Swedish Vallhund

Puerto Rico -- Nobles Expansion

Turn 1

Governor Andy selects the Settler and takes an indigo plantation.  Dave takes a sugar plantation.  Christopher takes a coffee plantation.  Kevin takes the indigo plantation.  New plantations are:  sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, coffee.

Dave selects the Builder and builds a Small Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 1 doubloon spent).  Christopher passes.  Kevin builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon spent).  Andy builds an Indigo Plant (3 doubloons spent).

Christopher selects the Mayor and places a noble on the corn plantation and a colonist on the coffee plantation.  Kevin places a colonist on the corn plantation.  Andy places a colonist on an indigo plantation.  Dave places a colonist on the sugar plantation.  Four colonists and 1 noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Kevin selects the Craftsman, producing 1 corn.  Christopher produces 1 corn.  Kevin produces a bonus corn.

Turn 2

Governor Dave selects the Builder and builds a Small Market (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 0 doubloons spent).  Christopher passes.  Kevin builds a Small Market (1 doubloon spent).  Andy passes.

Christopher selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP.  Kevin ships 2 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP.

Kevin selects the Mayor, places a noble on the small indigo plant and colonists on the indigo plantation and Small Market.  Andy places a colonist on the Indigo Plant.  Dave places a colonist on the Small Sugar Mill.  Christopher places a colonist in San Juan.  Three colonists and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Turn 3

Governor Christopher selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon and takes a Quarry.  Kevin takes a sugar plantation.  Andy takes a coffee plantation.  Dave takes a sugar plantation.  New plantations are:  corn, indigo, sugar, tobacco, tobacco.

Kevin selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 corn and 1 indigo.  Andy produces 1 indigo.  Dave produces 1 sugar.  Christopher produces 1 corn.  Kevin produces a bonus corn.

Andy selects the Mayor and places a noble on the Indigo Plant and a colonist on an indigo plantation.  Dave places a colonist on the Small Market.  Christopher places a colonist on the Quarry.  Kevin places a colonist on the sugar plantation.  Three colonists and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Dave selects the Trader, gains 2 doubloons, and trades sugar for 4 doubloons (2 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).  Christopher passes.  Kevin trades 1 indigo for 2 doubloons (1 base +1 for Small Market).

Turn 4

Governor Kevin selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon and builds a Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 3 doubloons spent).  Andy passes.  Dave builds a Tobacco Storage (5 doubloons spent).  Christopher builds a Coffee Roaster (1 doubloon discount for Quarry, 5 doubloons spent).

Andy selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 2VP.  Christopher ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Kevin ships 2 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP.

Dave selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Christopher selects the Mayor, placing a noble and a colonist on the Coffee Roaster.  Kevin places a colonist on the Sugar Mill.  Andy places a colonist on the Indigo Plant.  Dave places a colonist on the Tobacco Storage.  Three colonists and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Turn 5

Governor Andy selects the Settler and takes an indigo plantation.  Dave takes a tobacco plantation.  Christopher takes a corn plantation.  Kevin selects a sugar plantation.  New plantations:  indigo, indigo, indigo, tobacco, tobacco.

Dave selects the Mayor and places a colonist on the tobacco plantation and a noble on the indigo plantation.  Christopher places a colonist on the corn plantation.  Kevin moves a colonist from the corn plantation to the sugar plantation and places a colonist on the Sugar Mill.  Andy places a colonist on the indigo plantation.  Three colonists and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Christopher selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 corn and 1 coffee.  Kevin produces 1 indigo and 2 sugar.  Andy produces 3 indigo.  Dave produces 1 sugar and 1 tobacco.  Christopher produces a bonus coffee.

Kevin selects the Captain and ships 2 sugar on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Andy ships 3 indigo on Ship 2 for 3VP.  Dave ships 1 sugar on Ship 1 for 1VP.  Christopher ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP (Ship 3 sails).  Kevin ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 1VP.  Christopher discards 1 corn and 1 coffee.

Turn 6

Governor Dave selects the Trader, gains 2 doubloons, and trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).  Christopher trades coffee for 4 doubloons.

Christopher selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Jeweler (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 1 doubloon discount for Quarry, 6 doubloons spent).  Kevin passes.  Andy passes.  Dave builds a Villa (7 doubloons spent).

Kevin selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Andy selects the Mayor, places a colonist on the coffee plantation and a noble in San Juan.  Dave places a colonist on the Villa.  Christopher places a colonist on the Jeweler.  Kevin places a colonist on the corn plantation.  Three colonist and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Turn 7

Governor Christopher selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon and takes a Quarry.  Kevin takes a tobacco plantation.  Andy takes an indigo plantation.  Dave takes a tobacco plantation.  New plantations are: indigo, sugar, tobacco, coffee, coffee.

Kevin selects the Builder and builds a Tobacco Storage (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 4 doubloons spent).  Andy builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon spent).  Dave builds a Chapel (3 doubloons spent).  Christopher passes.

