
Turn 5 Bidding to Battle

Turn 5 Battle due 12/18, Tuesday


Emperor Kevin Wilson Fremen Martin Burgdorf
Guild Bob Robles Harkonnens Bill Scharf
Game Master Chris Hassler

Turn 5

Bidding Round

CARD 1 goes to the Guild for 2 spice (Emperor refunds the spice).
CARD 2 goes to the Harkonnens for 1 spice.

Revival and Movement Round


Emperor revives 1 token.
Fremen revive 3 tokens.
Guild revives 1 token.
Harkonnens revive 2 tokens.


The Guild plays a Karama card to block Harkonnen shipment to the planet.
Emperor ships 5 tokens (1 Elite Sadaukar) to Habbanya Ridge Sietch (3 spice to the Guild).
Guild ship 4 tokens to Cielago South


Fremen move 2 Fedaykin from South Mesa to Cielago South (2).

Bidding Round

Battles in Habbanya Ridge Sietch and Cielago South.  Habbanya Ridge Sietch:  Harkonnens vs. Emperor.  Harkonnens are the aggressors.  Available leaders:  All for both.  Cielago South:  Guild vs. Fremen.  Guild are the aggressors.  Available leaders:  Guild: Esmar Tuek, Master Bewt, Soo Soo Sook, Guild Representative; Fremen:  All.


Emperor: 10 tokens (4 Elite Sadaukar) Arrakeen, 5 tokens  (1 Elite Sadaukar) Habbanya Ridge Sietch, 5 tokens off-planet

4 cards


5 tokens Sietch Tabr, 2 tokens (2 Fedaykin) Cielago South (2), 2 tokens Hagga Basin (13), 2 tokens (1 Fedaykin) Broken Land (12), 6 tokens Southern Hemisphere, 3 tokens in the tanks

4 cards


11 tokens Tuek’s Sietch, 4 tokens Ceilago South (2), 4 tokens in the tanks, 1 token off-planet

1 card


10 tokens Carthag, 1 token Habbanya Ridge Sietch, 7 tokens off-planet, 2 tokens in the tanks

8 cards

Affenpinscher Map

Affenpinscher, Issue 236


S.O.B. 237 Home


Affenpinscher, Issue 238