Zine Report

Australian Zines

Damn the Consequences Published by Brendan Whyte.  Current issue: 239.  Runs Banbury Merton St (number game), Bonnie Brae (number game), Roborally, Railway Rivals, Where the #$%& on the Tube is Kendo Nagasaki?, Choice, Bus Boss.  Current openings Banbury Merton St (number game), Bonnie Brae (number game), Where on the Tube is Kendo Nagasaki?, Napoleonic Diplomacy, Beatlemania, Wooden Ships & Iron Men, Café International, Backpacks and Blisters, Sopwith, McMulti, Commissioned, Railway Rivals, Britannia, Maneater, Air Charter, NOMIC, Dot Boom, Machiavelli, Diplomacy, Poleconomy.

Western Front Published by Brad Martin.  Current issue: 220.  Currently running quizzes, Railway Rivals, Bus Boss, Hare and Tortoise, Puerto Rico, Britannia, and Settlers of Catan.  Current openings for A Game of Thrones, Britannia, Bus Boss, Macao, Railway Rivals, Settlers of Catan.

UK Zines

Dane's Games Published by Dane Maslen. Current issue: 246.  6 Nimmt!, By Popular Demand, Choice, Dead Pool, Grand National, 'Nantwich' Outpost, Reduced Randomness Railway Rivals, Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki?, Word Puzzle.  Current openings for 6 Nimmt!, Bier Börse, By Popular Demand, Choice, Outpost, Where is My Mind?, Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki?, Word Puzzle.

Fury of the Northmen Published by Colin Bruce.  Current issue: 135.  Currently running Chess; Civilization; Diplomacy the Gathering; Conquistador, Diplomacy.  Game openings for Diplomacy, Chess.

God Save the Zine Published by Stephen Agar.   Current issue: 22.  Currently running Diplomacy, Black Hole Diplomacy II, Bourse, Gunboat Hoplite Wars IV, Sopwith, Excalibur.  Game openings for Diplomacy, Gunboat Stab!, Mercator XIV, ManEater.

The Celestial Dragon Published by Richard Smith. Current issue: 4. Consists of 5 subzines.  The Celestial Steam Locomotive by Richard Smith, issue #34.Currently running Snakes and Ladders, Bootiful Books, Choice, House of Games, By Popular Opinion, Cyrstal Ball, Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki?, Dilemmas, Railway Rivals, Bus Boss, Railway Rivals Partnership, Sound Charades, Crossword Puzzle. Subzine Here Be Dragons (#67) by John Walker runs Puerto Rico, Lyric Quiz, and 6 Nimmt!. Subzine The Tangerine Terror (#74)/I am the Kurious Kumquat (#4) by Howard Bishop runs The Name of the Game, Communal Don't Wordle.  Subzine SubPAR (#4) by Jim Reader runs Railway Rivals, Breaking Away.  Current game openings:  The Celestial Steam Locomotive:  Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki? (Three Wishes variant),  Fragments, Dilemmas, Dice Force, Feudality.  Here be Dragons:  Nearly the Best Game in the World,  Lyric Quiz.  The Tangerine Terror/I Amd the Kurious Kumquat:  Just One, The Name of the Game, Origins of WW2, What's in Howard's Record Collection, Dos de Mayo.  SubPAR:  Bus Boss, Railway Rivals, Breaking Away. Website.

US Zines

Back of the Envelope Published by Tom Howell.  Current issue: 42.  Currently running Railway Rivals; Snakes & Ladders; Jabba's Palace; Hangman, By Definition; Machi Koro; Fuzzy Borders; Breaking Away!; Golden Strider; Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki?.  Current game openings:  Diplomacy, Dominion, Dream Mile, 6-Nimmt!, Eat Me!, Love Letter, Railway Rivals.

Cheescake Published by Andy Lischett. Current issue: 434.  Currently running Diplomacy, Escape from Cheesecake Island.  Current game openings:  None.

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