Rescue Dog
Spring 1456
Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory
Deadline/Summer 1456 10/4 Tuesday
The Turks go deeper into debt to disband a Venetian fleet, while the Pope and Venice are now debt free. The Pope returns the invasion favor to Naples, while Florence and France bump heads in the Ligurian Sea. Milan bulks up his forces.
Cost |
Florence | Maintains all, builds G Florence, A Pisa | 15 |
France | Maintains all, builds A Avignon | 15 |
Milan | Maintains all, builds A Cremona, A Pavia, A Milan | 21 |
Naples | Maintains all, no new builds | 9 |
Papacy | Maintains all, builds A Ancona, A Bologna | 18 |
Turks | Maintains all, builds G Durazzo | 12 |
Venice | Maintains A Ferrara, F Upper Adriatic, F Ragusa, F Albania, no new builds | 12 |
Milan spends 3 ducats for Famine Relief in Savoy.
The Pope borrows 5 ducats for 1 year (6 ducats due Spring 1457) and pays off his existing loan.
The Turks borrow 10 ducats for 2 years (15 ducats due Spring 1458) and pays 12 ducats to disband Venetian F Albania
Venice spends 11 ducats to repay the loan from the moneylenders
Outstanding Loans
Fall 1456: 21 ducats due from the Turks (14 ducats borrowed)
Spring 1457: 6 ducats due from the Papacy (5 borrowed)
Summer 1457: 15 ducats due from Naples (10 ducats borrowed)
Fall 1457: 26 ducats due from Florence (17 ducats borrowed)
Spring 1458: 15 ducats due from the Turks (10 ducats borrowed)
Florence | A Sienna to Arezzo, A Florence supports A Sienna to Arezzo, A Pisa to Lucca, F Lucca to Ligurian Sea, G Florence supports A Florence |
France | A Turin supports Papal A Genoa to Montferrat (nso), A Provence supports A Turin, A Avignon supports A Provence, A Sardinia holds, F Corsica to Ligurian Sea |
Milan | A Cremona to Parma, A Milan to Trent, A Pavia to Turin, A Savoy besieges, A Saluzzo besieges, A Bergamo to Trent, A Mantua supports A Cremona to Parma |
Naples | F Ionian Sea supports Venetian F Albania to Durazzo (nsu), F Western Mediterranean to Central Mediterranean, F Rome to Patrimony |
Papacy | A Genoa supports A Modena, A Modena supports A Bologna, A Bologna supports A Modena, A Ancona to Aquila, F Urbino supports A Bologna, G Ancona holds (u) |
Turks | A Dalmatia to Herzegovina, F Durazzo to Albania, F Tunis holds, G Durazzo converts to F |
Venice | A Ferrara to Istria, F Upper Adriatic transports A Ferrara to Istria, F Ragusa to Lower Adriatic, F Albania to Durazzo (nsu) |
Milan to France: That wasn't very neighborly of you to support that Papal army into my territory. Can't we all just get along? Besides you will find me an excellent ally to have--my armies could work well with your fleets.
Milan to Papal Army Genoa: Are you lost? The prodigal son needs to march south. I understand there is an issue with Naples taking the Holy Father's house.
Milan to Venice: We have no wish to distract you from your fight with the heathen Turks. We support your attempts to keep Europe Christian.
Milan to Florence: Well played. We look forward to working with Florence to keep Italy for all Italians, not just those with the backward collars....
Naples to Venice: I hope you followed my lead last time and moved to Durazzo this time. I can’t stand here supporting you forever while you pansy about in Albania!
Naples to Mr. Pope: Maybe he went north. I’ll go look and see.
Naples to Florence: That should help you extricate yourself from a papa’s embrace.
Naples to France: Bonjour! Nous sommes amis, oui oui?
Naples to Milan: No offence, but I will talk to you when we have something to talk about.
Naples to Turk: Out out, damned red spot.
Naples to GM: I feel blue.
Papacy to Naples: We only popped out for a pint of milk. When you head home can you make sure you've tidied up?
Pope to Florence: Ouch! Well done back.
Venice to Naples: Obviously the Pope was not home. He left his front door open.
Venice to Turkey: I have paid my debts. Can you say the same??
Spring 1456 Famine
Poor Year – Column Only: Friuli, Sienna, Albania (Turkish F destroyed), Modena (Papal A destroyed), Parma (Milan A destroyed), Urbino (Papal F destroyed), Pistoia
Rescue Dog, Issue 214 | ||
Rescue Dog, Issue 216 |