Rescue Dog

Fall 1457

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Winter-Spring 1458 4/25 Tuesday

France continues to make life difficult for Naples while Venice occupies the Balkan coast. Milan hunkers down and Florence goes missing. The Pope reclaims the Vatican.

Summer 1457 Retreats

The Turks retreat A Herzegovina to Bosnia, F Albania to Ragusa


The Pope borrows 10 ducats for 1 year (12 ducats due Fall 1458). Spends 12 ducats to disband Florentine A Rome.

Florence fails to pay back his loan to the moneylenders and is assassinated. Rebellions in Lucca, Piombino, Sienna, Perugia, and Rome.

Outstanding Loans

Spring 1458: 15 ducats due from the Turks (10 ducats borrowed)

Summer 1458: 6 ducats due from Naples (5 ducats borrowed)

Fall 1458: 32 ducats due from Venice (21 ducats borrowed)

Spring 1459: 14 ducats due from Milan (9 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Lucca holds, A Florence holds, A Arezzo holds, A Rome holds (nsu), F Ligurian Sea holds
France A Saluzzo besieges (autonomous garrison destroyed), A Pavia to Milan, A Sardinia supports F Corsica, F Corsica supports F Western Mediterranean to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Western Mediterranean to Tyrrhenian Sea
Milan A Savoy holds, A Milan holds
Naples A Ancona holds, F Naples holds, F Tyrrhenian Sea supports F Central Mediterranean to Western Mediterranean (cut, Dislodged, retreat Piombino, Sienna, Patrimony, Capua, Gulf of Naples, Palermo, OTB), F Central Mediterranean to Western Mediterranean, F Ionian Sea to Central Mediterranean
Papacy A Genoa to Modena, A Mantua besieges (no garrison), A Bologna to Modena, A Capua to Rome (Rebellion liberated)
Turks A Bosnia to Croatia, F Ragusa to Lower Adriatic (Dislodged, retreat garrison, OTB), F Tunis to Central Mediterranean, G Tunis converts to F
Venice A Trent to Milan, A Verona to Mantua, A Herzegovina supports F Lower Adriatic to Ragusa, F Lower Adriatic to Ragusa, F Albania supports F Lower Adriatic to Ragusa, F Durazzo to Lower Adriatic


France to Venice: The King of France will respect the hegemony of the Doge over the Adriatic. He expects the Doge to contribute to the friendly mutual relations by giving the following order: A Trent S Fr A Pavia - Milan.

Naples to Turk: curse you, red baron!

Naples to French: Don‘t go sticking your sticky beak into other people’s business. I cede you all lands north of Bologna. Below that, l’états, ce sont à moi!

Naples to Pope: Ladybird, ladybird fly away home, Your house is on fire and your children are gone,: All except one,: And he’s in Capua, but will lose his caput if he doesn’t also return chez lui.

Naples to Florence: I’ve got your back.

Naples to Milan: Bye bye birdy!

Naples to Venice: Go team!

Papacy to All: White smoke, what white smoke?

Venice to France: See now that your are in Pavia--You can support me to Milan. I was thinking it was OUR war versus Milan.

Dogged Doge to Naples: Ancona is yours as long as I see that Army never become a garrison.

Venice to Milan: You want me to be the Pope. No thanks. He is only 1 city away from elimination and that city borders me and Florence.

Venice to Milan: about those plague results---I agree worst luck ever...

Spring 1457 Famine

Poor Year – Row Only: Savoy, Sardinia, Parma, Bosnia, Naples, Dalmatia

Spring 1457 Income

Provinces and cities that are underlined do no produce income while those that are in italics could change hands depending on retreats.


Florence: Lucca, Pisa, Pistoia, Florence, Piombino, Sienna, Arezzo, Perugia 4
France: Avignon, Swiss, Marseilles, Provence, Saluzzo, Turin, Pavia, Corsica, Sardinia 8
Milan: Como, Milan, Bergamo, Cremona, Parma, Fornova, Montferrat, Savoy 6
Naples: Ancona, Aquila, Capua, Naples, Salerno, Bari, Otranto, Messina, Palermo 8
Papacy: Genoa, Modena, Mantua, Bologna, Urbino, Spoletto, Rome, Patrimony 8
Turks: Croatia, Bosnia, Tunis 2
Venice: Trent, Verona, Ferrara, Padua, Treviso, Friuli, Carniola, Istria, Dalmatia, Herzegovina, Regusa, Albania, Druazzo 12


Florence: Ligurian Sea 1
France: Tyrrhenian Sea 1
Naples: Central Mediterranean, Ionian Sea 2
Venice: Lower Adriatic, Venice 2


Florence: Lucca, Pisa, Florence (3), Piombino, Sienna, Arezzo, Perugia 5
France: Avignon, Swiss, Marseilles, Saluzzo, Turin, Pavia, Corsica, Sardinia 7
Milan: Milan (3), Cremona, Montferrat, Savoy 5
Naples: Ancona, Naples (2), Bari, Messina, Palermo 4
Papacy: Genoa (3), Modena, Mantua, Bologna, Rome (2) 8
Turks: Croatia, Tunis (2) 3
Venice: Trent, Ferrara, Padua, Treviso, Carniola, Dalmatia, Regusa, Albania, Druazzo, Venice (3) 11


Variable income die roll was 1.







Florence 2 4 1 5 12
France 1 8 1 7 17
Milan 2 6 0 5 13
Naples 1 8 2 4 15
Papacy 3 8 0 8 19
Turks 1 2 0 3 6
Venice 4 12 2 11 29

Game Summary






Florence 3 2 4 6 3
France 3 6 6 6 8
Milan 3 3 4 5 4
Naples 4 4 5 3 5
Papacy 4 6 6 6 5
Turks 3 3 3 3 2
Venice 4 6 7 9 10*

* Depends on retreat.

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