Anybody who gets onto my standby list automatically receives one free issue of S.O.B. or a waived game fee for web subscribers. In addition, if you actually submit standby orders, you get another free issue or waived game fee. So, let’s get those people standing by. The current standby list is:
Machiavelli (gunboat and regular): Bill Scharf, Bob Robles, Pasquale Giovine, Andy York, Jack McHugh
Dune: Kevin Wilson, Ward Narhi, Andy York, Bill Scharf, Jack McHugh, Chris Geggus
New World: Andy York, Bill Scharf
Merchant of Venus: Bob Robles, Andy York, Chris Geggus
Outpost: Michael Lowrey, Kevin Wilson, Andy York, Bill
Scharf, Dave Hooton
History of the World: Kevin Wilson, Chris Geggus, Andy York
Stellar Conquest: Kevin Wilson, Andy York
Liftoff!: Dennis Cain, Andy York, Bill Scharf, Brad Martin
Age of Renaissance: Michael Lowrey, Bob Robles, Brad Martin, Dave Hooton
Kremlin: Andy York, Pasquale Giovine, Bill Scharf, Brad Martin, Chris Geggus
Silverton: Bill Scharf, Brad Martin, Andy
York, Eric Brosius, Dave Hooton
Settlers of Catan: Chris Geggus, Michael Lowrey, Brad Martin, Andy York, Dave Hooton
Industrial Waste: Brad Martin, Andy York
Puerto Rico: Brad Martin, Andy York, Chris Geggus, Dave Hooton
Power Grid: Brad Martin, Andy York, Chris Geggus, Dave Hooton
Robo Rally: Andy York, Chris Geggus, Dave Hooton
Phoenicia: Andy York
Caverna: Brad Martin
Terra Mystica: Brad Martin
Terraforming Mars: Brad Martin, Andy York, Dave Hooton
Gaia Project: Brad Martin
Suburbia: Dave Hooton, Andy York
Lords of Waterdeep: Brad Martin
Dominion: Dave Hooton, Chris Hibbert
Race for the Galaxy: Chris Hibbert.
Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition: Andy York
7 Wonders: None so far.
Titan: Andy York
Wingspan: Chris Hibbert.
Downfall XIII: None so far.
Standby Calls
None this issue.
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