Salty Dog

Seafarers of Catan

Turns 15.1 to 16.1

Deadline/Turns 16.2 to 17.2 2/27, Tuesday

Turn 15

Kevin rolls an 8. Dave gains 1 ore and 1 brick, Cary gains 1 grain, Bill gains 2 lumber, Chris gains 1 grain, and Ward gains 1 grain and 2 lumber. Trades 1 wool for 2 ore with Cary.

Dave rolls a 7. Dave discards 3 lumber, 3 grain, 2 ore. Bill discards 4 lumber. Chris discards 4 grain, 1 wool, and 1 lumber. Ward discards 1 grain, 1 wool, 2 brick, 3 lumber, and 1 ore. Dave moves the robber to the 6 Gold Field and takes 1 lumber from Kevin. Dave builds road from C10 – C11 – B11. During the special build turn, Chris builds a settlement at E10 and a road from E10 - E9.

Cary rolls a 6. Dave gains 2 brick, Cary gains 1 brick, Bill gains 1 ore and 1 lumber. Cary trades 3 brick for 1 lumber and builds a ship from E15 – E16.

Bill rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the 4 Hills and steals a grain from Cary.

Chris rolls an 8. Kevin gains 2 wool, Dave gains 2 wool, Cary gains 1 grain, Bill gains 2 lumber, Chris gains 1 grain, and Ward gains 1 grain and 2 lumber. Passes.

Ward rolls an 8. Kevin gains 2 wool, Dave gains 1 wool and 1 lumber, Cary gains 1 grain, Bill gains 2 lumber, Chris gains 1 grain, and Ward gains 1 grain and 2 lumber. Ward upgrades the settlement at B15 to a city, and builds roads from E17 – E16 – F16. During the special build turn, Dave builds a settlement at B11.

Turn 16

Kevin rolls a 3. Dave and Chris each gain 1 grain, Cary gains 1 wool. Passes.

Open Trades

Chris offers 1 grain for 1 ore

Turn 16 Rolls

Dave 12
Cary 4
Bill 4
Chris 7
Ward 9

Turn 17 Rolls


Dave 8


Remember that during a special build turn, you may only build – you may not trade. Also, the winner is the first one to gain 12 victory points, not 10.









Development Cards


Kevin Wilson Green 6 2 1 Knight 8*
Dave Partridge Red 1 2 2 2 1 6
Cary Nichols Purple 3 1 1 1 3
Bill Scharf Blue 3 1 5 2 5
Chris Geggus Yellow 3 2 Knights, 1 Unknown 5
Ward Narhi Brown 4 1 Knight 8

*Longest Trade Route

Salty Dog, Issue 132


S.O.B. 133 Home

Dog Chow

Salty Dog, Issue 134