
Terra Mystica


Faction Selection

Chris selects the Cultists.

Christopher selects the Nomads.

Bill selects the Auren.

Kevin selects the Darklings

Initial Dwelling Placement

The Cultists place a dwellling at H5.

The Nomads place a dwelling at E4.

The Auren place a dwelling at I6.

The Darklings place dwellings at D3 and N5.

The Auren place a dwelling at M5.

The Nomads place a dwelling at H6.

The Cultists place a dwelling at M6.

The Nomads place a dwelling at E8.

Bonus Tile Selection

The Darklings select the “Gain 1 Priest” tile.

The Auren select the “Gain 3 power and 1 worker” tile.

The Nomads select the “Gain 6 coins” tile.

The Cultists select the “2VP per Trading House/Gain 1 worker” tile.

Turn 1

Income Phase

The Cultists gain 4 workers.

The Nomads gain 4 workers and 6 coins.

The Auren gain 4 workers and 3 power.

The Darklings gain 3 workers and 1 priest.

Action Phase

The Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in M6 to a trading post, gaining 3VP. The Auren gain 1 power. The Cultists advance one in the Fire cult.

The Nomads spend 2 workers and 3 coins to convert the dwelling at E4 to a trading post, gaining 3VP. The Darklings gain 1 power.

The Auren spend 2 workers and 3 coins to conver the dwelling in I6 to a trading post, gaining 3VP. The Cultists and the Nomads each gain 1 power.

The Darklings spend 2 workers and 3 coins to convert the dwelling at D3 to a trading house, gaining 3VP. The Nomads spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Cultists burn 4 power to spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Nomads burn 3 power to spend 3 power to gain 1 priest.

The Auren spend 4 workers and 6 coins to upgrade the trading post in I6 to a Stronghold, gaining the boon tile that advances 2 spaces in the water cult (1 power gained) and gives an action to advance 1 space in any cult. The Cultists and Nomads each gain 1 power.

The Darklings spend 1 priest for a shovel to convert D4 to swamp, gaining 2VP, then spends 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling there. The Nomads gain 1 power.

The Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the trading post in M6 to a temple. The Auren gain 1 power. The Cultists advance 1 space in the Fire cult, gaining 1 power. The Cultists gain the boon tile allowing them to advance 1 space in any cult and advance 2 spaces in the water cult.

The Nomads commit a priest to the Water cult, gaining 3 steps and 1 power.

The Auren use their stronghold action to advance 2 spaces in the Water cult, gaining 2 power.

The Darklings spend 1 priest for a shovel to convert O6 to swamp, gaining 2VP, then spends 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling there.

The Cultists spend 3 workers for a shovel to transform G5 to farmland, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there. The Nomads gain 1 power. The Cultists advance one space in the Fire cult.

The Nomads spend 2 workers and 6 coins to upgrade the dwelling at E8 to a trading post.

The Auren use their Boon tile action to advance one space in the Air cult.

The Darklings pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 4VP per stronghold or sanctuary and 2 workers income. They also gain 1 coin.

The Cultists use their Boon tile action to advance one space in the Fire cult, gaining 2 power.

The Nomads pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 4 coins income and an action to gain a level in any cult. They also gain 1 coin.

The Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 2 coins income and an action to gain a shovel. They also gain 1 coin.

The Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 6 coins income.

Cult Bonuses and Cleanup Phase

Nobody has enough in the Air cult to gain a free shovel.

Turn 2

Income Phase

The Darklings gain 6 workers, 2 coins, and 1 power.

The Nomads gain 8 coins, 2 workers and 2 power.

The Auren gain 2 workers, 2 coins, and 2 power.

The Cultists gains 3 workers, 6 coins, and 1 priest.

Action Phase

The Darklings burn 4 power to spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Nomads use the action on their bonus tile to advance 1 space in the Water cult.

The Auren spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.

The Cultists use their Boon action to advance 1 space in the Water cult, gaining 1 power.

