
Turn 3 Bidding through Turn 4 Nexus

Turn 4 Nexus due 6/26, Tuesday


Emperor Kevin Wilson Fremen Martin Burgdorf
Guild Bob Robles Harkonnens Bill Scharf
Game Master Chris Hassler

Turn 3

Bidding Round

CARD 1 goes to the Fremen for 3 spice.

CARD 2 goes to the Harkonnens for 1 spice. (Harkonnens draw a bonus card.)

CARD 3 goes to the Guild for 2 spice.

Revival and Movement Round

The Guild chooses to move last.


Emperor revives 1 token, spending 0 spice.

Fremen revive 3 tokens, spending 0 spice.


Fremen ship 5 tokens to Hagga Basin (13).

Guild ships 6 tokens to Tuek's Sietch.

Harkonnens ship 5 tokens to Habbanya Ridge Sietch.


Fremen move 5 tokens (2 Fedaykin) from False Wall South to Ceilago North (3).

Battle Round

No battles.

Spice Collection

Emperor collects 2 spice (Arrakeen)

Fremen collect 18 spice (6 from Rock Outcroppings, 10 from South Mesa, 2 from Habbanya Ridge Sietch)

Guild collects 1 spice (Tuek's Sietch)

Harkonnens collect 2 spice (Carthag)

Turn 4

Storm Round

The Emperor plays Weather Control and moves the storm 10 sectors to Sector 5. Fremen lose 3 tokens in Rock Outcroppings, 1 token in Habbanya Ridge Flat (4 spice there are destroyed), and 3 tokens in South Mesa.

Spice Blow

8 spice in Broken Land

Worm in Rock Outcroppings

Nexus occurs. Fremen in Rock Outcroppings may ride the worm to any space. A second Worm appears after, which the Frmeen may place anywhere.


Emperor: 2 tokens in the tanks, 4 tokens (2 Elite Sadaukar) Arrakeen, 14 tokens (3 Elite Sadaukar) off-planet

4 cards


5 tokens Sietch Tabr, 2 tokens (2 Fedaykin) South Mesa (5), 2 tokens Hagga Basin (13), 2 tokens (1 Fedaykin) Rock Outcroppings, 9 tokens in the tanks

3 cards


11 tokens Tuek’s Sietch, 9 tokens off-planet

2 cards


10 tokens Carthag, 5 tokens Habbanya Ridge Sietch, 5 tokens off-planet

2 cards

Affenpinscher, Issue 231


S.O.B. 232 Home


Affenpinscher, Issue 233