Shaggy Dog

Epoch II, Carthaginia and Persia

Epoch III, Empire Selection and Celts due 2/17, Tuesday

Epoch II

Stooges for All Time (Anderson) plays North American Migrants. Armies Great Lakes and West Indies. CARTHAGINIA: Plays Engineering. Army, Capital, and Fortress Shatts Plateau (Minoan army eliminated), fleet Western Mediterranean (vs. FAC-51; S: 3, 2; F: 5; loses), Western Mediterranean (vs. FAC-51; S: 5, 1; F: 5; S: 6, 3; F: 2; wins), army Central Massif, Dalmatia, Pindus, Morea (vs. Greek City States; C: 4, 4; G: 1; wins, Capital reduced to city), Crete (vs. Minoans; C: 4, 2; M: 6; 3; loses). Points: Dominance in Southern Europe (4), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (3), 2 Capitals (4), 1 city (1), and 1 Sea (1) for 15 points.

Great Giant (Burgdorf) PERSIA: Plays Fanaticism. Army Persian Plateau (Scythean army retreats to Zagros), Zagros (vs. Scytheans; P: 3, 1; S: 5; loses), Zagros (vs. Scytheans; P: 5, 3; S: 2; P: 4, 3; S: 6; loses), Zagros (vs. Scytheans; P: 6, 2; S: 5; wins), Middle Tigris (vs. Babylonia; P: 6, 3; B: 3+1; P: 4, 2; B: 5+1; loses), Middle Tigris (vs. Babylonia; P: 5, 1; B: 5+1; loses), Middle Tigris (vs. Babylonia; P: 6, 5; B: 4+1; P: 6, 1; B: 3+1; wins, Capital reduced to city), Eastern Anatolia (vs. Scytheans; P: 6, 4; S: 4; wins, city eliminated), Western Anatolia (vs. Minoans; P: 4, 4; M: 1; wins, fleet Black Sea unsupported), Balkans, Pindus (vs. Carthaginia; P: 4, 3; C: 6, 5; loses), Pindus (vs. Carthaginia; P: 6, 3; C: 2, 1; wins), Morea (vs. Carthaginia; P: 6, 5; C: 3; wins, city eliminated), fleet Eastern Mediterranean (vs. The Human Race; G: 5, 5; H: 3; wins), Crete (vs. Minoans; P: 4, 2; M: 6; loses). Points: Dominance in Middle East (6) and Southern Europe (4), Presence in India (2), 1 Capital (2), 1 city (1), and 1 Sea (1) for 16 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Christopher Hunt The Gardeners (green) 10 16
Bill Scharf The Human Race (blue) 11 20
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 11 16
Dave Anderson Stooges for All Time (orange) 12 19
Howard Bishop FAC-51 (black) 13 26
Chris Geggus Galactic Expeditionary Guard Ship (yellow) 13 25
Martin Burgdorf Great Giant (red) 19 25


SfAT: Fleet Western Mediterranean. SUMERIANS: Capital, Fortress, and 2 armies Lower Tigris. NORTH AMERICAN MIGRANTS: Armies Great Lakes, West Indies. CARTHAGINIA: Army, Capital, Fortress Shatts Plateau, armies Central Massif, Dalmatia.

GEGS: Fleet Red Sea. EGYPT: Army and Capital Nile Delta, armies Nubia, Libya, Arabian Peninsula. JEWS: Army, city, and fort Palestine. NILE KINGDOM: Army, city, and fort Upper Nile.

FAC-51: MINOANS: Army and Capital Crete. GREEK CITY STATES: Army Pyrenees.

Great Giant: Fleet Eastern Mediterranean. INDUS VALLEY: Army Western Deccan. PERSIA: Army and Capital Persian Plateau, army and city Middle Tigris, armies Zagros, Eastern Anatolia, Western Anatolia, Balkans, Pindus, Morea.

The Gardeners: VEDIC CITY STATES: Army, Capital, and Monument Upper Indus, two armies Ceylon, armies Ganges Valley, Eastern Deccan, Eastern Ghats.

The Human Race: PHOENICIA: Army and Capital Levant, army and Monument Upper Tigris. SUB-SAHARAN MIGRANTS: Armies Central Africa, East Africa. SCYTHEANS: Armies Caucuses, Persian Salt Desert, Lower Indus.

RMHS: ARYANS: Armies Western Steppe, Turanian Plain, Hindu Kush. CHOU DYNASTY: Army, Capital, and Monument Wei River, army and city Yellow River, armies Tarim Basin, Yangtse Kian, Chekiang.

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