The Darklings spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in N5 to a trading post, gaining 3VP. The Auren gain 1 power.

The Nomads pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 1 worker and 3 power income. They also gain 1 coin.

The Auren use their bonus tile action to transform I5 to forest and spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there. The Cultists gain 1 power.

The Cultists burn 3 power to use 3 power to gain a priest.

The Darklings spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in N5 to a temple, gaining the boon that provides 4 power income and 2 steps in the air cult. The Auren gain 1 power.

The Auren use their stronghold action to advance 2 spaces in the Water cult, gaining 2 power.

The Cultists spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels to 2 workers, gaining 6VP.

The Darklings spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in D4 to a trading post, gaining 3VP. The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Auren use their boon tile action to advance 1 space in the Air cult, gaining 1 power.

The Cultists commit a priest to the Air cult, gaining 3 steps and 1 power.

The Darklings pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 1 priest income, and gaining 1 coin.

The Auren spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in I5 to a trading post, gaining 3VP. The Cultists gain 1 power.

The Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in H5 to a trading post, gaining 3VP. The Nomads gain 1 power and the Auren spend 4VP to gain 5 power. The Cultists advance 1 space in the Water cult.

The Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 4VP per stronghold or sanctuary and 2 workers income.

The Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides an action to gain one space in any cult and 4 coins income.

Cult Bonuses and Cleanup Phase

The Nomads gain 1 shovel, and use it to convert E5 to desert.

The Auren gain 1 shovel, and use it to convert I4 to forest.

The Cultists gain 1 shovel, and use it to convert N7 to farmland.

Turn 3

Income Phase

The Nomads gain 4 coins, 3 workers, and 5 power.

The Darklings gain 4 coins, 2 workers, 2 priests, and 6 power.

The Auren gain 2 coins, 4 workers, and 3 power.

The Cultists gain 6 coins, 2 workers, 1 priest, and 1 power.

Action Phase

The Nomads spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling in E5.  The Darklings spend 1 VP to gain 2 power.

The Darklings spend 1 priest to convert D7 to swamp, gaining 2VP, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there.  The Nomads gain 1 power.

The Auren use their stronghold action to advance 2 spaces in the Air cult, gaining 2 power.

The Cultists use their bonus tile action to advance 1 space in the Water cult, gaining 2 power.

The Nomads spend 3 power to gain 1 priest.

The Darklings spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling at D5 to a trading post.  The Nomads gain 1 power.

The Auren spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Cultists spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling in N7.

The Nomads spend 4 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the trading post at E4 to a stronghold, gaining 5VP.  The Darklings spend 3VP to gain 4 power.

The Darklings spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.

The Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling at I4.

The Cultists spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling at O8.

The Nomads cause a Sandstorm in E6, converting it to desert, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there.  The Darklings spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Darklings convert 1 priest to 1 worker, then spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in D3 to a temple, gaining the boon that advances them 3 spaces in the Air cult, gaining 3 power.  The Nomads spend 3VP to gain 4 power.

The Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in H3, establishing a town and gaining 5VP and 6 coins.

The Cultists commit a priest to the Air cult, gaining 2 spaces and 2 power.

The Nomads spend 6 power for 2 shovels and convert F9 to desert.

The Darklings pass, taking the bonus tile that provides an action for a shovel and 2 coins income, and they gain 1 coin.

The Auren use their boon tile action to advance 1 space in the Air cult.

The Cultsits use their boon tile action to advance 1 space in the Air cult.

The Nomads spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling in E9.

The Auren spend 4 power for a shovel, converting N6 to forest.

The Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 6 coins income, and they gain 1 coin.

The Nomads commit a priest  to the Earth cult, gaining 3 spaces and 1 power.

The Auren spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in M5 to a trading post.  The Darklings spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Nomads pass, taking the bonus tile that provides a priest as income.

The Auren spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the dwelling in M5 to a temple, taking the boon tile that provides 4 power income and advancing 2 spaces in the Air cult, gaining 2 power.

The Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 2 power and 1 worker income.

Cult Bonuses and Cleanup Phase

The Darklings gain 2 workers.

The Cultists gain 3 workers.

The Auren gain 4 workers.

Turn 4

Income Phase

The Darklings gain 6 coins, 2 workers, 2 priests, and 4 power.

The Cultists gain 8 coins, 4 workers, 1 priest, and 1 power.

The Nomads gain 2 coins, 5 workers, 1 priest, and 3 power.

The Auren gain 2 coins, 4 workers, 1 priest, and 10 power.

Action Phase

The Darklings spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.

The Cultists spend 4 power for a shovel which they use to convert M7 to farmland, then they spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there.

The Nomads create a sandstorm in F5, converting it to desert, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there.  The Cultists gain 1 power.

The Auren use their stronghold power to gain 2 steps in the Air cult, gaining 3 power.

The Darklings spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Cultists upgrade the temple in M6 to a sacntuary, taking the boon tile that allows him to create cities with a building value of 6 and advancing 2 spaces in the Fire cult, gaining 2 power, then forming a city, gaining 10VP and 6 coins.

The Nomads commit a priest to the Fire cult, gaining 3 spaces and 1 power.

The Auren spend 3 power to build a bridge from M5 to K4.

The Darklings spend 4 workers and 10 coins to upgrade the temple in D3 to a sanctuary, taking the boon tile that advances them 3 spaces in the Water cult and gaining 1 power, and forming a city, gaining 11VP and 8 power.  The Nomads spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Cultists spend 1 priest, 2 coworkers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels to 1 worker, gaining 6VP.

The Nomads spend 3 power to gain a priest.

The Auren spend 6 power for 2 shovels and use them to convert K4 to forest, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there.

The Darklings use the action on their bonus tile to gain a shovel and use it to convert N4 to swamp, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwellling there.

The Cultists use their boon tile action to advance 1 space in the Air cult, gaining 2 power.

The Nomads spend 1 priest and 4 coins to advance to 1 in shipping, gaining 2VP.

The Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling in J3.

The Darklings spend 1 priest for 1 shovel, using it to convert O7 to swamp and spending 1 worker and 2 coins to build a building there.  The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides an action to gain 1 in any cult and 4 coins income, and gaining 1 coin.

The Nomads spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in E8 to a temple, taking the boon tile that provides an action to gain a space in any cult and advances them 2 spaces in the water cult, gaining 2 power.

The Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling in N6.  The Darklings spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Darklings commit a priest to the Water cult, advancing 2 spaces and gaining 2 power.

The Nomads use the action from their boon tile to advance 1 space in the Fire cult, gaining 2 power.

The Auren spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in N6 to a trading house.

The Darklings pass, taking the bonus tile that grants 2VP per trading house and 1 worker income, and gaining 3 coins.

The Nomads pass, taking the bonus tile that grants 6 coins income.

The Auren use their boon tile action to advance 1 space in the Earth cult.

The Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides an action to gain a shovel and 2 coins invome.

Cult Bonuses and Cleanup Phase

The Nomads gain a shovel and use it to convert G8 to desert.

Turn 5

Income Phase

The Cultists gain 6 coins, 5 workers, 1 priest, and 1 power.

The Darklings gain 4 coins, 5 workers, 3 priests, and 2 power.

The Nomads gain 6 coins, 6 workers, 1 priest, and 2 power.

The Auren gain 6 coins, 5 workers, 1 priest, and 8 power.

Action Phase

The Cultists spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Darklings spend 4 power for 7 coins.

The Nomads spend 3 power for a bridge from E6 to F8.

The Auren commit a priest to the Earth cult, gaining 2 spaces and 1 power.

The Cultists spend 4 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the trading post in H5 to a stronghold, gaining 12VP.  The Nomads spend 1VP to gain 2 power and the Auren spend 4VP to gain 5 power.  The Cultists advance 1 step in the Fire cult.

