Lab Pointer

Terraforming Mars:  Drafting, Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies, Turmoil

Generation 1

Initial Card Selection

Keith selects Credicor keeps 3 cards, paying 9M€.
Dave selects Viron and keeps 8 cards, paying 24M€.
Chris selects Morning Star, Inc. and keeps 7 cards, paying 21M€.
Bill selects Poseidon and keeps 5 cards, paying 15M€.
Kevin selects Factorum, gaining 1 steel production, and keeps 4 cards, paying 12M€.

Prelude Phase

Credicor plays a Huge Asteroid, paying 5M€ and increasing the temperature to -24C, gaining 1heat production and increasing its TR to 23, and Great Aquifer, placing an ocean tile in F6, gaining 2 heat and 1 plant, an ocean tile in G6, gaining 2M€ and a card, and increasing its TR to 25.
Viron plays Supply Drop, gaining 8 steel, 3 titanium, and 3 plants, and Mohole Excavation, gaining 1 steel production, 2 heat production, and 2 heat.
MSI plays Loan, losing 2M€ production and gaining 30M€, and Biolab, gaining 1 plant production and 3 cards.
Bill plays Acquired Space Agency, gaining 6 titanium and drawing Stratospheric Birds, Imported GHG, Cloud Seeding, Restricted Area, Diaspora Movement, Martian Media Center, Extreme-Cold Fungus, Lava Tube Settlement, Pets, Sub-Zero Salt Fish, Archaeobacteria, and Asteroid Hollowing, keeping Imported GHG and Asteroid Hollowing and discarding the rest, and UNMI Contractor, drawing a card and increasing its TR to 23.
Factorum plays Galilean Mining, paying 5M€ and gaining 2 titanium production, and Supplier, gaining 2 energy production and 4 steel.


Credicor spends 23M€ for an Ice Moon Colony on Luna, gaining 4M€, 2M€ production, placing an ocean tile in F5, gaining 2 plants, 4M€, and increasing its TR to 26.  Poseidon gains 1M€ production.  Credicor then spends 17M€ for a colony on Triton, gaining 3 titanium.  Poseidon gains 1M€ production.
Viron spends 17M€ for a colony on Triton, gaining 3 titanium.  Poseidon gains 1M€ production.  Viron then spends 4 titanium for an Interplanetary Colony Ship to Luna, gaining 2M€ production.  Poseidon gains 1M€ production.
MSI draws Worms, Extractor Ballons, Venus Waystation, Tropical Resort, and Forced Precipitation, discarding Woms and Tropical Resort and keeping the others, then spends 17M€ for a colony on Luna, gaining 2M€ production.  Poseidon gains 1M€ production.
Poseidon places a colony in Io, gaining 1 heat production and 1M€ production, then spends 3M€ on a Search for Life.
Factorum spends 4M€ for Tardigrades, then adds a resource to it.  Enceladus activates.
Credicor spends 3 titanium and 8M€ for a Giant Space Mirror, gaining 3 energy production, and moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, assuming party leadership.
Viron spends 2 titanium, 7 steel, and 7M€ for a Space Elevator, gaining 1 titanium production, then spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
MSI spends 17M€ for a colony on Triton, gaining 3 titanium.  Poseidon gains 1M€ production.  MSI then spends 4M€ for Rim Freighters.
Poseidon spends 2 titanium and 1M€ for Imported GHG, gaining 1 heat produciton and 3 heat, then spends 1M€ on the Search for Life, drawing Water Splitting Plant (unsuccessful).
Factorum spends 9M€ for Advanced Alloys.
Credicor passes.
Viron passes.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists then spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.
Poseidon spends 4 titanium and 2M€ for an Asteroid, gaining 2 titanium, increasing the temperature to -22C and its TR to 24.  Credicor loses 3 plants.
Factorum moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
MSI spends 2 titanium to trade with Luna, gaining 9M€.  Credicor and Viron each gain 2M€.  MSI then spends 13M€ for Deep Well Heating, gaining 1 energy production, increasing the temperature to -20C and its TR to 21, and gaining 1 heat production.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Factorum spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to Unity, assuming party leadership.  Unity becomes the dominant party.
MSI spends 1 titanium and 6M€ for a Venus Waystation and 4M€ for a Mine, gaining 1 steel production.
Poseidon passes.
Factorum passes.
MSI passes.

Production Phase

Credicor gains 28M€, 3 energy, and 1 heat.

Viron gains 22M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, and 2 heat.

MSI gains 21M€, 1 steel, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 1 heat.

