
End of Game Statements

Dave Hooton (Minimus Prime):  Congratulations to Brendan for the win, and thanks to Chris for running the game. I look forward to being in the next one.

Kevin Croskery (KrisKiller):  Congratulations Brendan on the win. Early in the game I planned a move from an older map and fell into a pit - so it was all downhill from there! Tagged a flag though, so I'm happy with that. I don't think this format suits the game, much better face to face with a beer in your hand...

Bill Scharf (RBS):  Congrats to Brendan on his win, and thanks to Chris for running it. Mental note, next game, zoom in… I twice ran into walls I didn’t see, which I can tell you took me way too many turns to recover from….heh, assuming I ever did. Good game everybody.

Brendan Whyte (Robot Nick):  To be precise: much better hand to hand, with a beer in your face!

Quite a busy board, with perhaps too many walls. The wraparounds certainly helped though. After getting a pile of damage 3 or 4 turns ago, the powerdown shield got me back on track.

I tagged flag 4 (my third flag) with Andy right behind me. I got a lovely set of cards then, and while running south (with Andy likely shooting me for 2 turns) would get me almost to the 4th flag, I was much tempted to use my U-turn and move-2 & 3s to turn around and blast Andy (literally & figuratively)…. While that would have been fun (unless he sidestepped me: then I would have looked stupid), I’m glad I went to the sensible choice… Thanks to Chris for running, and the other bots for botting.

Chris Geggus (GEGS):  No plan and wandered around like a headless chicken (no different from any of my games Kevin will say). Had fun regardless. One day! Well done Brendan - caught me ball-watching there I must say. Thanks to Chris yet again.

Andy York (Dalekbot):  Great job to Brendan! I wasn't getting much in the way of good move cards the last couple of turns (after a few with almost perfect ones). So, I just stayed on the flag to add more bling to Dalekbot's chassis. Thanks to Chris for running another stellar game! Enjoyed it as always!

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