The Darklings spend 1 priest for a shovel, gaining 2VP, and convert O5 to swamp, spending 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there.

The Nomads create a sandstorm in F8, converting it to desert, spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there, and create a town, gaining 8VP and advancing 1 space in each cult, gaining 6 power.

The Auren spend 2 power to gain 2 coins, then spend 4 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the temple in M5 to a sanctuary, gaining 5VP and the favor tile that advances 3 spaces in the Earth cult and gaining 2 power, and taking the city tile that gains 9VP and gains a priest.  The Darklings spend 1VP to gain 2 power and the Cultists spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Cultists commit a priest to the Fire cult, gaining 2 spaces and 3 power.

The Darklings spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling at O6 to a tading house, establishing a town and gaining 7VP and 2 workers.  The Auren spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Nomads spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling in G8.

The Auren use their stronghold action to advance 2 spaces in the Earth cult, gaining 2 power.

The Cultists spend 3 power for 1 priest.

The Darklings commit a priest to the Water cult, gaining 2 spaces and 2 power.

The Nomads spend 4 power for 1 shovel, using it to convert I7 to desert, then spends 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there.  The Auren spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Auren commit a priest to the Water cult, advancing 2 steps.

The Cultists commit a priest to the Earth cult, advancing 2 steps and gaining 1 power.

The Darklings spend 1 priest and 4 coins to upgrade their shipping, gaining 2VP.

The Nomads use their favor action to advance one space in the Fire cult.

The Auren use their favor actionto advance one space in the Water cult.

The Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in G5 to a trading post.  The Nomads spend 1VP to gain 2 power.  The Cultists advance 1 space in the Water cult.

The Darklings spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in D5 to a temple, gaining the favor tile that provides 3 coins income and advancing 1 step in the Fire cult.  The Nomads spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Nomads spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling at I7 to a trading house.

The Auren spend 6 power on 2 shovels and use them to convert J2 to forest.

The Cultists use their favor action to advance 1 space in the Water cult, gaining 2 power.

The Darklings spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in C5.

The Nomads commit a priest to the Earth cult, gaining 2 spaces and 2 power.

The Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 1 priest income and gaining 1 coin.

The Cultists use their bonus tile action to advance 1 space in the Water cult.

The Darklings pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 4VP per stronghold or sanctuary on passing and 2 workers income, and gaining 2 coins.

The Nomads pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 3 power and 1 worker income, and gaining 1 coin.

The Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 6 coins income.

Cult Bonuses and Cleanup Phase

The Nomads gain 4 workers.

The Cultists gain 5 workers.

Turn 6

Income Phase

The Auren gain 4 coins, 5 workers, 2 priests, and 8 power.

The Darklings gain 7 coins, 7 workers, 4 priests, and 4 power.

The Nomads gain 2 coins, 9 workers, 1 priest, and 5 power.

The Cultists gain 8 coins, 4 workers, 1 priest, and 3 power.

Action Phase

The Auren spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.

The Darklings spend 3 power to gain 1 priest.

The Nomads commit a priest to the Air cult, advancing 2 spances and gaining 1 power.

The Cultists spend 3 power for a bridge from G5 to F3.

The Auren spend 4 power for 2 workers.

The Darklings spend 1 priest for 1 shovel, gaining 2VP, and use it to convert E2 to swamp, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there, gaining 2VP.

The Nomads create a Sandstorm in G7, converting it to desert, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there, gaining 2VP.

The Cultists spend 3 workers for 3 shovels and use them to convert F3 to farmland, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there, gaining 2VP.  The Darklings gain 1 power.  The Cultists gain 1 space in the Water cult.

The Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in J2, gaining 2VP.

The Darklings spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in F2, gaining 2VP.  The Cultists gain 1 power.

The Nomads use their favor tile action to advance 1 space in the Air cult.

