Nubia. FUJIWARA: Army, Fort, and Capital Hokkaido, army Manchurian Plain. NORTH AMERICAN MIGRANTS: Armies Great Lakes, Great Plains. CHOLA: Army Sumatra. TIMURID EMIRATES: Army, Capital, and Monument Turanian Plain, army, city, and Monument Chekiang, army and Monument Tarim Basin, Yangtse Kian.

NICE: Fleets Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean. MACEDONIANS: Army and city Morea, army North European Plain. GOTHS: Three armies Dalmatia, two armies Western Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia. SOUTHERN IBERIA KINGDOM: Army, city, and fort Southern Iberia. PORTUGAL: Armies Brasil, West Indies, South Aftrica, Western Gaul, Eastern Deccan.

Romulus and Remus: Fleet Sea of Japan. PERSIA: Armies Western Ghats, Ceylon. MAYANS: Army, Fort, and Capital Central America. T'ANG DYNASTY: Army Western Deccan. SUNG DYNASTY: Army and city Mekong, armies Yellow River, Si-Kyang. MING DYNASTY: Army and Monument Great Plain of China, Persian Plateau.

Red Devils: Fleet Bay of Bengal. CARTHAGINIA: Army Libya. CIVIL WAR: Army and Monument Upper Tigris, Zagros. MONGOLS: Army and Monument Mongolia, armies Northern Gaul, Central Massif. MUGHALS: Army and Capital Ganges Valley, army and Monument Upper Indus, Lower Indus, Wei River, armies Ganges Valley, Irrawaddy, Szechuan.

The Gardeners: Fleets Western Mediterranean, Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea, North Sea, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea. SASSANIDS: Army and Monument Lower Tigris. ANGLO-SAXONS: Armies Baltic Seaboard, Ireland. BYZANTINES: Two armies, Capital, Fortress Balkans, army Crete. CRUSADERS: Army, city and fort Palestine, army Levant. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE: Armies Lower Rhein, Persian Plateau. SPAIN: Army and Capital Pyrenees, army and city Western Iberia, armies Scandinavia, Deep South, Guiana Highlands.

Republic of Texas: ROMANS: Two armies Albion, armies Caucuses, Middle Tigris. SAFAVIDS: Army and Capital Persian Salt Desert. AZTECS: Army and Capital Mexican Valley, army Pacific Seaboard. INCAS: Army, Capital, and Monument Northern Andes, army Southern Andes.

GEGS: Fleets South China Sea, Red Sea. ARYANS: Army and fort Hindu Kush. SCOTTS: Army, city, fort Highlands. CIVIL WAR: Armies Northern Apennines, Southern Apennnies, Pindus. KHMERS Army East Indies. OTTOMAN TURKS: Army and Capital Western Anatolia, army and Monument Central Europe, Arabian Peninsula, Nile Delta, armies Danubia, Dnieper, Baltic Seaboard, Western Steppe, Eastern Steppe.

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