Poseidon gains 31M€ and 2 heat.

Factorum gains 20M€, 1 steel, 2 titanium, and 2 energy.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

No global event.

New Government

Unity becomes the ruling party. Credicor gains 0M€. Viron gains 0M€. MSI gains 2M€. Poseidon gains 1M€.  Factorum gains 1M€.  Factorum delegate becomes chair, Factorum TR increases to 20. The Scientists become dominant party.

Changing Times

Free Academia Treaty/Diversity becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Scientists.  Solarnet/Celebrity Leaders becomes the coming event. Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Reds, assuming party leadership.

Generation 2


Viron keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

MSI keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Poseidon keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Factorum keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Credicor keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.


Viron spends 9M€ to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Credicor and MSI each gain 2M€.  Viron then spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
MSI spends 8M€ to trade with Triton, gaining 4 titanium.  Credicor and Viron each gain 1 titanium.  MSI then spends 1 steel and 8M€ for Nuclear Power, losing 2M€ production and gaining 3 energy production.
Poseidon spends 1M€ on the Search for Life, drawing Fusion Power and failing.
Factorum spends 5 steel and 5M€ for a Cultural Metropolis in G7, losing 1 energy production but gaining 3M€ production, 2 plants, 4M€, and moving 2 delegates from reserve to the Scientists, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.
Credicor spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1 energy production.
Viron spends 2 titanium and 3M€ for a Lagrange Observatory, gaining 1 card, then spends 9M€ for a Robotic Workforce, copying Mohole Excavation and gaining 1 steel production and 2 heat production.
MSI spends 3M€ for an Energy Market, then uses it to lose 1 energy production and gain 8M€.
Poseidon spends 2 titanium and 35M€ for an Earth Elevator, gaining 3 titanium production.
Factorum adds a resource to Tardigrades.
Credicor spends 6M€ for Underground Detonations.
Viron spends 16M€ for Designed Microorganisms, gaining 2 plant production, and 3M€ for Mercurian Alloys.
MSI spends 1 titanium for a Giant Space Mirror and 4M€ for an Industrial Center in H7, gaining 1 plant and 2M€.
Poseidon spends 10M€ for Satellites, gaining 2M€ production.
Factorum spends 15M€ for Atmo Collectors, gaining 2 floaters on the card, then spends one of those for 2 titanium.
Credicor spends 1 titanium and 4M€ for Directed Impactors.
Viron moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
MSI spends 6M€ for a Fuel Factory, losing 1 energy production but gaining 1M€ production and 1 titanium production.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.
Factorum passes.
Credicor spends 10M€ with Underground Detonations to gain 2 heat production.
Viron passes.
MSI passes.
Poseidon passes.
Credicor spends 11M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.
Credicor passes.

Production Phase

Viron gains 21M€, 2 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, and 4 heat.

MSI moves 1 energy to heat and gains 19M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, 2 energy, and 1 heat.

Poseidon gains 32M€, 3 titanium, and 2 heat.

Factorum moves 2 energy to heat and gains 23M€, 1 steel, 2 titanium, and 2 energy.

Credicor gains 27M€, 5 energy, and 3 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Diversity:  Viron has 4 unique tags and 0 influence.  MSI has 5 unique tags and 1 influence.  Poseidon has 3 unique tags and 0 influence.  Factorum has 6 unique tags and 3 influence, gaining 10M€.  Credicor has 3 unique tags and 0 influence.

New Government

Scientists becomes the ruling party. Viron gains 3M€. MSI gains 1M€. Poseidon gains 1M€.  Factorum gains 1M€.  Credicor gains 0M€. Factorum delegate becomes chair, Factorum TR increases to 20. The Greens become dominant party.

Changing Times

Solarnet/Celebrity Leaders becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Greens.  Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts becomes the coming event. Self-Sufficiency Program/Elections becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Greens.

Generation 3


MSI keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Poseidon keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Factorum keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Credicor keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Viron keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.