The Cultists spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post at G5 to a temple, taking the favor tile that provides 2VP per dwelling placed and advancing 1 space in the Earth cult.

The Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling in J1, gaining 2VP.

The Darklings use a priest for a shovel, gaining 2VP and converting G1 to swamp, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there, gaining 2VP.

The Nomads pass.

The Cultists spend 2 workers for 2 shovels and use them to convert H4 to farmland, spending 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there and gaining 2VP.  The Cultists also establish a town, gaining 9VP and a priest.  The Auren spend 3VP to gain 4 power.  The Cultists advance 1 step in the Earth cult, gaining 2 power.

The Auren use the favor tile action to advance 1 space in the Earth cult.

The Darklings use a priest for a shovel, gaining 2VP and converting D1 to swamp, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there, gaining 2VP.

The Cultists use their favor tile action to advance 1 space in the Earth cult.

The Auren commit a priest to the Fire cult, advancing 2 steps.

The Darklings commit a priest to the Air cult, advancing 2 steps and gaining 2 power.

The Cultists spend a priest to support the Earth cult, advancing 1 step and gaining 2 power.

The Auren spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels down to 2 workers, gaining 6VP.

The Darklings spend a priest to support the Water cult, advancing 1 step.

The Cultists spend a priest to support the Earth cult, advancing 1 step.
The Auren use their stronghold action to advance 2 steps in the Fire cult, gaining 1 power.
The Darklings spend 5 power for a priest, then spend the priest to support the Air cult, advancing 1 step.
The Cultists spend 3 power for a worker then spend 2 workers for 2 shovels and use them to convert O9 to farmland.
The Auren burn 2 power to gain 2 power, spend 2 power for 2 coins, then spend 2 workers, 1 priest, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels to 1 worker, gaining 6VP.
The Darklings pass, gaining 4VP.
The Cultists pass.
The Auren pass.

End of Game and Final Scoring


In the Fire cult, the Cultists gain 8VP, the Nomads gain 4VP, and the Auren gain 2VP.

In the Water cult, the Auren gain 8VP and the Cultists and Darklings each gain 3VP.

In the Earth cult, the Auren gain 8VP, the Cultists gain 4VP, and the Nomads gain 2VP.

In the Air cult, the Auren gain 8VP, the Darklings gain 4VP, and the Cultists gain 2VP.


The Nomads have a total of 15 points of buildings adjacent, the Darklings have 11, the Auren have 9, and the Cultists have 7, so the Nomads gain 18VP, the Darklings 12VP, and the Auren 6VP.






Victory Points

























Congratulations to Kevin Wilson on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Chris Geggus (Cultists):  A cracking game. Well done Kevin, just did enough at the end to pinch it. I have still never won a game of this, but I am understanding it a little more each time I play. I think I missed a number of opportunities to score during the game, but as I wasn't expecting to get this close, I wasn't worried. Maybe I should have been! And thanks to Chris once again.

Kevin Wilson (Darklings):  Wow, I didn’t expect that outcome.  I see references to the Darklings often putting up 100+ VP games and I didn’t think I was getting anywhere near that so I’ll take it.  Might be the tightest game yet, of any not just TM.  Thanks to all for playing and to Chris for running the game.  Like Geggs I seem to get a little bit better feel each game we play but still think there are many nuances I’m missing.  I still feel I’m too responsive and not looking far enough ahead but that comes with more plays so sign me up.

Bill Scharf (Auren): Thanks for your excellent running of the game. It was a lot of fun. First time (I believe) that I played the Auren....and it turned out so very very close. Congrats to Kevin on his win! If there’s another game I’d be interested, but I’ll bow out if another wants to play at the crowded table.

Christopher Hunt (Nomads): That you Chris for hanging the game so well and congrautaions to Kevin on his victory.  Built too any small buildings no money stream.

The Players







Power: Bowl 1

Power: Bowl II
Power: Bowl III
Chris Geggus
Christopher Hunt
Bill Scharf

Kevin Wilson


FavorsCult Board


