The Players
Player |
Order |
Faction |
Credits |
Ore |
Knowledge |
Q.I.C. |
Power: Gaia
Area |
Power: Area 1 | Power: Area II | Power: Area III |
Bill Scharf |
Lantids |
2 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
Kevin Wilson |
Itars |
7 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
2 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Chris Geggus |
Xenos |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
Martin Burgdorf |
Hadsch Hallas |
17 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
5 |
Turn 6
Action Phase
The Hadsch Hallas spend 4 power to gain 7 credits.
The Itars spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 4 in Terraforming, gaining 2 ore.
The Xenos spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 1 in Economy.
The Lantids use the +3 navigation range on their bonus tile to spend 1 ore, 2 credits, and 1 Q.I.C. to place a mine at G7.
The Hadsch Hallas spend 4 power to gain 2 ore.
The Itars spend 2 credits and 1 ore to place a mine on D10, reclaiming the Gaiaformer.
The Xenos spend 2 credits and 1 ore to place a mine on S4, reclaiming the Gaiaformer.
The Lantids spend 3 credits and 2 ore to upgrade the mine at L13 to a trading post. The Xenos charge 1 power.
The Hadsch Hallas spend 6 credits and 6 ore to upgrade the research lab in J12 to an academy, gaining 5VP, taking the advanced tech tile in the Navigation column, and advancing to level 2 in Economy. Their federation token is flipped to the gray side. The Itars spend 5VP to charge 6 power.
The Itars discard 2 power for satellites in C12 and D11, forming a federation and taking the federation token that grants 12VP.
The Xenos spend 3 ore and 5 credits to upgrade the trading station in G11 to a research lab, taking the tech tile that provides 1 ore and 1 Q.I.C. and advancing to level 2 in Artificial Intelligence, gaining 1 Q.I.C. The Itars charge 1 power and the Hadsch Hallas spend 3VP to charge 4 power.
The Lantids spend 3 ore and 5 credits to upgrade the trading station at N12 to a research lab, taking the tech tile that provides 1 ore and 1 Q.I.C. and advancing to level 2 in terraforming, gaining 2 ore. The Xenos charge 1 power.
The Hadsch Hallas use the action on the advanced tech tile to gain 5 credits and 1 Q.I.C.
The Itars spend 4 ore and 6 credits to upgrade the trading station in E10 to a planetary institute, gaining 5VP.
The Xenos spend 3 Q.I.C. to rescore their federation token, gaining 12VP.
The Lantids spend 1 ore and 2 credits to build a mine in M11, gaining 2 knowledge. The Xenos spend 2VP to charge 3 power.
The Hadsch Hallas discard 3 power for satellites in H12, I12, and I13 to form a federation, taking the token that provides 7VP and 6 credits.
The Itars convert 1 Q.I.C. to ore and spend 3 power for 1 ore, then spend 2 ore to terraform B11 2 steps and 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine there.
The Xenos discard 2 power to charge 2 power, then spend 2 power for 2 coins, then spend 1 ore and 2 coins to place a mine on T6.
The Lantids spend 3 power to gain 2 power.
The Hadsch Hallas use a tech tile action to charge 4 power.
The Itars move 2 power to the Gaia area from Area II to charge 2 power from Area II to Area III, then spends 7 power to gain 3 knowledge.
The Xenos pass, gaining 6VP.
The Lantids spend 2 ore and 3 credits to upgrade the mine in N8 to a trading station.
The Hadsch Hallas use their action to gain 1 Q.I.C.
The Itars pass, gaining 5VP.
The Lantids spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 2 in Terraforming.
The Hadsch Hallas spend 2 Q.I.C. to gain 3VP plus 1VP per planet type colonized for a total of 8VP.
The Lantids convert 1 Q.I.C. to 1 ore, spend 2 ore to terraform O10 1 level, then spend 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine there.
The Hadsch Hallas spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 3 in Economy, charging 3 power.
The Lantids pass.The Hadsch Hallas spend 5 power for 2 terraforming steps on O6, spend 3 credits for 1 ore, then spend 1 ore and 2 credits for a mine on O6.
The Hadsch Hallas pass, gaining 8VP.
Victory Points
Lantids |
Itars | Xenos |
Hadsch Hallas |
Points |
27 |
43 |
48 |
79 |
Technology |
12 |
12 |
0 |
12 |
Colony Types |
9 |
9 |
0 |
18 |
Gaia Planets |
15 |
6 |
15 |
0 |
Resources |
1 |
3 |
0 |
4 |
Total |
64 |
73 |
63 |
113 |
Congratulations to Martin on his victory!
End of Game Statements
Chris Geggus (Xenos): Really, really did not enjoy that. Obviously my first time and I expected it to be Terra Mystica in space. However I found the whole process difficult to grasp and the mechanics lost me as well. I spent most of the game annoying poor Chris about legal moves, rules queries, even my inability to understand or recognise the icons. Apologies if that distracted from the good play of my fellows, but I was woefully out of my depth. It's funny how some games can be like that considering how many we have played over the years. Well done Martin - an absolute lesson and thanks to Chris for his patience and expert GM'ing. I don't think my name will be going down for the next one. However, at least I've played it.
Bill Scharf (Lantids): I have to admit my purpose in playing this game was figuring out the Lantids. Never been them, never played in the game with them, haven’t seen them in a game, even on the web. Terra seems to be just too good to pass up....
Anyway, the real advantage of this faction isn’t their knowledge gain with mine placement, which very limited....once you place a mine it’s a mine forever (but there are advantages in getting the ore). You can’t upgrade them, and you’ll eventually run out of them. No, their real advantage is they can’t be blocked off from portions of the board by others building in their way. You can make them “share space” as you build through their empire.
This revelation came a bit late as I’d already invested into navigation, and I didn’t need to to the degree I did, but it was a learning game ...ie one that I didn’t expect to do well in. Red seemed really interested in that column so I decided to see if I could get to the top of navigation before him...letting the rest of your game go to hell you can accomplish some amazing things, lol.
Anyway I have a bundle of ideas on how to make this faction play even better next time around, and eventually I’ll have a chance to do so. Congrats to Martin for the win and thanks to Chris for running it, not a lot of gm’s have the courage to run a game this complicated by mail. I have to psych myself up just to play it!
Martin Burgdorf (Hadsch Hallas): I want to thank you all for an exciting game and especially Chris for organising it. In my opinion Gaia Project is even a bit better than Terry Mystica, because its research tracks offer more strategic possibilities than the four cult tracks of TM. But I agree with Kevin that the symbols on the research tracks are not easy to guess or to remember. He also identified correctly the key element in my winning strategy: the federation re-score really brought me a lot of VPs. If more players had tried to do this trick, I would have probably concentrated on colonizing more Gaia planets instead.
It was the first time I played this game, and I hope that next time I shall enjoy it even more, because I shall need less time to check the rules.
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