MSI spends 6M€ for Trade Envoys then spends 2 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 15M€.  Credicor and Viron each gain 2M€.
Poseidon spends 1M€ on Search for Life, drawing Research Coordination, adding a resource to Search for Life.
Factorum spends 11M€ for a Subterranean Reservoir at F7, gaining 2 heat, 2M€, and increasing its TR to 21, then adds a resource to Tardigrades.
Credicor spends 3 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 4 titanium.  Viron and MSI each gain 1 titanium.
Viron spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€ then uses its corporate action to spend another steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
MSI spends 1 steel and 14M€ for a Commercial District in G8, losing 1 energy production but gaining 4M€ production, 2M€, 1 steel, and 1 plant, then spends 1 steel and 6M€ for Rover Construction.
Poseidon spends 3 titanium and 14M€ for Towing a Comet, increasing oxygen to 1%, placing an ocean in C3, gaining 4 plants and increasing its TR to 24, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Factorum spends a floater from Atmo Collectors for 4 heat then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -18C and its TR to 22.
Credicor spends 10M€ with Underground Detonations to gain 2 heat production then spends 8M€ to claim the Engineer milestone.
Viron spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -16C and its TR to 19, then spends 17M€ for a Red Spot Observatory, gaining 2 cards.
MSI uses Energy Market to lose 1 energy production and gain 8M€.
Poseidon spends 8M€ for a Colonizer Training Camp.
Factorum spends 3 titanium and 1M€ for a Pioneer Settlement on Callisto, losing 2M€ production and gaining 1 energy production.  Poseidon gains 1M€ production.  Factorum then moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Credicor spends 2 titanium to add a resource to Directed Impactors.
Viron moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds, assuming party leadership, and adds a resource to Red Spot Observatory.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, then spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Greens, assuming party leadership.
Poseidon passes.
Factorum passes.
Credicor moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, then spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Greens, assuming party leadership.
Viron spends 6M€ for a Media Group, then spends 2 titanium and 1M€ for Water to Venus, gaining 3M€, increasing Venus to 2% and its TR to 20.
MSI passes.
Credicor passes.
Viron passes.

Production Phase

MSI gains 22M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 heat.

Poseidon gains 34M€, 3 titanium, and 2 heat.

Factorum moves 1 energy to heat and gains 23M€, 1 steel, 2 titanium, and 2 energy.

Credicor moves 2 energy to heat and gains 26M€, 5 energy, and 5 heat.

Viron gains 22M€, 2 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, and 4 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Celeberity Leaders:  MSI has 0 events and 1 influence, gaining 2M€.  Poseidon has 3 events and 0 influence, gaining 6M€.  Factorum has 1 event and 1 influence, gaining 4M€.  Credicor has 0 events and 2 influence, gaining 4M€.  Viron has 2 events and 0 influence, gaining 4M€. 

New Government

Greens becomes the ruling party. MSI gains 0M€. Poseidon gains 0M€.  Factorum gains 1M€.  Credicor gains 0M€. Viron gains 2M€. Credicor delegate becomes chair, Credicor TR increases to 24. Unity become dominant party.

Changing Times

Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to Unity.   Self-Sufficiency Program/Elections becomes the coming event. Heat First Policy/Global Dust Storm becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Kelvinists, assuming party leadership.

Generation 4


Poseidon keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

Factorum keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Credicor keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Viron keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

MSI keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.


Poseidon spends 9M€ on Mining Rights in I6, gaining 2 titanium and 1 titanium production, and 6M€ on Rotator Impacts.
Factorum spends 18M€ for Titan Floating Launch-Pad, gaining 2 floaters on the card, then spends 2 steel for a Power Plant, gaining 1 energy production.
Credicor spends 3 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Viron and MSI each gain 2M€.  Credicor then spends 23M€ for a greenery tile in C5, gaining 12M€ and spending 4M€ to raise the temperature to -14C, the oxygen to 2% and its TR to 26.
Viron spends 9M€ to trade with Triton, gaining 4 titanium.  Credior and MSI each gain 1 titanium.  Viron then spends 4 titanium and 3M€ for Lunar Exports, gaining 5M€ production.
MSI spends 1 steel and 7M€ for a Natural Preserve in B6, gaining 1M€ production and 2 cards.
Poseidon spends 4M€ for Advertising.
Factorum spends a floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Io, gaining 8 heat.  Poseidon gains 2 heat.  Factorum then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -12C and its TR to 22.
Credicor spends an asteroid from Directed Impactors to increase the temperature to -10C and its TR to 27.
Viron spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€, then uses its corporate action to spend another steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
MSI sells a card for 1M€ then spends 18M€ for a Power Grid, gaining 5 energy production.
Poseidon spends 5 titanium and 10M€ for Water Import from Europa, gaining 1M€ production.
Factorum adds a floater to Atmo Collectors and a microbe to Tardigrades.
Credicor moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Viron spends 25M€ for a city in D4, gaining 1M€ income, 2M€, and 1 plant.  MSI gains 2M€.  Viron then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in D3, gaining 2 plants, 6M€, increasing the oxygen level to 3% and its TR to 20.
MSI uses Energy Market to sacrifice 1 energy production to gain 8M€.
Poseidon passes.
Factorum spends 4M€ for Local Shading, then adds a floater to it.
Credicor spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -8C and its TR to 28.
Viron spends 1 floater from Red Spot Observatory to draw a card.
MSI spends 2 titanium to trade with Pluto, gaining 3 cards, then spends 7M€ for Business Contacts, drawing 4 cards and keeping 2.
Factorum moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, assuming party leadership.
Credicor spends 20M€ for a Mining Colony on Europa, gaining 1 titanium production, placing an ocean in G5, gaining 2 plants and 8M€ and inreasing its TR to 29.  Poseidon gains 1M€ production.
Viron spends 6M€ for the Great Escarpment Consortium, gaining 1 steel production.  Factorum loses 1 steel production.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Factorum passes.
Credicor spends 6M€ for Building Industries, losing 1 energy production and gaining 2 steel production.
Viron moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
MSI passes.
Credicor passes.
Viron passes.

