Shaggy Dog

Epoch I Empire Selection and Sumeria

Epoch I, Egypt, Minoans, and Indus Valley due 6/24, Tuesday

Epoch I Empire Selection

The Human Race keeps

Great Giant passes to RMHS

FAC-51 passes to SfAT

Royal Manticoran Historical Society passes to FAC-51

The Gardeners keeps

GEGS keeps

Stooges for All Time passes to Great Giant

Epoch I

Stooges for All Time (Anderson). SUMERIANS: 3 armies, fort, and Capital Lower Tigris. Points: Presence in Middle East (2), Capital (2) for 4 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Bill Scharf The Human Race (blue) 0 0
Martin Burgdorf Great Giant (red) 0 0
Howard Bishop FAC-51 (black) 0 0
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 0 0
Christopher Hunt The Gardeners (green) 0 0
Chris Geggus Galactic Expeditionary Guard Ship (yellow) 0 0
Dave Anderson Stooges for All Time (orange) 4 4


SfAT: SUMERIANS: Capital, Fortress, and 2 armies Lower Tigris.

Shaggy Dog Map

Shaggy Dog, Issue 195


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