
Seafarers of Catan

Turns 9.2 through 13.4

Turn 9

Chris rolls a 10. Dave gains 2 grain and Martin gains 1 grain and 1 wool. Passes.

Andy rolls a 7. Andy discards 3 lumber and 1 brick and Dave discards 4 lumber and 1 brick. Moves the Robber to the 8 Hills and steals wool from Martin. Builds settlement at G11.

Dave rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the 8 Mountains area and steals lumber from Ron. Passes.

Martin rolls a 2. Dave gains 2 wool. Passes.

Turn 10

Ron rolls a 9. Chris gains 1 grain, Andy gains 1 grain and 1 brick, Dave gains 2 grain, and Martin gains 1 brick. Passes.

Chris rolls a 5. Ron gains 2 lumber and 1 grain, Chris gains 1 grain, and Dave gains 2 lumber and 3 brick. Trades 2 grain for 1 wool and builds a ship from E18 to E19 (discovers ocean). During the Special Build Phase, Dave builds ships from D9 to E9 and E9 to E8 (discovers 11 Hills space, gains brick). Martin builds a road from C15 to B15.

Andy rolls a 5. Ron gains 2 lumber and 1 grain, Chris gains 1 grain, and Dave gains 2 lumber and 3 brick. Passes.

Dave rolls a 7. Ron must discard 5 cards and Dave must discard 8 cards. Dave discards 2 grain, 4 lumber, and 2 brick. Ron discards 1 grain and 4 lumber. Dave moves the Robber to the 9 Hills space and steals lumber from Martin. Trades 6 brick for 2 ore.

Martin rolls a 12. Ron gains 1 wool. Passes.

Turn 11

Ron rolls an 8. Ron receives 1 ore and 2 brick, Chris and Andy each receive 1 ore, and Dave and Martin each receive 1 brick. Builds a ship from H17 to H18.

Chris rolls an 8. Ron receives 1 ore and 2 brick, Chris and Andy each receive 1 ore, and Dave and Martin each receive 1 brick. Trades 2 grain for 1 wool and buys a development card.

Andy rolls a 7. Ron discards 1 grain, 1 ore, and 3 brick. Moves the Robber to Hills 8 and steals grain from Dave. Passes.

Dave rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the Mountain 8 spot and steals an ore from Chris. Passes.

Martin rolls an 8. Ron receives 2 brick and Dave and Martin each receive 1 brick. Passes.

Turn 12

Ron rolls a 7. Dave discards 3 wool and 2 brick. Ron moves the pirate to the sea space by E8 (no theft possible) and builds a ship from G15 to G16 (discovers ocean). During the special build turn, Dave builds roads from B9 to B10 to B11.

Chris rolls a 5. Ron gains 1 grain and 1 lumber, Chris gains 1 grain, and Dave gains 2 lumber and 2 brick. Trades 4 grain at the grain port for 1 wool and 1 lumber and builds a ship from F19 to G19 (discovers a 3 forest space, gains lumber). During the special build turn, Ron builds a ship from G16 to H16 (discovers an 8 mountain space, gains ore) and buys a development card.

Andy rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the 8 Hills space by C11 and steals brick from Dave.

Dave rolls a 7. Moves the Pirate to the sea space by G15 and steals an ore from Ron.

Martin rolls an 8. Chris and Ron each receive 1 ore. Passes.

Turn 13

Ron rolls an 8. Martin gains 1 brick, Ron and Dave each gain 2 brick.

Chris rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the 5 Hills area and steals brick from Dave. Passes.

Andy rolls a 4. Ron gains 2 ore, Andy gains 3 ore, Martin gains 1 ore, and Dave gains 1 grain. Upgrades settlement at F14 to a city.

Dave rolls an 8. Ron gains 2 brick and 1 ore, Chris and Andy each gain 1 ore, Dave gains 2 brick, and Martin gains 1 brick.









Development Cards


Ron Fisher Red 5 3 6
Chris Geggus Yellow 1 1 4 1 2 Unplayed 2
Andy York Blue 1 2 5
Dave Partridge Green 4 2 3 11*
Martin Burgdorf Brown 4 2 1 Unplayed 2

* Includes longest trade route.

Akita, Issue 193


S.O.B. 194 Home


Akita, Issue 195