
Spring 1261

Miller Number 2012Apw23

Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Standard Victory

Deadline/Summer 1261 3/8 Tuesday

Milan makes big gains against Aragon while the Pope advances against Florence. Venice is hit hard by plague.


Milan spends 21 ducats to buy Aragon F Gulf of Lions

The Papacy spends 3 ducats for Famine Relief in Sienna.

Outstanding Debt

Fall 1262: 27 ducats due from Florence (18 borrowed)


Aragon (McHugh) A Naples holds, A Messina to Otranto, F Gulf of Lions supports F Sardinia (nsu), F Sardinia supports F Gulf of Lions (nsu, Destroyed), F Tyrrhenian Sea supports F Sardinia (cut), F Durazzo to Lower Adriatic, F Albania supports F Durazzo to Lower Adriatic, F Ragusa supports F Durazzo to Lower Adriatic
Florence (Partridge) A Pisa to Piombino, A Lucca to Pisa, A Pistoia supports A Lucca to Pisa, A Arezzo holds (Dislodged, retreat Florence, OTB), G Arezzo supports A Arezzo
Milan (Schoenfeldt) A Marseilles convert to G, A Savoy convert to G, A Modena supports Venice A Bologna, F Genoa to Ligurian Sea, F Avignon to Gulf of Lions, F Gulf of Lions to Western Mediterranean, F Ligurian Sea to Tyrrhenian Sea, F (EM) Corsica to Sardinia
Papacy (Giovine) A Sienna supports A Perugia to Arezzo, A (EM) Perugia to Arezzo, A Rome holds
Venice (Robles)

A Padua to Ferrara, A Treviso to Istria, A Bologna holds, A Dalmatia to Herzegovina, A Bari supports F Ancona to Aquila, F Ancona to Aquila, F Urbino supports A Bologna, F Upper Adriatic transports A Treviso to Istria, F Venice transports A Treviso to Istria


The Florentine army in Arezzo must retreat either into a province with Famine or off the board. In either case, the result is the same and the army is eliminated.

Spring 1261 Famine Losses

Florence A Florence

Summer 1261 Plague

Bad Year – Row and Column: Bergamo, Ancona, Parma, Mantua, Istria (Venice A eliminated), Croatia, Bologna (Venice A eliminated), Avignon, Venice (Venice F eliminated)

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