Production Phase

Poseidon gains 36M€, 4 titanium, and 2 heat.

Factorum moves 2 energy to heat and gains 23M€, 2 titanium, and 3 energy.

Credicor moves 2 energy to heat and gains 31M€, 2 steel, 1 titanium, 4 energy, and 5 heat.

Viron gains 28M€, 3 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, and 4 heat.

MSI gains 22M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, 4 energy, and 1 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Dry Deserts.  The ocean at F6 is removed.  Poseidon gains 2 titanium.  Factorum gains a titanium.  Credicor gains 2 titanium.  Viron gains a titanium.  MSI gains a plant.

New Government

Unity becomes the ruling party. Poseidon gains 5M€.  Factorum gains 3M€.  Credicor gains 0M€. Viron gains 3M€. MSI gains 2M€. Poseidon delegate becomes chair, Poseidon TR increases to 23. The Reds become dominant party.

Changing Times

Self-Sufficiency Program/Elections becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to Mars First, assuming party leadership.   Heat First Policy/Global Dust Storm becomes the coming event. Scientific Consensus/Paradigm Breakdown becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Kelvinists.

Generation 5


Factorum keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Credicor keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Viron keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

MSI keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Poseidon keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.


Factorum spends a floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Luna, gaining 10M€.  Credicor, Viron, and MSI each gain 2M€.  Factorum then spends 5M€ for Protected Habitats.
Credicor spends 6 titanium and 7M€ for Immigration Shuttles, gaining 5M€ production and 4M€, then spends 8M€ to claim the Spacefarer milestone.
Viron spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€, then uses its corporate action to repeat that.
MSI spends 2 titanium to trade with Trion, gaining 5 titanium.  Credicor and Viron each gain 1 titanium.
Poseidon spends 5 titanium for a Research Colony on Pluto, gaining 2M€ production and 4 cards.
Factorum spends 4 titanium and 3M€ for Imported Hydrogen, gaining 4 plants, 3 microbes on Tardigrades, and increasing its TR to 22, then adds another microbe to Tardigrades.
Credicor spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 10 energy.  Factorum gains 3 energy.
Viron spends 13M€ for a Quantum Extractor, gaining 4 energy production.
MSI uses Energy Market to lose 1 energy production and gain 8M€.
Poseidon spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -6C and its TR to 24.
Factorum adds a floater each to Atmo Collectors and Local Shading.
Credicor spends 1 titanium and 20M€ for Callisto Penal Mines, gaining 3M€ production and 4M€.
Viron spends 3 titanium and 3M€ for Ganymede Colony.  MSI gains 2M€.  Viron then spends 1 steel and 12M€ for a Jovian Embassy, increasing its TR to 20.
MSI spends 6M€ for Sponsors, gaining 2M€ production.
Poseidon spends 1 titanium and 21M€ for Nitrogen from Titan, gaining 1M€ production and increasing its TR to 26.
Factorum spends 5M€ for a Power Supply Consortium, gaining 1 energy production.  Credicor loses 1 energy production.  Factorum then mvoes a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
Credicor spends 6M€ to place an asteroid on Directed Impactors and moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, assuming party leadership.
Viron adds a floater to Red Spot Observatory.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
Poseidon spends 6M€ for Rad Suits, gaining 1M€ production, and 7M€ for Lichen, gaining 1 plant production.
Factorum spends 8M€ to claim the Farmer milestone.
Credicor moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.
Viron spends 1 titanium and 8M€ for a Galilean Waystation, gaining 9M€ production.
MSI spends 19M€ for Extractor Balloons, gaining 3 floaters on the card, then spends 2 of those floaters to increase Venus to 4% and its TR to 18.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens and spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Greens, assuming party leadership.
Factorum uses its corporate action to spend 3M€ to draw Local Heat Trapping, Vesta Shipyard, and Greenhouses, keeping Greenhouses and discarding the rest.
Credicor spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -4C and its TR to 29.
Viron moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
MSI spends 11M€ for Molecular Printing, gaining 13M€.
Poseidon passes.
Factorum passes.
Credicor passes.
Viron passes.
MSI spends 6M€ for Forced Precipitation, then spends 2M€ to add a floater to it.
MSI spends 4M€ for Moss, losing 1 plant and gaining 1 plant production.
MSI passes.