Andy selects the Mayor and places a colonist on the indigo plantation and a noble on the Small Indigo Plant.  Dave places a colonist on a tobacco plantation and a noble from the Villa on the Chapel.  Christopher places a colonist on the Quarry.  Kevin places a colonist on the Tobacco Storage.  Three colonists and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Dave selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 sugar, 1 tobacco, and 1VP.  Christopher produces 2 corn, 1 coffee, and 2 doubloons.  Kevin produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 2 sugar.  Andy produces 4 indigo.  Dave produces a bonus sugar.

Turn 8

Governor Kevin selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon and trades sugar for 4 doubloons (2 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).  Andy trades indigo for 1 doubloon.  Dave trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market).  Christopher trades coffee for 4 doubloons.

Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Dave selects the Builder and builds a Jeweler (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 7 doubloons spent).  Christopher builds a Chapel (1 doubloon discount for Quarry, 2 doubloons spent).  Kevin builds a Construction Office (5 doubloons spent).  Andy builds a Coffee Roaster (6 doubloons spent).

Christopher selects the Captain, gains 2 doubloons, and ships 2 corn on Ship 3 for 3VP.  Kevin ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 1VP (Ship 2 sails).  Dave ships 2 sugar on Ship 1 for 2VP (Ship 1 sails).  Kevin ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Andy discards 2 indigo.

Turn 9

Governor Andy selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon, and takes a coffee plantation.  Dave selects a tobacco plantation.  Christopher takes a coffee plantation.  Kevin takes a sugar plantation.  New plantations:  corn, corn, corn, indigo, coffee.
Dave selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places nobles on the Jeweler and a tobacco plantation and a colonist on the Tobacco Storage.  Christopher swaps the noble from the Coffee Roaster with the colonist from the Jeweler, places a colonist on the Chapel, and moves a colonist from San Juan to the coffee plantation.  Kevin places a colonist on the tobacco plantation, moves the noble from the Small Indigo Plant to the Construction Office, and moves a colonist from the indigo plantation to a sugar plantation.  Andy places a colonist on a coffee plantation and moves the noble from San Juan to the Coffee Roaster.  Five colonists and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.
Christopher selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 corn, 2 coffee, and 3 doubloons.  Kevin produces 1 corn, 2 sugar, and 1 tobacco.  Andy produces 4 indigo and 1 coffee.  Dave produces 1 sugar, 2 tobacco, 4 doubloons, and 1VP.  Christopher produces a bonus corn.
Kevin selects the Trader and trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).  Andy trades coffee for 4 dooubloons.  Dave trades sugar for 3 doubloons (2 base +1 for Small Market).  Christopher trades corn for 0 doubloons.

Turn 10

Governor Dave selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds Gardens (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 9 doubloons spent).  Christopher builds a Custom House (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 8 doubloons spent).  Kevin builds an Office (5 doubloons spent).  Andy passes.

Christopher selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 2 coffee on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Kevin ships 3 sugar on Ship 2 for 3VP.  Christopher ships 2 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP.  Kevin ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Andy discard 4 indigo and Dave discards 1 tobacco.

Kevin selects the Mayor, moves a noble from the Construction Office to the Office, a colonist from the Small Market to the indigo plantation, a noble to the Small Market, and a colonist to the Construction Office and Sugar Mill.  Andy places a colonist on the Coffee Roaster and another in San Juan.  Dave places a colonist on the Tobacco Storage and a noble on the Gardens.  Christopher places a colonist on the Custom House.  Three colonists and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Turn 11

Governor Christopher selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon and produces 2 corn, 2 coffee, and 3 doubloons.  Kevin produces 1 corn, 3 sugar, and 1 tobacco.  Andy produces 4 indigo and 2 coffee.  Dave produces 1 sugar, 3 tobacco, 5 doubloons, and 1VP.  Christopher produces a bonus coffee.

Kevin selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).  Andy trades coffee for 4 doubloons.  Dave trades sugar for 3 doubloons (2 base +1 for Small Market).  Christopher trades corn for 0 doubloons.

Andy selects the Builder and builds a Guild Hall (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 9 doubloons spent).  Dave builds a Court Supplier (6 doubloons spent).  Christopher builds a Residence (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 8 doubloons spent).  Kevin builds a Factory (1 doubloon discount from Construction Office, 6 doubloons spent).

Dave selects the Mayor, placing a noble each on the sugar plantation and Court Supplier, and a colonist in San Juan.  Christopher exchanges the noble on the corn plantation with the colonist on the Chapel and places a colonist on the Residence.  Kevin places a colonist on the Factory.  Andy places a colonist on the Guild Hall.

Turn 12

Governor Kevin selects the Craftsman and produces 1 corn, 3 sugar, 1 tobacco, and 2 doubloons.  Andy produces 4 indigo and 2 coffee.  Dave produces 1 sugar, 3 tobacco, 7 doubloons, and 1VP.  Christopher produces 1 corn, 1 coffee, 2 doubloons, and 1VP.  Kevin produces a bonus tobacco.

Andy selects the Trader and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader).  Dave trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market).  Christopher trades corn for 0 doubloons.  Kevin trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market).

Dave selects the Builder and builds a City Hall (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 9 doubloons spent).  Christopher builds a Hospice (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 2 doubloons spent).  Kevin passes.  Andy builds a Tobacco Storage (5 doubloons spent).

