
Fall 1256

Miller Number 2012Apw23

Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Standard Victory

Deadline/Winter 1257 1/7 Tuesday

Aragon and Genoa fail to repay their debt and are assassinated! Milan and the Pope take advantage, while Venice takes continues to move against the Pope. Pisa helps the Pope out.

Summer 1256 Retreats

Genoa retreats A Genoa to garrison.

The Papacy retreats A Perugia to Patrimony and F Durazzo to garrison.


Aragon is unable to pay back his loan to the Moneylenders and is assassinated! All Aragon units hold this turn. Rebellions in Spoleto and Aquila. Aragon is forever barred from taking out new loans from the Moneylenders.

Genoa is unable to pay back his loan to the Moneylenders and is assassinated! All Genoan units hold this turn. Rebellions in Parma and Lucca. Genoa is forever barred from taking out new loans from the Moneylenders.

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1256: 27 ducats due from Aragon (18 borrowed), 22 ducats from Genoa (18 borrowed)

Spring 1257: 15 ducats due from the Pope (10 borrowed), 6 ducats due from Milan (5 borrowed)


Aragon (McHugh) A Perugia holds (Dislodged, retreat Rome, garrison, OTB), A Spoleto holds (Destroyed), F Corsica holds, F Sardinia holds, F Gulf of Naples holds, F Ionian Sea holds
Florence (Partridge)

A Bologna to Lucca (rebellion liberated), A Florence to Urbino, A Arezzo supports Papal A Patrimony to Perugia, A Sienna supports Papal A Patrimony to Perugia

Genoa (Wilson) A Cremona holds, A Fornova holds, F Ligurian Sea holds, F Tyrrhenian Sea holds, G Genoa holds (surrenders)
Milan (Schoenfeldt)

A Marseilles to Avignon, A Savoy to Provence, A (EM) Genoa besieges (garrison surrenders), A Pavia to Parma, A Milan supports A Pavia to Parma (rebellion liberated)

Papacy (Roalstad) A Patrimony to Perugia, A Rome to Spoleto (rebellion liberated), A Capua supports A Rome to Spoleto, F Bari to Aquila (rebellion liberated), F Otranto to Messina, G Durazzo holds
Venice (Robles) A Verona holds, A Ferrara holds, A Bosnia holds, A Durazzo besiege, F Upper Adriatic to Ancona, F Lower Adriatic supports F Upper Adriatic, F Ragusa supports F Lower Adriatic

Spring 1256 Famine

Poor Year – Column Only: Cremona, Pistoia, Fornova, Turin, Bosnia, Avignon

Spring 1255 Income

Provinces and cities that are underlined do no produce income while those that are in italics could change hands depending on retreats.


Aragon Corsica, Sardinia, Tunis, Palermo 4
Florence Lucca, Bologna, Pisa, Florence, Urbino, Arezzo, Sienna, Piombino 8
Genoa Cremona, Fornova, Modena, Naples 2
Milan Avignon, Provence, Swiss, Tyrolea, Milan, Trent, Como, Turin, Saluzzo, Savoy, Genoa, Montferrat, Pavia, Parma 12
Papacy Patrimony, Perugia, Rome, Spoleto, Capua, Aquila, Bari, Salerno, Messina 7
Venice Mantua, Ferrara, Padua, Verona, Treviso, Friuli, Carinthia, Slavonia, Carniola, Croatia, Dalmatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Ragusa, Albania, Durazzo, Ancona 16


Aragon Gulf of Naples, Ionian Sea 2
Genoa Tyrrhenian Sea, Ligurian Sea 2
Venice Lower Adriatic, Venice 2


Aragon Corsica, Sardinia, Tunis (2), Palermo 5
Florence Lucca, Bologna, Pisa, Florence (3), Arezzo, Sienna, Piombino 9
Genoa Cremona, Modena, Naples (2) 3
Milan Avignon, Swiss, Tyrolea, Milan (3), Trent, Turin, Saluzzo, Savoy, Genoa (3), Montferrat, Pavia 13
Papacy Perugia, Rome (2), Bari, Messina, Durazzo 5
Venice Mantua, Ferrara, Padua, Treviso, Carniola, Croatia, Dalmatia, Ragusa, Albania, Ancona, Venice (3) 13


Variable income die roll was 5.







Aragon 4 4 2 5 13
Florence 4 8 0 9 21
Genoa 3 2 2 3 10
Milan 4 12 0 13 29
Papacy 5 7 0 5 17
Venice 4 16 2 13 35

Game Summary






Aragon 3 5 5 4 4*
Florence 3 5 5 5 7
Genoa 3 5 7 6 3
Milan 3 6 8 9 11
Papacy 3 5 7 5 4*
Venice 3 5 8 10 11

* Depends on retreat

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