Production Phase

Factorum moves 6 energy to heat and gains 23M€, 2 titanium, and 4 energy.

Credicor moves 11 energy to heat and gains 39M€, 2 steel, 1 titanium, 3 energy, and 5 heat.

Viron gains 37M€, 3 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, 4 energy, and 4 heat.

MSI moves 4 energy to heat and gains 24M€, 3 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, 3 energy, and 4 heat.

Poseidon gains 41M€, 4 titanium, 1 plant, and 2 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Election.  Factorum has 3 building tags, 1 influence, and 1 city for 5.  Credicor has 2 building tags, 0 influence, and 0 cities for 2.  Viron has 3 building tags, 2 influence, and 1 city for 6.  MSI has 8 building tags, 1 influence, and 0 cities for 9.  Poseidon has 2 building tags, 0 influence, and 0 cities for 2.  MSI increases its TR to 19 and Viron increases its TR to 20.

New Government

The Reds become the ruling party. MSI TR increases to 20.  Viron delegate becomes chair, Viron TR increases to 21. The Greens become dominant party.

Changing Times

Heat First Policy/Global Dust Storm becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Greens.   Consensus/Paradigm Breakdown becomes the coming event. Corporate Alliance/Sabotage becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to Unity, assuming party leadership.

Generation 6


Credicor keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Viron keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

MSI keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Poseidon keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

Factorum keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.


Credicor spends 8 heat and 3M€ to increase the temperature to -2C, 3M€ and a resource from Directed Impactors to increase the temperature to 0C, and 3M€ to place on ocean in F6, gaining 2 heat, a plant, and 6M€, increasing its TR to 31.
Viron spends 8 heat and 3M€ to increase the temperature to 2C and its TR to 22, then spends 3 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 4 titanium.  Credicor and MSI each gain 1 titanium.
MSI spends 2 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 15M€.  Credicor and Viron each receive 2M€.  MSI then spends 9 titanium for Interplanetary Trade, gaining 7M€ production.
Poseidon spends 11M€ for Solar Wind Power, gaining 1 energy production and 2 titanium.
Factorum spends 8 heat and 3M€ to increase the temperature to 4C and its TR to 22, then spends 7M€ for Floater Technology.
Credicor spends 8 heat and 3M€ to increase the temperature to 6C and its TR to 32, then spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1M€ and 1 plant production.
Viron spends 2 titanium and 1M€ for an Impactor Swarm, gaining 12 heat and 3M€, then spends 8 heat and 3M€ to increase the temperature to 8C and its TR to 23.
MSI spends 25M€ for a city in C2, gaining 1M€ production and 4M€, then spends 8 plants and 3M€ for a greenery tile in B2, gaining 2 plants and 2M€, increasing the oxygen level to 4%, and its TR to 21.
Poseidon spends 11M€ for Grass, gaining 1 plant production and 3 plants.
Factorum uses Floater Technology to add a floater to Titan Floating Launch-Pad, then spends that floater to trade with Enceladus, gaining 5 microbes on Tardigrades.
Credicor spends 25M€ for a city in E3, gaining 1M€ production, 4M€, and 1 plant.  MSI gains 2M€. Credocr then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
Viron spends 4M€ for Special Design, gaining 3M€, then spends 6M€ for Small Animals.  Credicor loses 1 plant production.
MSI spends 9M€ for a Martian Survey, gaining 2 cards.
Poseidon sells a card for 1M€.
Factorum spends a floater from Local Shading to gain 1M€ production and adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Credicor passes.
Viron spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€, then spends a floater from Red Spot Observatory to gain a card.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, then uses Energy Market to sacrifice 1 energy production for 8M€.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.
Factorum spends 6M€ for Greenhouses, gaining 5 plants and 4M€ for Power Infrastructure.
Viron spends 26M€ for a greenery tile in D5, gaining 2 plants, increasing the oxygen level to 5% and its TR to 24, then spends 8 plants and 3M€ for a greenery tile in E4, gaining 2M€, increasing the oxygen level to 6% and its TR to 25.
MSI spends 5M€ for a Mineral Deposit, gaining 5 steel, then spends 6 steel and 1M€ for Martian Rails.
Poseidon passes.
Factorum uses Power Infrastructure to convert 4 energy to 4M€ then uses its corporate action to gain 1 energy production.
Viron spends 2 titanium for a Solar Probe, gaining 2 cards.
MSI adds a floater to Extractor Ballooons and spends 2M€ to add a floater to Forced Precipitation.
Factorum spends 8 plants and 3M€ for a greenery tile in H8, gaining 1 steel, increasing oxygen to 7% and its TR to 23, then spends a floater from Atmo Collectors to gain 2 titanium.
Viron adds an animal to Small Animals.
MSI passes.
Factorum moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
Viron uses its corporate action to add an animal to Small Animals.
Factorum passes.
Viron moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.
Viron passes.