Christopher selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 3 coffee on Ship 1 for 4VP (Ship 1 sails).  Kevin ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP (Ship 3 sails).  Dave ships 1 sugar on Ship 2 for 1VP.  Kevin ships 2 sugar on Ship 2 for 2VP (Ship 2 sails).  Christopher discards 2 corn, Kevin discards 1 corn, 4 sugar, and 1 tobacco, Andy discards 9 indigo and 1 coffee, and Dave discards 5 tobacco, gaining 5VP.

Turn 13

Governor Andy selects the Trader and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader).  Dave trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market).  Kevin trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market).
Dave selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places a noble on the City Hall, and a noble and a colonist in San Juan.  Christopher places a colonist in the Hospice.  Kevin places a colonist on the Small Indigo Plant.  Andy places a colonist on the Tobacco Storage and moves a colonist from San Juan to the Tobacco Storage.  Three colonists and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.
Christopher selects the Captain and ships 1 coffee on Ship 1 for 2VP.
Kevin selects the Builder and builds a Fortress (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 9 doubloons spent).  Andy builds a Sugar Mill (4 doubloons spent).  Dave builds a Coffee Roaster (6 doubloons spent).  Christopher builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon discount from Quarry, 0 doubloons spent).  As Dave's city is now full, this ends the game.

The Players

Player Name




San Juan


Stored Production


Andy York Trader
Indigo, Indigo, Coffee, Indigo, Indigo, Coffee
Indigo Plant (x2, x1), Small Indigo Plant, Coffee Roaster (x 1, x1), Guild Hall, Tobacco Storage (x2), Sugar Mill


Dave Hooton Mayor
Indigo, Sugar, Sugar, Tobacco, Tobacco, Tobacco
Small Sugar Mill, Small Market, Tobacco Storage (x3), Villa, Chapel, Jeweler, Gardens, Court Supplier, City Hall, Coffee Roaster
2, 1

Christopher Hunt
Corn, Coffee, Quarry, Corn, Quarry, Coffee
Coffee Roaster (x2), Jeweler, Chapel, Custom House, Residence, Hospice


Kevin Wilson
Corn, Indigo, Sugar, Sugar, Tobacco, Sugar
Small Indigo Plant, Small Market, Sugar Mill (x3), Tobacco Storage (x1), Construction Office, Office, Factory, Fortress



Player in bold is the Governor. Plantations and buildings in bold are manned. Buildings that can be manned by more than one colonist will have the number manning them in parentheses after the building name.

Available Items

Colonists: Colonist Ship: 3

Nobles:  Supply: 3  Colonist Ship: 1

Trading House:  Coffee, Tobacco, Tobacco

Cargo Ships: Ship 1 (capacity 5): 1 coffee        Ship 2 (capacity 6): Empty         Ship 3 (capacity 7): Empty

Victory Points:  46


Corn: 10

Indigo: 11

Sugar: 11

Tobacco: 7

Coffee: 7


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Small Indigo Plant (x2, 1d, 1vp)

Indigo Plant (x2, 3d, 2vp)

Small Sugar Mill (x3, 2d, 1vp)

Sugar Mill (4d, 2vp)

Hospice (4d, 2vp)

Hunting Lodge (x2, 4d, 2vp)
Factory (7d, 3vp)

Land Office (x2, 2d, 1vp)

Office (5d, 2vp)

Villa (7d, 3vp)

Hacienda (x2, 2d, 1vp)
Construction Office (5d, 2vp)
University (x2, 8d, 3vp)

Construction Hut (x2, 2d, 1vp)

Large Market (x2, 5d, 2vp)

Chapel (3d, 1vp)

Large Warehouse (x2, 6d, 2vp)

Harbor (x2, 8d, 3vp)

Small Warehouse (x2, 3d, 1vp)
Court Supplier (6d, 2vp)
Wharf (x2, 9d, 3vp)


Builder, Captain, Craftsman, Mayor, Prospector (2d), Settler (3d), Trader


Quarry (x6), Corn, Corn, Corn, Indigo, Coffee

Discard Pile:  Tobacco, Sugar, Sugar, Tobacco, Indigo, Indigo, Indigo

Victory Points




VP Chips
















Congratulations to Dave on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Christopher Hunt:  Congratulations to Dave on an overwhelming win.  Thanks to Chris for running the game.  Could not get enough money from my coffee.  Always craftsman not trader.

Andy York:  Excellent job in winning. I appreciate you holding back and not doubling my score. Unfortunately, my early jump into Indigo never panned out, always seeming to miss the boat when shipping came around. Thanks for running this one Chris!

Dave Hooton:  Thanks for running the game, Chris. I had a really good trade in Turn 6, getting a total of 7d for a tobacco, and it enabled me to get a good building early. Things snowballed from there.

Kevin Wilson:  And once that snowball started, no one could catch it, certainly not me. Once again I seemed to always be 1 turn behind.  Congrats to Dave on the win and thanks to Chris for running the game and to the rest for putting up with my pathetic play.  Someday I’ll get this one (maybe).