Production Phase

Credicor gains 43M€, 2 steel, 1 titanium, 3 energy, and 5 heat.

Viron moves 1 energy to heat and gains 42M€, 3 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, 4 energy, and 4 heat.

MSI moves 1 energy to heat and gains 36M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, 2 energy, and 1 heat.

Poseidon gains 41M€, 4 titanium, 2 plants, 1 energy, and 2 heat.

Factorum gains 25M€, 2 titanium, and 5 energy.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Global Dust Storm.  Credicor loses 11 heat and has 2 building tags and 1 influence, losing 2M€.  Viron loses 13 heat and has 3 building tags and 2 influence, losing 2M€.  MSI loses 12 heat and has 5+ building tags and 1 influence, losing 8M€.  Poseidon loses 9 heat and has 2 building tags and 2 influence, losing 0M€.  Factorum loses 2 heat and has 5 building tags and 1 influence, losing 8M€. 

New Government

The Greens become the ruling party. Credicor gains 0M€.  Viron gains 3M€.  MSI gains 1M€.  Poseidon gains 2M€.  Factorum gains 2M€.  Postidon delegate becomes chair, Poseidon TR increases to 25. The Reds become dominant party.

Changing Times

Consensus/Paradigm Breakdown becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Reds.   Corporate Alliance/Sabotage becomes the coming event. Experimenal Lifeforms/Eco Sabotage becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Greens, assuming party leadership.

Generation 7


Viron keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

MSI keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Poseidon keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Factorum keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Credicor keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.


Viron spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€, then spends 3 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 4 titanium.  Credicor and MSI each gain 1 titanium.

The Players





Terraform Rating

Keith Marple
Blue 7
Dave Hooton
Chris Geggus
Morning Star, Inc. (MSI)
Yellow 10
Bill Scharf
Kevin Wilson
Black 5
Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
Keith Marple
Dave Hooton 17
Chris Geggus 14
Bill Scharf
Kevin Wilson

Colony Name

Colony 1

Colony 2

Colony 3

Resource Marker

(1 energy production) (1 energy production) 4 (5 energy)
(3 microbes) (3 microbes) (3 microbes) 2 (1 microbe)
(1 ocean) (1 ocean) 3 (1 energy production)
Poseidon (1 heat production) (1 heat production) 5 (8 heat)
Viron MSI 5 (10M€)
Poseidon (2 cards) (2 cards) 4 (2 cards)
Viron MSI 4 (2 titanium)

The numbers in the Resource Marker column indicate the box, numbered from left to right, while the number in parenthesis is the number of resources to be gained from that space.  N/A indicates that the marker is not in place because a card that can accept those resources is not in play.  Text in the colony spaces indicates either the owner of the colony, or the benefit of establishing a colony there.

Terraforming Committee

Leader Delegates
Mars First
1 (1 neutral)
1 (1 Poseidon)
1 (1 neutral)
Neutral 1 (1 neutral)
Credicor 3 (1 Credicor, 1 Factorum, 1 neutral)
Neutral 2 (2 neutral)
Chair is Poseidon. Ruling Party: Greens.

Global Events

Coming Current
Experimenal Lifeforms/Eco Sabotage Corporate Alliance/Sabotage Consensus/Paradigm Breakdown





